At Xingyao Base, Hong Qianbo and the senior management took a long time to finally accept the fact that Feng Yun had reached the Grand Master level, and when they realized it, they were filled with excitement.

Can you not be excited! Xingyao Base will be promoted from a third-level base to a second-level base. This is simply a huge surprise.

Their original intention was to cultivate a grandmaster for their own base. They never thought of promoting the base to the second level because it was too difficult.

But now, Feng Yun has done all this easily.

It makes them feel as if they have won a big prize without doing anything.

“Everyone, please come in and let’s discuss the follow-up work.…………”

Hong Qianqiu and the senior officials immediately invited the dozen masters to enter the central building and began planning on how to build the Xingyao Base.


This way.

In a certain training room in the Martial Arts Hall, Feng Yun was sitting cross-legged inside. The golden and silver radiance around him was already so rich that it became real.


At a certain moment, he felt that every cell in his body exploded in an instant. Then, under the catalysis of the power of the sun and the power of the moon, he began to condense brand new cells, eliminate backward genes, and move towards a more perfect level. Evolving.

To use a rather fantasy term, it is – mortal evolution!


I don’t know how long it took.

When Feng Yun’s physical fitness reached a limit, there was a roar, and the power of the sun and the power of the moon disappeared. His original body shape was revealed.

All his skin, including his hair and eyes, showed a kind of golden color, not a light one, but a bright and deep golden color.

Looking from a distance, Like a golden god, sacred and transcendent, infinite and vast.

If there are strong body refiners here, they will definitely exclaim that this is the ‘golden body’ that only those with extraordinary physical talent can possess. It is born with a higher level of physical talent. The spirit crystal is more than ten times more powerful.

Once activated, it is like a humanoid tyrannosaurus, pushing everything horizontally, breaking mountains and rocks, and is unstoppable.

After a moment, the golden color slowly receded, and Feng Yun He returned to normal.

He opened his eyes gently, and did not try to take action. Instead, he felt it roughly and found that his strength had reached four million kilograms, two million kilograms more than before.

The upper limit of the extraordinary physical talent That’s four million kilograms. Otherwise, his strength will probably increase.

Starting from the fourth level, the Sun and Moon Eternal Diagram has developed in all aspects. Not only has his physical talent improved, but his strength has also begun to be greatly improved. No. Like before, just by the way

“Moreover, for the first time, the limits of the human body were also broken…………”

Feng Yun used his mental power to examine the body and found that the blood, bones, internal organs, etc., all exuded a kind of luster. This was because genes and cells had broken a limit and reacted to the tissues and organs, resulting in such differences. elephant.

According to the introduction on the Sun and Moon Eternal Chart, breaking the limits of the human body for the first time is such a sign.

And his ability is to heal wounds instantly. As long as it is not a broken arm or leg, he can recover in an instant.

If the human body reaches its limit for the second time, rebirth after a broken arm is out of the question.

The further the limit of the human body is broken, the higher the level of life will be.

At the end of the day, the rebirth of flesh and blood and the reconstruction of organs are just small cases.

Immortality is the true pursuit of Sun and Moon Immortality Picture

“The subsequent exercises can only be seen at the fifth level, and then they are blurred and disappear. It should require higher soul talent.”

Feng Yun looked at the image of the Sun and the Moon in his mind. At this time, he could only see the patterns and movements of the fifth level, and what followed was hazy and chaotic.

“I practiced for a month.”

Originally, he planned to continue practicing the fifth level, but when he saw the date displayed on the wall next to him, it was almost the end of the year, which meant that he had been practicing for about a month without knowing it.

“Forget it, let’s go back to Xingyao Base and practice again.”

Anyway, practicing the Sun and Moon Immortality Diagram is just about absorbing the power of the sun and the moon. It can be done anywhere on the earth.

Afterwards, Feng Yun left the practice room. He first went to the Xingyao Base and found that Zhu Ling and the others had already When they went back, they left a small note for Feng Yun

“It’s time for me to go too.”

He didn’t tell anyone. He took one step and teleported away.

At his current speed, it only took him half a day to return to Xingyao Base.

And when Feng Yun came back, he found that something had begun in the base. While the teleportation array was being set up, a famous formation mage was busy building a large teleportation array.

He could tell at a glance that it was the teleportation array leading to Qingxuan Base.

This meant that Xingyao Base was now in its second phase. Waiting for the base, at least on the surface.

“The action is quite fast, which is good.”

Feng Yun smiled softly. Originally, it would take more than ten years for a third-class base to be promoted to a second-class base.

But now, with the help of Qingxuan Base, it can be promoted to a second-class base in four to five years at most. It can be completed.

Then, when Feng Yun descended on the central square, the array masters and masters all saw him, and then immediately put down their work, walked over together, and saluted in the most respectful manner.

“Meet Grand Master Feng Yun.”

The Grand Master’s status in Qingxuan Base is revered, and he can be said to stand above hundreds of millions of warriors. When

Hong Qianbo and the senior officials of Xingyao Base saw this scene with their own eyes, they completely believed that the Feng Yun they knew really had reached this level. A great master, not a person with the same name

“Get up, no need to be polite.”

Feng Yun stopped their salutes with his mental power, and he said softly:”You continue, I have something else to do, so I will leave first.”

After he finished speaking, he waved to Hong Qianbo and Yan Chunqiu, and then left straight away, heading towards the villa. They watched Feng Yun leave.

Hong Qianbo and Yan Chunqiu looked emotional. On the surface, , Feng Yun has not changed much from before, but who would have thought that he is already a great master now?


This way.

When Feng Yun returned to the villa, the dean and several children were there, but Feng Xiaolan was nowhere to be seen.

When asked, the dean shook his head and said,”This child has been very mysterious recently. She always goes out early and comes back late. She won’t tell anything if I ask her.”

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