In the martial arts room.

Feng Yun took out several pieces of metallic ore harvested during this trip from the space ring. There were five pieces in total, each exuding a sharp aura.

“These five pieces are enough to create five medium-grade metal weapons.…………”

He was planning in his mind to build himself a mid-grade metal sword and put the rest up for auction, which would earn him hundreds of millions by then.

Plus the elixir he made.

Taken together, there are more than one billion.

Unknowingly, Feng Yun was already a damn rich man

“It’s great. It turns out that becoming an alchemist and a weapon refiner is the wisest decision. This is just the beginning.”

He was very happy. When the alchemists and weapon refiners with stronger projections in the future reveal the fusion of their experience packages, they will definitely reach the sky in minutes.

By that time, more than a billion will be insignificant.

“It seems that I will buy another house to live in outside as my temporary base.”

There are some things that he is not suitable to expose, such as alchemy master, weapon refiner, or six series qualifications. Strictly speaking, this villa was bought by him for Feng Xiaolan and the dean to live in.

It is open to the outside world, and inside the base Those with some status know that he lives here.

Therefore, some things are inconvenient to be carried out in the villa.

It didn’t matter at first, but as he integrated more and more things, the secrets in his body became more and more More.

At this time, he needs a space that belongs only to himself.

Thinking of this, Feng Yun decided to buy another villa. It doesn’t need to be too expensive, as long as it is secluded and comfortable.

After all, he wants to refine weapons and alchemy there, so he needs peace and quiet. The environment is suitable.

Later, Feng Yun anonymously ordered a villa worth 100 million yuan online, located in the outer city.

Because only the outer city does not require proof of identity, and relatively speaking, the outer city does not require proof of identity. It meets Feng Yun’s requirements, being quiet and undisturbed, suitable for him to refine weapons and elixirs, or experiment with other things.


Just as he placed the order, a message came from the other side, asking him to meet at the door of the villa in the outer city.

Feng Yun went out immediately, Using his skills, he kept flashing on the street, and disappeared in the inner city after a while. When the warriors on the street saw this scene, they couldn’t help but be horrified, who is this, so fast!

They could only roughly capture a slight trace of it. There were no traces, and even the silhouette of a person could not be seen clearly.

Originally, there were regulations that martial artists were not allowed to use martial arts in the inner city.

But at this time, the law enforcement team could only watch helplessly and look at each other. They could not even see the opponent’s shadow, let alone catch up with him. He died.

And the picture captured by the camera was also blurry, with only a rough human shape.

“Forget it, this is at least the level of an extreme warrior and is not under our control.”

In the end, the law enforcement team gave up and turned a blind eye, pretending that nothing happened.


A few minutes later, Feng Yun left the inner city and came to a remote area in the outer city.

Although this is an outer city, the scenery is surprisingly good.

The villa is located on the top of a hill, which is shrouded in fog all year round, so it is called the ‘fog mountain’.

When Feng Yun came here, there was already a salesperson waiting there.

The sales sister looked at Feng Yun, who was dressed in black with a hood, and a flash of surprise flashed in her eyes, but she didn’t say anything. As a qualified salesperson, she just sold houses.

“Sir, let me show you the house.”

The sales girl smiled sweetly.

“No, I want this house. Go ahead and swipe your card.”

Feng Yun threw out an unnamed bank card he had prepared in advance and said directly.

Space ring!?

Since Feng Yun took out the bank card out of thin air and revealed the ring on his hand, the sales girl guessed it at a glance. When she arrived, her face was shocked, and she knew in her heart that the person in front of her must be a big shot from the inner city. She immediately lowered her head, not daring to look directly.

For people in the outer city, the big shot in the inner city was like the sky. It’s not an exaggeration to say that one word can determine their life or death.

“Yes, obey, obey.”

The sales girl was extremely respectful and immediately took out her bank card and left.

Half an hour later, she came back and handed the bank card to Feng Yun.

The latter shook his head and waved directly:”The rest is yours. The tip was gone.”

With his current ability to make money, he really doesn’t look down upon a mere few hundred thousand.

“Thank you sir!!”

The sales sister showed ecstasy in her eyes and kept thanking her. For her, this money is worth her salary for several years.

After waving the sales sister to leave, Feng Yun took out the medicine key and walked into the villa.

He slightly After walking around for a few times, he took out the various instruments, elixir furnaces, refining furnaces, various materials, etc. he had bought previously from the space ring, and placed them in separate rooms.

An hour later,

Feng Yun stopped. action, and before his eyes, the two rooms were transformed into an alchemy room and a weapon refining room.


In this way, he can refine weapons and elixirs without any worries, and he doesn’t need to find a special place.

And there are no people around here. He doesn’t have any scruples when he tests sword intent, sword intent, etc.

“It’s time to continue today’s refreshment journey…………”

As soon as midnight arrived, Feng Yun couldn’t wait to start today’s projection trip.

……………… at the same time.

In the inner city.

Yan Chunqiu received news from the top management that next year’s core seed had been decided to be given to Feng Yun.

Every five years, the second-class base Jianghai Base will come to take away young talented warriors from its third-class base.

The selected third-level bases all have recommended quotas. Such quotas are called”core seeds” and can directly enter the highest-level martial arts hall in Jianghai Base to practice.

Originally, this quota would cause a battle in other bases, and it would ultimately be decided who would get it.

But in today’s Xingyao Base, there is simply no talented warrior who can compete with Feng Yun.

A fourteen-year-old dual-mind genius, he is also the strongest body-refining warrior of the younger generation. Added together, all the geniuses in the base combined are not as good as Feng Yun.

Under such circumstances, if you choose Qiuqiu, it is Feng Yun.

“We have to tell Feng Yun the good news quickly.…………”

Yan Chunqiu couldn’t wait to leave the school and went to the villa to find Feng Yun, but was told that the latter had already left.

“This guy doesn’t know what he is doing day by day. He is so mysterious. Is this the quirk of a genius?”

Yan Chunqiu said helplessly. ps: Feilu is really unstable, which makes me panic. I’m sorry for the lack of updates. I’ll add more when it gets better.

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