On the giant mountain, huge pressure pours, and it is also accompanied by strong gravity, which is probably more than twenty times that of the earth.

Under such harsh conditions, even walking was a problem, let alone taking off.

As you can imagine, this is the ultimate test for most warriors.

However, those who came here were all geniuses in the eyes of outsiders. Naturally, they couldn’t just give up. They gritted their teeth and walked up one by one.

There was a huge group of people, probably more than four thousand.

Although it is such a difficult environment, it is only for most warriors, and for those warriors at the top, it is not so difficult.

“Dao Qingtian, Lin Xi, Jian Wuchen and Mu Changchuan rushed out at the beginning, feeling that the pressure and gravity were of no use to them.”

“Sure enough, it was them who took the lead again.”

“Alas, we can’t compare, and we don’t dare to compare. We don’t understand the world of monsters.”

They have become accustomed to the days when the four monsters are weighing on their heads. They will never be able to match this kind of person in their entire lives.

“It seems that I haven’t seen anyone from Wuyu. They can’t be that bad, right?”

“Maybe conserving strength”

“The idea is good, but it’s a pity that the strongest Zhan Fei is not even slightly different from the four monsters. There is no comparison at all.”

“Have you noticed that there is an extra young man in Wuyu this time?”

“You also mentioned that he was a young man, so he probably made up the number of people on the fly. This is not always the case in Wuyu, it is normal.”

No one is optimistic about Wuyu

“Junior Feng Yun, you, what are you doing?”

Here, Bai Yunxi and the others are at the upper reaches of the team. There are about a thousand people in the front and about three thousand people in the back.

At this moment, Bai Yunxi and the others are looking at Feng Yun on one side with strange eyes. The other party is constantly standing among the warriors. Weaving in and out, approaching this one for a while, and next to that for a while.

It all looks like playing!

However, Feng Yun is not playing, he is just selecting the target and projecting it.

In the end, he Probably more than 900 good projections were harvested, which can be called a projection feast.

Then, Feng Yun looked at two of the four figures in the front,”They are the only ones left.”

Thinking of this, he looked at Bai Yunxi and the others beside him and said,”You guys work hard, I’m going to speed up.”

“Um! Go ahead.”

Bai Yunxi and the others secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Junior Feng Yun finally had enough fun.

If Feng Yun knew this, he could only shake his head helplessly, God has had enough fun.


The soles of his feet exerted force, Feng Yun was like a phantom, rushing out and surpassing hundreds of people in an instant.

What was horrifying was that it was a long time after he ran out that there was a sound.

“What speed is this! ?”

The warriors who were surpassed all looked horrified.

You know, this is not on the earth, but under such heavy pressure, and under a gravity equivalent to twenty times the earth.

It’s so fast, what if it’s normal? In the earth’s environment, isn’t it so fast that it’s unimaginable!

Ten minutes later, Feng Yun came to the front, and the only ones in front of him were the four monsters.

“Who is this guy! ?”

“It’s that boy from Wuyu, this year’s newcomer!”

“Are all newcomers to the monster series?”

The warriors in front were all stunned. Feng Yun was like a gust of wind, so fast that they couldn’t catch the figure, and it passed by in a flash.

……………… at this time.

On the golden ship.

Xia Gandao stood on the deck, his eyes fell on Feng Yun, and he thought to himself: Is he finally going to exert his strength?

Although he didn’t think Feng Yun could rival the four monsters now, it was still easy to surpass the warriors present.

Feng Yun’s performance naturally attracted the attention of other people on the warship.

“oh? Is this little guy from the martial arts domain? Territory Lord Xia, it seems you have a trump card hidden this year.”

This is the voice of Qian Xinfeng who is in charge.

“Just a fluke.”Xia Gandao pretended to be a secret agent.

The controllers of the four major forces next to him frowned slightly, but then relaxed. This little guy is indeed talented, but he is too young and does not pose a threat at all. Alright panic


This way.

The four of them, Jian Wuchen, Dao Qingtian, Lin Xi and Mu Changchuan, walked on the mountain as if they were walking on flat ground, one hundred meters at a time, far ahead of the other warriors. They were not on the same level at all.

“Year after year, it seems that this year it will be the four of us competing again.”Jian Wuchen said lightly.

“Isn’t this normal? Although Qingxuan Base is large, it can be said that there is no one that can keep pace with us.”

Dao Qingtian looked extremely conceited.

Mu Changchuan next to him smiled softly and said nothing.

Lin Xi suddenly said:”I know someone who is no worse than us, but he is only fifteen years old this year. It may take time. growing up”

“Let’s wait until he grows up.”

Jian Wuchen didn’t care. He looked up and said,”We’re almost at the top. Let’s compete to see who can reach the top first.”


“Just what I want”

“let’s start.”

Swish swish swish…………

The four of them accelerated in an instant. In the blink of an eye, they increased several times, and their speed was unimaginable.

They were like lightning, with a roar, and their powerful explosive force crushed the mountain.

“How far have these four monsters become perverted?”

Thousands of meters away from the rear, the warriors saw this scene. Apart from being dumbfounded, they could no longer express their feelings in words. The four monsters rode away, and the distance between the warriors behind them was getting wider and wider. So far.

So much so that later on, the warriors were still struggling below the mountainside, while the four monsters were almost reaching the top of the mountain.

The gap was too huge!

Soon, they were only a few thousand meters away from the end.

“I’m speeding up. Goodbye everyone.”At this time, Jian Wuchen’s speed more than doubled again, leaving the three of them behind.

But the next moment, the three of them caught up again.

“The first place belongs to me.”

Dao Qingtian said indifferently

“This may not be the case.”Mu Changchuan chased after him.

“My strength is more than that.”Lin Xi’s black hair was flying, and her squinted eyes were now open, and she followed.

The four of them were running together, with the same speed, and no one could do anything to the other.

Just when everyone thought it was going to end in a draw, Suddenly a voice came down from the top of the mountain

“Hey, haven’t you arrived yet? The flowers I’ve been waiting for here are all going to wither.”

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