Feng Yun walked in the misty space for a while. His perception was so suppressed that he could not detect any movement at all.

Let alone humans, I didn’t even sense a living creature.

This made him understand that it seemed that everyone was transported to different places.

During this period, he was bored and took a look at the projections in his mirror space.

It contains almost 90% of the kings from the thirty super bases, with a total of 912 king projections, of which 103 are emperor-level beings.

The most precious ones are undoubtedly the 103 emperor-level beings.

What star-level kendo talent, star-level sword talent, star-level fire talent, star-level wood talent… what is the realm of swords, the realm of knives, the realm of fire, the realm of guns… and so on. wait.

It can be found in these projections, which are all-encompassing and dizzying.

When Feng Yunyue saw the end, the corners of his mouth couldn’t stop rising crazily.

It is conceivable that he will not need to project much for a long time in the future. These are enough for him to use for a long time.

Of course, if he really encounters a good one, he won’t let it go. After all, he won’t despise a good one with too many projections, just like no one despises too much money.

Among these projections, the most precious one naturally belongs to the Thunder Emperor.

He has dominated the list for more than ten years and is the well-deserved number one among the thirty super bases. Feng Yun has wanted to project himself for a long time, and now he has finally fulfilled his wish.

Immediately, Feng Yun’s consciousness swept across many projections, and specifically selected the Thunder Emperor’s projection.

【Projector]: Lei Haocang (Lei Emperor)

【Age]: 58 years old

【realm】:……Ninth level martial skill”Thunder and Lightning Penetrating Hand”》……Ninth Level Martial Skill”Three Phantom Body of Thunder Chong”》……Ninth level martial arts”Lightning Flash”》……Thunder Secret Technique·Thunder God’s Spear…Thunder System Secret Technique·Thunder God’s Shield…Star-level thunder talent…Thunder Domain (seventh level)…

When Feng Yun saw the fallen panel of the Thunder Emperor, he couldn’t help but gasp. He took a breath and looked solemn.

He has seen so many projections of kings, and this panel of Thunder Emperor simply beats them all.

Not to mention anything else, the seven-layer thunder domain alone made Feng Yun look sideways. So far, he had seen all the projections of kings, only the Thunder Emperor was the highest, and it was far beyond.

The power of the domain is higher than the previous one, especially when it reaches the sixth level and above, which belongs to the stage of domain completion.

The field of Dacheng can be said to be crushed against other fields without Dacheng. No matter how large the number is, it is useless. It is impossible for a private thing like a field to change quantitatively and lead to qualitative change.

In other words, as long as the Thunder Emperor is willing, he can defeat all the kings in the thirty super bases.

“No wonder he has been dominating the rankings all these years, such a terrifying battle….…”

Feng Yun was speechless and sighed.

Naturally, he coveted the Thunder Emperor’s seven-level thunder domain. Although he only had a star-level thunder talent, he didn’t even practice it, and he didn’t even have the power of thunder.

But this does not prevent him from hoping to obtain the great thunder.

However, this kind of thing is not something he can just think about. The seventh-level thunder field is definitely an extremely rare thing at this stage, and the explosion rate is estimated to be as low as 0.0001%.

Feng Yun didn’t know how long it would take for him to explode.

“It’s not necessarily true, maybe my fate has given me a chance and it exploded all at once.”He had a kind of mysterious self-confidence.

So, in order to test it, Feng Yun made a Thunder Emperor projection on the spot.

The result——

【Limited edition photo album of one hundred of the most beautiful female warriors in the world]: projection from Lei Haocang (Lei Emperor). (Because the first kill will definitely drop items)

Damn it! What is this!

When Feng Yun saw the dropped items in his backpack, he was shocked.

Then, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and he complained wildly. On the surface, the Thunder Emperor looked calm and powerful, but he had such a collection behind his back.

I didn’t expect you to be such a thunder emperor!

Feng Yun felt that if he put this thing in front of Thunder Emperor, his expression would definitely be wonderful.

“Even the first kill can’t be exploded. It seems that it is not that easy to explode the seventh-level thunder field.”

Facts have proved that his mysterious self-confidence is really a mystery and unreliable.

Then, just when Feng Yun was about to brush other projections, he suddenly mentally sensed a huge stone monument appearing thousands of meters away.

Unknown There are unknown things in the space, so Feng Yun’s mental power is always outside. Anyway, he has a lot of mental power and doesn’t care about such consumption.

“~Have you finally found something?”

Feng Yun immediately flashed silver light under his feet and teleported out.

The stone tablet stood on the ground, almost a hundred meters high, with densely packed text on it. Although he couldn’t understand it, for some reason, he could easily understand the meaning.

The general content on the stone tablet is: A strange creature will be born in the space here, called a ‘spirit beast’. The strength of these spirit beasts ranges from strong to weak. Some are as weak as the first level of a king, while some are as strong as thunder. The Emperor is even stronger, comparable to the Great Perfection of the Ten Realms.

When these spirit beasts are killed, their soul cores will merge with the surrounding gray airflow to form a ‘core point of light’, which is the soul essence.

As long as the soul essence is refined , will be directly absorbed by the soul of the refiner.

By absorbing these soul essences, the soul’s talent will be improved, leading to advanced transformation.

“Is this the true face of this giant ruins?…………”

I have to say that Feng Yun’s heart was moved, and it was very thorough (Zhao Zhao’s).

By hunting spiritual beasts and refining soul essence, you can improve your soul talent. This is simply a great blessing.

You must know that soul power has been an extremely mysterious existence since the history of practice. It cannot be increased through practice like Yuan Power, and everything is born innately.

More is more, less is less. It has been decided long ago and cannot be changed.

Of course, other heaven-defying opportunities and Feng Yun, the big wall-hanger, don’t count.

And it’s not just this.

This move can also improve those beings without soul talents, thus giving birth to soul talents.

It can be said that this place is a treasure place.

“Without further ado, hurry up and try hunting spiritual beasts.”

With a thought in Feng Yun’s mind, his whole body was wrapped in silver light. With a slight flash, he appeared tens of thousands of meters away, flashing continuously and traveling according to the route specified on the stone tablet.

_Fei Lu reminds you: three things about reading- Collection, recommendation

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