In the hall, as time passed, more and more warriors arrived.

At a rough glance, there are at least four to five hundred of them. The weakest among them are at the beginning of the Grand Master level, while the strongest are almost touching the threshold of the King level, only one step away.

In the outside world, these can rule a territory, but here, they are only mid-range combat capabilities.

It’s no wonder that the super base is superior to many bases. There is no one better. At this level, if a team of warriors is sent out, all other bases will be wiped out without any suspense.

At this time, two majestic auras suddenly came down. Everyone looked outside and saw two people stepping down from high in the sky and arriving in the hall in an instant.

King-level powerhouse!

Feng Yun sensed these two qi forces and his expression moved slightly. Then he turned his eyes slightly and looked at these two king-level powerhouses.

There were two people, one old and one middle-aged, at least that’s what it looked like on the surface. Their auras were very different, one was sharp and unparalleled, and the other was as blazing as fire.

“It’s the King of Sharpshooters and the King of Red Flames!”

“The two guests from the Warriors Guild, I didn’t expect them to lead the team this time.”

“Two kings are dispatched. It seems that the ruins are divided into large areas this time.”


The eyes of all the warriors were filled with reverence. The king-level existence was so high up in the sky that it was difficult to see it in ordinary times. It could only be seen in such large-scale events.

While everyone was discussing, Feng Yun had successfully projected the two kings.

【Projector]: Meng Gaoyi (King of Red Flame)

【Age]: 36 years old

【Realm]: Intermediate king level

【fall】:……Eighth level martial skill”Fire Golden Body”》……Eighth-level martial arts”Big Red Heaven-shaking Palm”》……Eighth-level martial arts”Heavenly Fire Step”》……The eighth-level fire-based skill”Nine Layers of Spiritual Flame Skill”》……Dawn level fire talent…The secret of fire (88%)……


【Projector]: Qiu Xuefeng (King of Sharpshooters)

【Age]: 99 years old

【Realm]: Intermediate king level

【fall】:……Eighth-level martial arts”Lance Meteor Technique”》……Eighth-level martial arts”Wind of the Sun·Gun Gun”》……Eighth-level martial arts”Fengxingshu”》……Eighth-level wind technique”Wind Roll Ten Thousand Spirits Picture”》……Mortal level wind talent… Dawn level gun talent… The secret of wind (60%)… Gun soul (eighth level)……

“Dawn level fire talent, not bad.”

Feng Yun looked at the panel and nodded with satisfaction.

Obviously, this Red Flame King should be a genius of the previous generation. He has Dawn-level fire talent, so he has reached the mid-level King level at the age of 35. Comparing this king of sharpshooters, you will find that the latter should be the kind of king who slowly develops with age, plus some opportunities and luck, and is similar to Li Enze. Both of them are mid-level kings, but One is in the sky, and the other is struggling to make progress.

However, although the King of Spears is not as good as the King of Scarlet Flames in terms of cultivation talent, in terms of combat power, he is still much better than the King of Scarlet Flames. After all, he also has a Dawn-level spear talent.

All I can say is , The Sharp Gun King is a talented fighter.

At this time, the Sharp Gun King and the Scarlet Flame King glanced at the audience and said:”This time, the two of us will lead everyone to open up wasteland at the large ruins. Please prepare, we will set off in ten minutes.”

At this moment, basically all the warriors have arrived.

All the warriors are in team mode. Among them, Lin Xi, Jian Wuchen, Dao Qingtian and Mu Changchuan are also here, but they are all in their respective teams. Inside.

Feng Yun was the only one in the audience, so he stood out.

Even the Sharpshooter King and the Scarlet Flame King noticed him.

The Scarlet Flame King clicked on the registration form, and hundreds of names and pictures suddenly popped up. He compared He immediately discovered Feng Yun’s information.

At first glance, he looked surprised,”Feng Yun? It turned out to be him.”

The sharpshooter king next to him also saw it and was equally surprised and said:”Is this the person with the Dawn level physical talent? He actually looks so slender and plain, completely different from the Sky Overlord. It’s hard to imagine that these two people have it. Dawn level physical talent.”

The Heavenly Overlord, the King of Body Refining, also has the Dawn-level physical talent. Although he is the first level of the King, he can activate the Purple Gold Body and possess high-level combat power, which should not be underestimated. It has to be said that although it is extremely difficult for a body refining warrior to break through, his cultivation It is also more difficult than ordinary warriors, but much stronger than the same level.

“But the fact is this. In the test competition, Feng Yun used his ‘Purple Gold Body’ and smashed the Storm King’s disciple with one punch.”

Compared with Tianbawang’s body, which is like a little giant, Feng Yun seems too ‘small’, and it is difficult for people to associate him with a person with a Dawn-level physical talent.

In fact, it can only be said that the two are on different paths. The same.

Fengyun’s body refining was only to break the limits of the human body and improve the level of life, and the strength was incidental. It was not just to increase the strength and combat power like Tianbawang.

Soon, ten minutes passed.

The King of Sharpshooters and the King of Scarlet Flames He led a group of warriors to the depths of the Warriors Guild, where the ruins were managed.

There, a huge light door was standing, exuding a crystal glory.

“Everyone, let’s go.”

The King of Sharpshooters and the King of Scarlet Flames took the lead, entering the light gate first and disappearing.

Then, a group of warriors also entered one after another, with Feng Yun walking at the end. When he passed through the light gate, the scene in front of him had changed drastically..

What was a modern city with high-rise buildings just now has now turned into a wild and ancient forest in the blink of an eye.

“Everyone, the wasteland reclamation mission has officially begun. We will gather here in one month. Remember, don’t forget the time, otherwise you will have to wait until the ruins are opened again in three months before you can come out.”

The King of Sharpshooters ordered.

Everyone nodded in agreement. Everyone was a veteran, so naturally they would not make such a stupid mistake.

Then, the King of Sharpshooters and the Scarlet Flame King soared into the sky and went to the depths of the ruins together.

They came here. , naturally it is to explore the ruins, not to enjoy the mountains and rivers.

After all, there are some things in the large ruins that even the king will be tempted by.

After the two kings left, the remaining warriors also formed their own teams and left, and soon , only Feng Yun was left.

During this period, there were actually teams asking him to join, but he rejected them all. To be honest, joining these teams would hinder him, which is meaningless.

And he has some trump cards. , and don’t want others to see it

“It is difficult for me to see things on the outside, so I go inside.”

Feng Yun didn’t want to waste time on the outside of the ruins, so he flew directly over and teleported towards the inside of the ruins.

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