There was too little information, and Feng Yun couldn’t guess anything, but one thing was certain:

“When things have come to this point, the person behind the scenes has put so much thought into setting up this situation. He will definitely be there to check the final step. Perhaps when he gets to the altar hall, he can guess the real person behind the scenes.”

But immediately afterwards, Feng Yun immediately thought of another possibility:

“In this way, according to Artoris, this Sky Talisman was the thing that caused the extinction of the lava giant clan. Could it be that someone among the top leaders of the lava giant clan betrayed their own race?”

Feng Yun sighed a little and shook his head in his heart. No one can tell the truth at present. Maybe the effect of the Sky Talisman is not what Artoris said at all, but is beneficial to the lava giant clan, and Who knows?

But on the surface, Feng Yun made a solemn appearance and took the Talisman of Heaven from Artoris.

Again, the people behind the scenes have grasped the lives of Feng Yun and his party. Feng Yun actually had no other choice at the moment, but he didn’t know that his guess was already very close to the truth.

“Goddess Artoris, I, Feng Yun, have always kept my promises. Now that the Goddess trusts me and has entrusted me with the blood feud of my family, I shall do my best to fulfill the Goddess’s instructions!”

When Artolis heard this, a happy smile appeared on her face, as if she had put down some heavy burden.

On Artolis’s forehead, the red crystal began to bloom, and slowly and silently moved to the side without knowing when. The autumn water, clouds and tassels of Chu Chenxing all enveloped the three of them, and Feng Yun also released the void talent in cooperation, bringing everyone into the void.

Everything was as it came, Feng Yun and Artolis cooperated tacitly, and no one was alarmed. The elite warriors of the lava giant clan slowly withdrew from the small world of the Fire Familiar clan.

“Brother Yun, is there really no other way?”

Halfway through the journey, Yun Ying looked at Feng Yun tremblingly and asked.

Feng Yun knew that there was something wrong with Artolis, but Yun Ying, Qiu Shui, Chu Chenxing and the others didn’t know that this matter was of great importance, and if they were not careful, they would be doomed. situation, so Feng Yun did not inform the three of Artoris’s problematic situation.

In the eyes of Yun Ying, Qiu Shui, Chu Chenxing and the three of them, Artoris was undoubtedly a pitiful woman whose clan had been wiped out, and this pitiful person Next, they will sacrifice themselves to fulfill their wish to leave this lava world.

Chu Chenxing’s performance is not bad, but Qiu Shui Yunying’s children clearly have the upper hand emotionally, and they look like they are about to cry at this moment.

Feng Yun looked at it Xiang Yunying Qiushui’s son and daughter felt a headache, and immediately kicked the ball to Artolis herself:

“This is the last choice of the Goddess Artoris. In fact, we have no other choice but to respect the choice of the Goddess.”

Artoris was listening. Feng Yun couldn’t tell what she was thinking in her heart, but Artoris was obviously very good at controlling people’s hearts. At this time, she spoke softly at the right time:

“This is my fate and my destination. I only ask that you can help me with my last request. Put the things left behind by my clan’s ancestral teachings at the other end of the cross-border transmission channel, so as to achieve the purpose of calculating the altar of the Lava clan. , with the purpose of exterminating their race.”

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