In front of them, there were actually black figures, one after another, rushing forward desperately, the speed was astonishingly fast, like a violent storm, and it was impossible to see the figures of these people clearly.

Feng Yun’s face darkened slightly.

It turned out to be people from these desolate tribes. No wonder it was like that just now. I sensed something was wrong.

However, there seemed to be a terrifying presence ahead, and Feng Yun was on guard.

In this case, it is better to wait silently for the situation ahead.

In such a situation, if we move forward in a hurry, I’m afraid the consequences will be disastrous.

When everyone saw this scene, they already admired Feng Yun a little.

Under such circumstances, it is naturally the most correct thing for Feng Yun and others to wait here.

And the group of men in black rushed forward, and black lights appeared in the surrounding space.

The leading man in black was shocked

“There seems to be an ambush!”

A man in black next to him roared angrily.

“It’s the black elves. I didn’t expect them to set a trap here. They are really despicable!”The person who said this was the leading man in black, furious.

“asshole! How could this be, what about that group of people? Didn’t they collide?”

There was light all around, shining for a moment.

Along with it, a terrifying formation was formed.

It was obviously a shrewd family man who was ambushing him.

It seemed that he was waiting for outsiders like them.

Feng Yun sneered,”You want us to go up. , don’t you look at who you are? Do you really think you have a clever plan?”

Feng Yun said this, and Qiu Shui next to him was amazed.

“Brother Yun, you are really extraordinary”

“If I had rushed up just now, I’m afraid it would be these men in black waiting here.”

Everyone else was also secretly horrified.

Just like Qiu Shui said, Feng Yun did not stop everyone. Everyone moved forward impulsively, fearing that they would be prey.

Feng Yun smiled lightly and quietly watched something happen in front of him.

Now, a good scene The play is about to be released.

In this way, people can’t help but be excited.

After all, this kind of good show cannot be watched anytime, anywhere.

Feng Yun smiled calmly,”That’s all, I will continue to watch. What’s next? A good show is coming”


Suddenly, the strong wind shook.

At this moment, a dense mass of black elves were trembling directly around the void.

Waves of power broke through the clouds, seemingly shocking everyone.

The black elves looked as if they were about to completely exterminate the desolate tribe here.

The leader was a huge black elf.

It doesn’t look like a black elf, and his voice is a bit scary

“Humble humans, surrender and become slaves, you may be able to gain a chance of survival!”

The words came from the black elf.

Listening to these words, the leading man in black sneered.

“What qualifications does a humble race have to say this? Talking nonsense here is really a reckless thing! Today I will drive you into the abyss!”

As soon as the man in black finished speaking, the people next to him instantly dispersed and formed a strange formation.

In an instant, a terrifying aura erupted.

In an instant, it shook the sky.

The black elf looked at this scene with eyes. a little surprised

“Now that you’ve entered here, it’s time to start.”

The black elf had just finished speaking.

Many of the black elf men around him instantly assembled their formations.

The two formations collided crazily. It looked like it was about to break out. The people in Feng Yun looked at it in the distance, showing sneers again and again. In such a situation, seeing It’s amazing and delights them.

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