Feng Yun looked at the man in blue robe who came in front of him, and with just one move, he destroyed the golden pattern formation just now.

Compared with the pretentiousness of the man in purple before, it is obvious that this man wants to be one step ahead.

However, since people come to this place, they have to leave something behind.

The fading of the flames did not make life easier for the four people of the Desolate Tribe, and their robes stained by the flames were instantly swallowed up.

Such a strange fire that defies any suppression by strength can naturally play a greater role in Feng Yun’s hands.

“Elder! Elder!”

At this time, there was no way to hide the identity of the person in front of him, and he wanted to beg the elders to save his life.

A trace of disgust flashed in the blue-robed man’s eyes. Although the golden pattern formation just now was not unique to the Desolate tribe, he knew what it was. A formation that only the family knows.

Could it be that the weak-looking little girl just now is a member of the Qiu family?

No, no, the Qiu family has long since disappeared from Ziyun Continent and has become a further source of nourishment for the Desolate Clan. People should feel honored.

She was convinced by the thought in her heart. Maybe this person only knew a little about the golden pattern formation. If she knew the full scope of this formation, he would not be defeated so easily by her. As everyone knows

, when Qiu Shui was preparing, Feng Yun mentioned the possibility in front of her. Since the person who came this time had an unusual identity, it was very likely that the formation practiced by Qiu Shui would be connected with the past..

Today I will leave a seed in this person’s heart, a seed of doubt.

In the end, this person took action and wiped out the flames on the four people.

When he realized that the flames were just clones, a look on his face His expression changed.

This Feng Yun is really an extremely cautious person. He knew that the Desolate tribe might use means to collect the strange fire. When the advantage becomes a leverage, it would naturally be bad.

The stupid boy before thought that he could Taking advantage of Feng Yun is really ridiculous

“Now that you know that we will meet today, you should also know that there is nothing you can do to prevent the people of the Desolate Clan from going to the ancient tomb. Even if you try your best to get rid of us, the final result will still be the same.”

Feng Yun didn’t take such words to heart.

“Since you are so sure, why should you follow us, unless you once had a chance to get the token, but found that you couldn’t use it, so you took advantage of the Xue family’s power in Tianshui City to start looking for people everywhere..”

If someone can resonate with the token, they will try to take it to a place where the ancient tomb may appear, but still no results, so they will simply separate the token.

If an outsider really appears, sooner or later the city lord will be found. They went to the government.

So when Feng Yun appeared, the eyes of these people were actually fixed on them.

But they didn’t expect that so many people would be damaged in this man’s hands.

“People who are too smart often do not end well. A person as talented as you still has three people who are holding him back. Besides, everything before was just a misunderstanding. If you can go to the Desolate Clan and become the Desolate Clan, For people, I don’t think these will be a problem.”

A battle actually changed its form. Seeing Brother Yun’s strength, the people of the Huang tribe actually had such thoughts.

“Where does a race that has long since disappeared from Ziyun Continent get its confidence?”

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