Artoris held up the rune altar with both hands and continued:

“The way to enter the inheritance place of our clan is to use a secret method to condense this rune altar, and then mark it with your own spiritual power. The power of the inheritance place will pull the participants into the inheritance place and start the inheritance place. of trials.”

Artoris’s beautiful eyes flashed and she looked at Feng Yun:

“Great God’s Chosen One, what you see should be the manifestation of the inheritance land in reality. The strength of the God’s Chosen One is really extraordinary.”

Feng Yun smiled slightly and was very pleased with Artolis’s praise.

That’s right. After all, when the lava lord created Artolis, he wanted to directly seduce Feng Yun. Artolis’s appearance and figure are naturally The best choice, being praised by such a beautiful woman, even Feng Yun couldn’t help but feel a little carried away.

Following Artoris’ instructions, Feng Yun and others stepped forward and left a spiritual mark on the rune altar, and then Immediately they felt a mysterious attraction pulling them, trying to suck them into a hidden space.

After Artoris’s introduction in advance, Feng Yun and others naturally knew that this was the way to enter the inheritance place. , they all relaxed their resistance at the moment and allowed the suction force to act.

Soon, four white lights flashed across the place, and Feng Yun and the other four had disappeared.

They had entered the inheritance place of the Fire Destined Clan.

Al Toris stood on the spot, a slightly frivolous smile appeared on her beautiful face. At this moment, the elite warriors of the lava giant family in the center of this small world had already evacuated. There was no need to worry about Al’s death due to Feng Yun’s disappearance. Torris was directly exposed.

In fact, even if she was exposed, it would not be a big problem for Artolis, the incarnation of the lava master. Anyway, Feng Yun and others have been sent away by her now. That”Place of Inheritance”.

Without fear of Feng Yun and others knowing her true identity, the worst case scenario is to show her identity directly and use the identity of the Lava Lord to drive out the elite warriors of the lava giant clan who accidentally entered this place.

Al. Toris looked around, looking at the scene of destruction caused by her own body, with a strange smile on her lips.

“I knew this bunch of Zihuo Familia were dishonest, but they actually secretly created this Lao Shizi inheritance place without telling me. Could it be that they were thinking of turning the world upside down?! It would be better to take this opportunity to destroy it, so as not to cause any trouble to our clan in the future.”

Artoria leisurely turned her gaze to the sky. In her eyes, Feng Yun could only vaguely see the outline of the altar with the help of the power of the sky eye. At this moment, it was clearly confirmed in Arturis’s eyes. , Artoris smiled slightly and murmured:

“Gee, these little guys are really taking advantage of me this time. In order to make this half-assed place of inheritance fit in with the expressive power of the so-called Fire Familiar clan ruling a world, I personally added some ingredients.”

“Even the rebellious Akash, I have included it to cleanse the memory and preserve its ability. It depends on you how much you can get this time. I’m really looking forward to it.”

“I hope nothing goes wrong this time.”

In the altar hall, the lava master sighed quietly. He had already felt the power of the world that would affect his mind.

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