“what happened? What happened inside?”

The Lord of Yunmengze is keenly aware that something may be happening inside, but this secret place is not under its control. It only masters the rules of its opening.

Therefore, it can only guess, but never know what is inside. What happened?

If it knew that there was a human mixed in among them and looted all the treasures in the secret place, it is estimated that the Lord of Yunmengze would explode on the spot.

But it will never know


And here.

Feng Yun relied on the methods of concealment and transformation to successfully escape from the realm of ferocious beasts and return to the realm of humans.

Once back on human soil, he was back to his old self.

Immediately, he rushed towards the large base closest to him, preparing to take the opponent’s space wormhole back to the Apocalypse Base.

This was how Feng Yun came before, so he was familiar with the road.

The closest one to him is a first-class base called ‘Yunkun Base’. It is located on the edge of human territory and has the responsibility of guarding the border. Therefore, although this base is a first-class base, its overall strength is higher than that of Qingxuan Base..

At that time, Feng Yun had observed that the strongest person on the surface of this base was at the level of a half-step king, and the number of other great masters was far greater than that of Qingxuan Base.

Ten minutes later.

Feng Yun successfully arrived at Yunkun Base, but when he was about to take the space wormhole, he found that the space wormhole could not be used.

Is it broken?

He was a little surprised and whispered secretly,”It was obviously fine more than a month ago.”

As if hearing his doubts, a bystander next to him explained:”The little brother must have just come to Yunkun Base recently, because Because our base guards the border, we use space wormholes very frequently, so we will repair them every six months. Otherwise, if there is an accident in the transmission, everything will be in vain.” It turned out to be maintenance.

Feng Yun nodded and asked,”I wonder how long it will take to practice?”

“About a month.”

Will it take so long?

” Feng Yun’s expression moved slightly, and then he stepped forward, ignoring the surprised looks of the people around him, and stepped onto the high platform.

There, there were two warriors with intermediate space talents repairing the space wormhole.

It seemed that Sensing someone approaching, the two intermediate space geniuses looked over. When they saw Feng Yun’s young face, they couldn’t help but frown.

“Who asked you to come up? This is an important area of the base. No one is allowed to enter. Just have fun.…………”

However, before they finished speaking, they were suddenly horrified to find that the space around them had solidified, and together with them, a force of confinement came over them, making them unable to move except for their thoughts.

“Empty, space confinement! ?”

The two intermediate space geniuses reacted and looked at Feng Yun who was walking towards them with a look of fear on their faces. At this time, no matter how slow they were, they knew that the young man in front of them was at least a high-level space genius.


The next second, the power of space confinement was gone, and the surroundings returned to normal, as did the two intermediate space talents.

“Bye, meet sir.”The two of them changed their previous attitude and were extremely respectful.

Although Feng Yun looked dozens of years younger than them, age was nothing in the face of absolute strength.

People in the audience were shocked. They didn’t expect this. A seemingly ordinary boy turned out to be a high-level space talent

“You guys stand down, I’ll come.”

Feng Yun said calmly.

Naturally, the two of them did not dare to object. They walked to the side and stood there. At the same time, they looked at Feng Yun from the corner of their eyes, guessing where the other party came from.

As far as they know, Yunkun Base has no advanced space talent at all. Otherwise, the two of them would not be allowed to repair the space wormhole.


And when their thoughts were turning, they suddenly felt a terrifying surge of space power, like Wang Yang in the vast sea, unfathomable and surging.

Of course, this feeling can only be felt by those who are also space talents. Other warriors will not be affected

“This is…………”

The two intermediate space talents looked shocked. Under the power of space on this scale, their space power was like a glass of water.

Is there any comparison between a glass of water and an ocean?

These days, Feng Yun will draw on the power of space between heaven and earth whenever he has something to do. In addition, there is also a special space training room in the super base.

Therefore, the power of space in his body has been successfully compressed ten times. In terms of quality and quantity, no one at the same level can compare with him, let alone two intermediate space talents. Naturally, the difference is Yunni.

“It’s a pity that Apocalypse Base doesn’t even have top-level space talents, let alone even higher talents.”

The only one is just a high-level space talent, which makes Feng Yun have nowhere to improve his space talent.

So that he is still a top-level space talent.

But this is normal, space, time, this is the world It is recognized as the rarest talent in the world. It is very difficult to find top-level talents.

“Don’t be hasty, there’s a long way to go.”

Anyway, he is still young now, so he can search slowly. If it doesn’t work, he will use quantitative changes to cause qualitative changes, and project a dozen high-level space talents.

After fusion, the talents can also be improved.

“It’s a pity that the only fruit that can improve talent is that one, otherwise it would be the only choice.…………”

The golden fruit is the only external object known to improve talent, and there are no other records.


Feng Yun controlled the majestic power of space and poured into the space wormhole, clearing away the space storm in the passage and repairing and strengthening the barriers around the passage.

“Okay, the repair is done, I’m leaving now.”

After saying that, he took a step forward, stepped directly into the space wormhole, and left quickly with the power of space.

The whole process didn’t even take a minute.

The two intermediate space talents immediately stepped forward to check, and found that not only It’s been repaired, and it’s still much stronger than before.

“Master, I don’t know where it comes from.”

“Looking at the coordinates, they seem to be from Tianqi Base.”

“Apocalypse base? Super base! ? No wonder it’s so perverted.”

The two intermediate space geniuses looked at each other and were shocked. It turned out to be the big boss from the super base, rbq, rbq


Apocalypse Base.

Feng Yun spent half a day returning here. As soon as he came back, he immediately logged on to the network here.

Then take a photo of the platinum fruit and upload it, and use the image recognition function on the Internet to see what kind of treasure it is.

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