A few minutes later, Feng Yun completed the fusion. He gently opened his eyes, and the various processes of Li Enze’s weapon refining kept flashing in his mind.

Now, it has been integrated.

Generally speaking, in order to become a king-level weapon refiner, in addition to the necessary talents, you also need a long period of accumulation.

Therefore, every king-level weapon refiner must be very old.

However, Feng Yun is an exception. He only needs to integrate the experience package to fully acquire in a few minutes what others can learn in decades or even hundreds of years.

Yes, it’s such a bug

“The king-level weapon refiner has been achieved, and the next step is to wait for the materials to be in place.”

Feng Yun whispered softly.

Looking at the time, it was already 1 o’clock in the middle of the night, and during the day, it was the beginning of the quasi-king ranking battle.

He then slowly closed his eyes and entered a state of trance.

At the same time, among many In the super base, none of the super geniuses are sleeping. They are practicing and practicing to be fully prepared for the ranking battle during the day.


This is a world of flames, with mountains of flames suspended in it. now.

A young man with red hair and his entire body bathed in flames. Even his hair was faintly wrapped in flames. His aura was almost comparable to that of the Scarlet Flame King, but his cultivation was only half a step above the king level.

“I could have broken through to the king level without any obstacles, but I suppressed it for three years just for the sake of the first throne and rewards.”

This person is Mo Yu, who is ranked second on the quasi-king list.

Three years ago, he was able to break through to the king level when he was ranked second, but he chose to suppress it. In addition to fighting for the first place, he also wanted to get this rich reward. rewards.

Once he reaches the King level, these rewards will no longer be available to him. He naturally knows how to choose.

In fact, there are many people like him who do this. Almost the entire quasi-King level list except for those who are really not sure of a breakthrough. , the rest is almost all about suppressing one’s own cultivation.

But it can only be suppressed for three years, so as you can imagine, the quasi-king ranking this time must be very intense.


Qiankun Base, a training room.

A tall and burly young man wearing black scales and black lines on his forehead stood there, and the surrounding space rippled slightly.

And there were a hundred people standing around, all of whom were half a step above the king level in cultivation.

“Come over here.”He ordered indifferently


A hundred half-step kings surrounding the young man attacked at the same time, either spiritually, with weapons, or purely physically.…………


At this time, a purple light lit up, accompanied by a slight explosion, like thunder and lightning across the sky!

The young man’s figure was blurred, and wisps of thunder and lightning appeared around him.

Puff, puff, puff, puff, puff.…………

Blood spattered, and 100 people flew backwards at the same time, spitting out blood.

In an instant, everything was defeated!

“very good.”

At this time, a middle-aged man walked out from the side, with a majestic energy. Standing there, he seemed to be the center of the world.

If anyone is here, he will definitely recognize him. This is the number one person in the king-level rankings, the Thunder Emperor!

And this young man in black armor is the first person in the quasi-king ranking, Cui Yunyang

“You have improved more than before. You are the most amazing genius I have ever seen among the thirty super bases, only inferior to those geniuses from the Protoss.

Cui Yunyang, a young man in black armor, said:”Teacher, is the genius of the Gods really that strong?””

“They are very strong. Although they are also human beings, they have the blood of gods flowing in their bodies. Their starting point is much higher than that of humans. It is normal to be inferior to them. You don’t need to be discouraged. The real strongest people will not care about this.”

Lei Emperor said.

Cui Yunyang nodded, with a fighting spirit in his eyes. His eyes were no longer on the super base, but on the children of the God Clan. When

Lei Emperor saw this scene, he didn’t say anything on the surface, but sighed softly in his heart. He said, the ethnic group with the blood of God is not simple. Any one placed in the human world is an absolute monster.

He said this just because he didn’t want to hurt his beloved disciple.


In this way, time passed little by little, and day came as promised.

At this moment, the geniuses in the thirty super bases all walked out of their respective training places. There were veterans and newcomers. Each of them was gearing up and eager to try.

As the saying goes, there is no first in literature and no second in martial arts. The more talented and powerful a person is, the more dissatisfied he is.

The warriors in the super base are all paying attention to this quasi-king ranking assessment battle, which is a grand event that occurs every three years.

Even those king-level experts came out of their respective retreats and paid attention to this competition.


In the practice room.

Feng Yun looked at his communication device. The Warriors Guild had just sent him a detailed assessment of the quasi-king ranking list.

“Each person has a virtual trial space. There are nine trial towers in the trial space, and each trial tower has nine floors!”

“Breaking through a level is worth 100 points, and the time limit is one month. The final ranking is based on the points obtained in the trial space.”

The assessment mode is not complicated. He understood it at a glance.

Then, Feng Yun stood up, walked out of the practice room, walked out of the Warriors Guild, and went to the central teleportation array.

Although each person has a virtual trial space, But we still have to teleport together at the beginning, where we enter the virtual world to prevent anyone from cheating.

“Yes, this way, I can project those genius monsters.”

The more Feng Yun thought about it, the happier he became, because he was about to receive a wave of very high-quality projections, and maybe there would be several Dawn-level talents.

A few minutes later, he arrived near the central teleportation array, where there were already several people Waiting.

They are all young people. They look to be around 20 or 30 years old. Of course, they must be more than 50 years old, but they are also under 50 years old. Because over 50 years old, they can no longer be regarded as the younger generation.

The life span of warriors has greatly increased after they practice. The boundaries for measuring the younger generation have naturally risen. We cannot use the standards of the old era.

There are five people in total, and they are basically at the half-step king level. One of them has a strong Qi. Feng Yun estimated that this should be He is the only genius in Apocalypse Base who is on the quasi-king level list.

Su Ran, who is ranked 22nd.

After approaching within a thousand meters, Feng Yun instantly projected these five people

【Projector]: Su Ran

【Age]: 33 years old

【Realm]: Half-step king

【fall】:……Eighth-level martial arts”Water Waterfall Wave Fist”》……Eighth-level martial skill”Treading the Waves without Traces”》……Eighth-level martial arts”Water Body”》……The eighth-level water system technique”Xuanyin Heavy Water Kung Fu”》……Mortal-level water talent… Dawn-level boxing talent… The secret of water (70%)… Fist soul (8th level)…

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