When Feng Yun came to his senses, he found that he had returned to the outside.

And he was not the only one, other kings and his disciples and descendants were also teleported out.

The kings were all very happy, and everyone’s face was filled with bright smiles. Even the coldest people had a smile on their faces at this time.

Without him, a giant relic that can enhance the soul’s talent is definitely an unprecedented treasure.

Those who do not have soul talent, therefore soul talent is born, which greatly strengthens their understanding and perception.

And those with soul talents will undoubtedly make further progress.

No matter how you think about it, this is a completely beneficial thing.

The scene soon became abuzz with discussions. Except for the descendants and disciples of the kings who had nothing to gain, every king present had more or less tasted the sweetness.

After all, the spirit beasts here have the lowest combat power and are comparable to kings. The descendants and disciples of those kings have not yet reached this level. It would be good if they 24 entered without falling. How about harvest?

“Haha, it turns out that having soul talent is such a cool thing. Now I feel that the world has become clearer.”

“Who says it’s not the case? I feel like my understanding has improved a lot now. Some of the shackles I had on martial arts and exercises in the past have now been figured out in an instant.”

“I suggest that this place should be protected and a defensive formation set up. Otherwise, it will be coveted by vicious beasts and those from the dark organization.”

“Yes, I think so too”




It is rare for many kings to have unified opinions.

In fact, this giant ruin is too precious for them, no, for the entire human race.

The soul is the foundation of a person. If the soul is improved, the quality of all aspects will also be improved accordingly. Therefore, it is self-evident how important it is.

At this time, the Thunder Emperor said:”Since everyone agrees, let’s do it this way. From now on, each super base will send strong men to take turns guarding it. During the super base protection period, warriors from this base can be sent in to hunt at any time. Spiritual beasts, but you have to act according to your ability. Those with less than king-level combat power are not allowed to enter.”

After all, once you enter, you will be teleported to various places. In this case, it will be difficult to realize the idea of forming a team. , can only hunt alone.

But entering without the strength of a king is tantamount to death.

“Okay, let’s do it”




Immediately, the kings discussed and decided to take turns guarding the base according to its strength ranking.

The first one is naturally Qiankun Base.

Just like that, after a while, except for the king of Qian, the kings of other bases all left.

Feng Yun also took the space wormhole back to the base with the kings of Apocalypse Base.

It can be seen from this that the space worm mentioned before was either deliberately fabricated by the Flame Spirit King, or he used illusions to confuse the Gunslinger King and made him say these words.

No matter which one, it doesn’t matter now. Everyone is dead anyway.

The important thing is that the space wormhole is not broken.


Apocalypse Base.

Feng Yun and the other kings walked out of the space wormhole.

This time, their harvest was quite good. They more or less hunted spiritual beasts and allowed their souls to transform a bit.

Of course, all of them together could not gain as much as Feng Yun alone.


Feng Yun said hello to the kings, turned around and left. He couldn’t wait to practice the seventh level of the Sun and Moon Immortality Diagram.

I want to see if my physical talent can transform and be promoted from Starlight level to Moonlight level.

Watching Feng Yun leave, all the kings sighed, he is indeed a practicing madman, he just came back and immediately threw himself into practicing again.

It is undoubtedly scary when someone who is more talented than you works twice as hard as you.

In the eyes of all the kings, Feng Yun is such a being.

At this time, the sharpshooter king on the side remembered something and quickly reported to the kings what happened on the road before, as well as the terrifying process of how Feng Yun killed everyone.

After listening, the kings present were all shocked. They were both shocked by the boldness of the dark organization and shocked by Feng Yun’s strength.

The same goes for Emperor Kuimu, Emperor Xu, and Emperor Yanshui.

According to this calculation, wouldn’t Feng Yun’s combat power be superior to all the kings in the base?

“This time was too dangerous. If Feng Yun hadn’t been so strong, he might have been killed. It seems that we have been too lax recently, allowing the dark organization to take advantage of us!”

After Emperor Kuimu was shocked, he said coldly

“Thoroughly investigate everyone in the base, and would rather kill the wrong one than let them go!”


The kings were also very frightened after they reacted. If Feng Yun fell because of this, then they would be completely to blame.

Because of their negligence, the peerless genius who is likely to become one of the pillars of mankind in the future fell. Then The sin was too great.

As a result, the Apocalypse Base entered a strict investigation stage, and detailed 480 checks were conducted on everyone in the base. Those with unclean backgrounds will be eliminated without mercy.


Feng Yun naturally didn’t know that Tianqi Base had started to investigate all the warriors in the base for him.

He is currently in the practice space and has devoted himself wholeheartedly to practice.

The content of the seventh level of the Sun and Moon Immortality Diagram has been automatically unlocked since his soul talent reached the star level.

As his mind moved, the content of the seventh level automatically emerged. This time it was not only extremely difficult movements, but also accompanied by some obscure words.

“What is this?”

Feng Yun looked left and right and saw nothing. He didn’t recognize it at all. It didn’t look like any language known on earth.

But when he put his soul power into it, these obscure words immediately Convert it into Chinese characters that are easy for him to understand

“Is it something like a spell?”

Feng Yun’s eyes moved slightly. It said that this paragraph of text is for him to coordinate the postures and movements, and say it while doing it.

“Give it a try.”

He immediately began to practice, using his mental power to control his body, making movements that were beyond human understanding. At the same time, he imitated the text in his mouth and read it slowly. Suddenly, a vicissitudes and vast rhythm rippled out, High and unpredictable, it seems eternal and ancient._Fei

Lu reminds you: three things about reading – collect and recommend

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