“The sixth level of Thunder Domain should be enough for me to advance my Thunder Domain.”

Feng Yun murmured

“Embodied.” He muttered silently in his heart.


The next second, the vast purple light shot out from the mirror, bursting out in his mind, turning into countless small purple light spots, merging rapidly.

Countless thunder mysteries emerged from his heart Gushing out, vast and endless, he explained the mystery of ‘Thunder’ to his heart’s content and enhanced his understanding of ‘Thunder’.

Little by little, drop by drop, they kept accumulating and compressing……


Finally – at a certain moment, Feng Yun felt that his understanding of ‘Thunder’ suddenly sublimated, as if the clouds were clearing and the sun was revealed, and it was like an enlightenment.

In an instant, he seemed to see that the world in front of him had completely changed.

It was no longer the mountains, rivers and land before. , but a series of thunder and lightning.

Including the start and end of thunder and lightning, the destruction and domineering characteristics contained in thunder and lightning, etc., they were all understood in an instant.

After a long time,

Feng Yun finally came back to his senses.

His consciousness swept through his own thunder. When I entered the Yuanli Sea, I found more than a dozen secret lines flashing purple inside, filled with the mysterious energy of thunder.

There is no doubt that they are the pseudo laws of thunder.

“A layer of false law of thunder, I finally achieved it…………”

Feng Yun muttered silently to himself, and with a thought in his mind, dark clouds suddenly gathered above his head, and for a moment there was lightning and thunder, as if the sky was falling, tyranny and destruction intertwined.


Feng Yun gently snapped his fingers


In an instant, a bolt of lightning struck directly from the sky and landed on a big tree, directly turning it into charcoal and bursting into flames.

This is the power of the pseudo-law of thunder, which masters the power close to ‘thunder’. The original power can already freely control the thunder element power between heaven and earth.

“In a certain novel in the previous life, this was the power to master the ‘Heavenly Tribulation’.”

Feng Yun sighed, but his ‘Heavenly Tribulation’ is a bit weak and can only form a streak of thunder and lightning.

This is related to the fact that he has only mastered one layer of the ‘Pseudo Law of Thunder’. If he masters it to a deep level, he will inevitably summon endless thunder and lightning.

“Let’s also expand the sea of thunder’s energy.”

Feng Yun once again took out a large amount of cultivation resources, which were similar to the last time. However, although the names were the same, they were obviously from another batch. The previous batch had been exhausted while expanding the Golden Origin Power Sea.


When Feng Yun finished refining these cultivation resources in one breath, the energy poured into the sea of thunder elemental power, transformed into a higher level of thunder system through the thunder system crystal core, and then continuously impacted the surrounding sea barriers.

Yuan Lihai immediately started to tremble.

However, just like before, when the purple secret pattern formed by Lei merged into the barrier, the Yuanli Sea suddenly stabilized and continued to expand.

Eventually it doubled in size.

At this point, after achieving the holy level in the gold element, his thunder element also reached the holy level.

Dual attribute sanctification is definitely a unique thing in history! If word spreads out, it will surely shock all living things on earth!

However, for Feng Yun, this is just the beginning.

“Dual attributes are sanctified, but it is not enough.”

Feng Yun said to himself, he was not proud of this, because he knew that although he had achieved the saint level, he was still not invincible in the saint level realm.

Not to mention anything else, he was only a saint level existence within the nine major divine clans. , there are probably many who are above him in combat power!

“Dual attribute sanctification is not enough, I need more attributes to reach the saint level.”

For example, the ice system, such as the wind system, such as the fire system, etc.

Thinking of this, Feng Yun said to himself:”The ice system only needs to brush the projection and wait for the explosion. As for the rest, it seems that those Gods………”

It has been several months since he last visited the Ice God Clan and the Thunder God Clan.

He thought that the storm should have passed, and all the major protoss should have returned to calm.

It was time for him to move on.

In the past few months, he had sensed the locations of several protoss through the soul imprints he had left on those protoss at the real-life headquarters of the Warriors Guild.

They are the Vulcan Clan and the Water God Clan.

This, combined with the Wind God Clan in front, means that Feng Yun can project to the three God Clan again.

Thinking of this, Feng Yun seemed to see a large number of super high-quality projections waving to him!

Needless to say, the benefits of having an entire protoss projection. Looking at his current progress, it is no exaggeration to say that he has made great progress with each passing day.

Once the people of these three divine races are successfully projected, it means that Feng Yun will achieve the fire, water and wind holy levels in a very short period of time.

Plus the previous metal and thunder systems.

By then, he will be a unique five-element saint!

No one believed me when I told him, I must have thought he was crazy!

But for Feng Yun, it’s just a small case!

As long as he can successfully project to

“You must not expose yourself this time, otherwise, you will have to wait for a long time.…………”

Feng Yun secretly warned himself to stop when things are good and not to be too promiscuous.

Otherwise, how can you stand by the river without getting your shoes wet?

One mistake and it will be over

“Go to the Wind God Clan first…………”

Feng Yun continued the unfinished action last time, jumped lightly, and a silver light appeared under his feet, wrapping him up, and instantly disappeared into the void without causing any waves, silently.


The Gale Canyon, located in the extreme southeast, belongs to human territory and is known as a forbidden area of life.

Because the wind inside is very lethal, ordinary warriors will definitely die if they get close to it.

If the wind blows lightly, you will be gone.

Since its birth, many, many people have died. At this point, the evil reputation has been spread, and no one dares to come close.

“Is this it?”

High in the sky in the canyon, Feng Yun stood on the clouds and mist, looking down, thinking secretly in his heart.

This violent wind canyon is where the Wind God Clan is.

And the highly lethal wind on the periphery is actually caused by the leakage of the Wind God Clan’s large qi machine.

“The great formation of the gods has forbidden air formation patterns. Once I understand the power of pseudo-laws in my space, I can teleport in by myself.…………”

When he understands the power of the pseudo-laws of space, he can create his own space.

By then, the forbidden air array pattern will be useless.

“Now, I can only stick to the old routine.”

Feng Yun whispered, but although the routine is old, it is definitely tried and true._Fei

Lu reminds you: three things about reading-collecting and recommending

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