Faced with this kind of question, Feng Yun couldn’t help but roll his eyes,”I’ll give you a look and you’ll realize it for yourself.”

After the Gunslinger King said this, he reacted. He smiled and said,”Subconsciously, subconsciously.”

Then he He said in an incredible tone,”But Feng Yun, you are so fierce. Twenty dark kings, including ten emperor-level beings, were killed by you in an instant.!”

“After such a calculation, holy shit, aren’t you now much more terrifying than the Emperor-level ones in our base? In other words, your current combat power is already superior to all the warriors in Tianqi Base! ?”

After careful calculation, the Gunslinger King discovered something incredible.

Feng Yun, unknowingly, stood at the top of the Apocalypse Base, overlooking all the warriors, including the three emperor-level beings.

“That’s right.”Feng Yun nodded and replied casually. He was absorbing the power of space around him to replenish his body.

What does it mean? Hey, your reaction is too bland.

The King of Sharpshooters asked himself, if he had it himself With such fighting power, Feng Yun was afraid that he would fly out of joy, but how could he still be so calm?

This made him sigh extremely, at his age, his character is not as good as that of a teenager. Hey, the more he lives, the better he gets. Went back.

But this teenage boy obviously couldn’t treat it with common sense.

At this time, Feng Yun’s space energy had almost recovered.

He said:”It’s time to set off, otherwise we would be late.”

The Gunslinger King nodded. When he was about to urge Yun Zhou to move, he saw Feng Yun put a hand directly on his shoulder.

The next second, silver light enveloped him, and with a slight flash, he was teleported. leave

“Wait, wait a minute, my Yunzhou…………”

The sound is still echoing, but the people are long gone.

The Gunslinger King only had one sentence in his mind at this time: mmp!

Originally, he thought that he had earned it with blood, and after all, he got a Yunzhou (Feng Yun didn’t want it), but now, the cooked duck has flown away!

He’s just full of emotions


Qiankun Base is thousands of miles away.

The place where the giant ruins were discovered was already surrounded by many people, who were not ordinary people. Standing there, they were like bright stars, shining in all directions.

Most of the people here are king-level experts. Among humans, they are naturally supreme beings, figures who can determine the life and death of all souls with just one word.

There is no doubt that they all come from various super bases.

And those who are not king-level, basically the descendants of disciples of king-level existences, also come over to see the world.

This way.

The Thunder Emperor sat cross-legged in the middle, his eyes slightly closed, as if he was practicing. Next to him stood a tall figure. If he looked carefully, it was Cui Yunyang.

After not seeing each other for several months, the arrogance on his face has disappeared, and his cultivation has already been promoted to the king level, and it is not the elementary level, but the high level.

It was undoubtedly rare in the world to reach such a state at his age, but he was not happy at all.

Everything is because of that person!

At this time, Cui Yunyang was constantly looking around, especially looking towards Tianqi Base, as if he was looking for something.

Suddenly, the voice of the Thunder Emperor came,”Yunyang, how did I teach you, don’t be happy with things and don’t be sad with yourself. This is the state of mind of a strong man. Victory or defeat in the moment is nothing. Walking your own path is the most important thing.” The key point.”

Cui Yunyang looked ashamed,”It’s master, Yunyang knows.”

And at this moment, two rainbow lights suddenly came from the sky, cut through the clouds and mist, and came to his eyes in an instant.

After revealing their figures, an old man and a young man appeared.

“Feng Yun!!”

Cui Yunyang looked at the indifferent-looking young man in the air, his eyes instantly focused. In his sight, nothing in the world existed except that figure.

How many days and nights, He woke up from his dream.

That day of the quasi-king level test was like a nightmare in his heart that he could not retreat from. It wasn’t until he broke through to the king level that the nightmarish days were over.

But even so , Cui Yunyang can’t forget Feng Yun. What he always thinks about is how to defeat the opponent and regain his own honor.

“Feng Yun, just wait, I, Cui Yunyang, will definitely defeat you and return to the first place!” He said seriously in his heart, with an extremely resolute expression.

When the Lei Emperor next to him saw this scene, he sighed softly in his heart. It was his misfortune and luck for his disciple to meet Feng Yun.

If Cui Yunyang can escape from Feng Yun , Walking out of the shadow brought by the cloud, there is no doubt that he will turn into a cocoon and become a butterfly, reaching a higher level.

Otherwise, he may be unable to stand up and sink.

In mid-air.

Feng Yun stood there, and he naturally felt Cui Yunyang eyes, but he didn’t care. He never regarded the other party as an opponent before, and even less so now.

“Feng Yun, this way.”

At this time, a shout came from Tianqi Base.

And this shout of ‘Feng Yun’ was like a stone thrown into a calm lake, immediately causing thousands of ripples.

Everyone present was in unison. Looking over, countless eyes focused on Feng Yun, looking at him with curiosity.

No one here was not curious about the first genius.

Penetrating the nine trial towers was a feat that even some of the kings present were unable to do. Do it.

At this time, when they saw Feng Yun’s face, their first reaction was that he was so young.

Although they had heard for a long time that Feng Yun’s real age was less than eighteen years old, but when they saw it, the impact on them was still huge.

“Is this Feng Yun whom we absolutely cannot defeat?”

Some of the king’s disciples and descendants stared at Feng Yun and said to themselves.

For them, Feng Yun was like a big mountain, firmly blocking the front, and a huge shadow enveloped them and their generation!

Being stared at by so many eyes, the Gunslinger King couldn’t help shrinking his neck, and he immediately moved away. He thought to himself that he must not get too close to Feng Yun in the future. The latter attracted too much attention and easily attracted hatred.

This time the dark organization attacked The same goes for killing. He almost became cannon fodder.

Although he was very grateful to Feng Yun for saving his life, the Gunslinger King never wanted to experience that feeling of death again. It was so exciting that he couldn’t stand it..

And Feng Yun ignored the gazes around him, came to the gathering place of the kings of Apocalypse Base, and greeted everyone one by one.

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