Southwest of Shangmao Street.

Under the night sky, three figures sneak through the alley.

From time to time, the shouts of the dragon guards were heard on the street.

At this moment, the three people with bald heads and strong were secretly cautious and cautious, not making any movement.

Previously, because of the battle with Zhou Li, he delayed the evacuation time, and when he went down, he happened to encounter the dragon guards of the Ministry of Security coming up to investigate.

After some entanglement, everyone scattered and fled, and they finally got rid of the pursuers.

"What the hell is that guy, a monster with an awakening rating of more than 85 doesn't have any information. The

bald head couldn't help but complain, he could see that Zhou Li didn't exert his full strength.

Because Zhou Li has always been worried about Night Wind and Chen Xinlan.

If it is a life and death battle, these people don't say that they retreat all over, then these are the last few problems left.

According to the estimation of the bald head, Zhou Li's strength can definitely rank in the top 100 on the four-star list.

"Brother Qiang, where are we going next?" asked Xiong Da.

"First follow me to find something, then find a place to hide, and now leave Longwei who is easy to encounter other cities." The

bald head said and stood in place to release his spiritual power, and then he looked up in one direction.

"Over there!" "Cards

were thrown as dark weapons in the previous battle in the building, and this awakening object works best as a dark weapon.

Because if you hold it in your hand, you are likely to hurt yourself.

As a result, although it injured Zhou Li, the Drama Master card flew away without obstacles after penetrating the wall of the building.

Fortunately, after signing the soul contract, you can perceive its existence.

The three move forward quickly, and every distance they walk, the bald head will stop and release his spiritual power to sense the position of his Drama Master card.

After several consecutive perceptions, the bald head finally gradually determined the accurate location of the card.

The three walked through a neighborhood and soon arrived at a garbage collection station.

In summer, the garbage collection station stinks, and all kinds of flies and mosquitoes are everywhere.

The bald head forcibly endured the stench and released his spiritual power again, and at this time, a dark blue light emanated from the garbage heap not far away.

Seeing this, the bald head was relieved and finally found the card.

He walked quickly over and was about to pick it up, when halfway through the darkness suddenly a dark shadow suddenly appeared.

The bald head was shocked and summoned a chainsaw to slash out, but this blow was empty.

Instead of attacking him, the black shadow swept past him and came to the garbage heap behind him.

The three looked over and found that the black shadow was a huge black dog, and the black dog was holding a dark blue card in its mouth.

"This beast actually knows that this is a treasure?" Xiong Er was a little surprised.

Xiong Da gave Xiong Er a brain crush: "You are stupid, do you think that dog is an ordinary dog at that speed just now?"


bald and powerful brain was bruised: "You two TMD don't talk nonsense, Xiong Da grab it, don't let this beast run

!" "Oh, oh, understand!" Xiong Da hurriedly responded, saying and summoning a rope.

Just as he was about to strike, a voice appeared outside again.

"How many times has Kuroko told you, not everything can be eaten, but if you eat badly, you will have diarrhea." The

three of them were stunned, turned their heads and looked at an old man with a somewhat white hair and goatee, and they didn't know when he appeared at the door.

The bald head and strong face were solemn, he was less than thirty meters away from the goateed old man, but he actually did not find out when the other party appeared.

The other party's awakening object is estimated to have the ability to conceal the aura!"Who

are you?!" the bald head said warily.

Ye Huang Feng brushed his beard and looked unhappy: "The quality of young people today is getting lower and lower, and I don't know to add honorifics when asking questions?"

The old man in front of him is too mysterious, and he must wait for it before he knows the other party's awakening ability.

At this time, Kuroko had bypassed the bald head and came to Yedu Kaede's side.

He wagged his tail and handed the Drama Master card into Ye Qiao's hand, looking like he was inviting credit.

Ye Qiu Feng looked at the card in the sentence, his eyes narrowed slightly: "Plum Blossom Q, is your boss a Q of spades or a Q of spades?"


——! heard Ye Huangfeng's words, and the cold sweat behind his bald head Qiang instantly fell.

The plum blossom and square series belong to the most basic kati, while spades and spades are the higher level.

The hierarchy between the Drama Master cards didn't even know his little brother, but this guy in front of him actually knew everything!

The front foot met a four-star powerhouse who appeared out of nowhere, and now there is a strange old man who knows the card of the dramatist.

At this moment, the bald head seemed to understand why K of Spades and K of Plum would die here.

There seem to be a lot of scary guys hiding in this seemingly small town of just two million people.

"What kind of person are you, don't blame me for being unpolite!" The aura on the bald head Qiang's body was all released, and his words carried killing intent.

Ye Feng smiled hehe, completely ignoring the other party's threat: "I guess you should be called a

bald man, right?" "What bald man, is the bald head strong! This is our strong brother!" Xiong Er retorted not far away.

"Oh, the bald head is strong, no wonder I felt a little awkward just now. "

The bald head and strong face are green when they listen to the conversation between these two, is it time to discuss this?

Just as he was considering whether to start first, Ye Feng suddenly said: "Ask you a question, Xiaofeng are they okay?"

At this moment, the bald head strong increased the power of the chainsaw to the maximum: ——!!!"What kind of small wind and wind, I don't know! Finally, ask you once, who are you!" The

other party ignored his questions again and again, which made the bald head unbearable.

Seeing this, Ye Feng sighed: "Okay, since you asked sincerely, then I'll tell you, I'm just an old man with Chinese herbal medicine."

After a pause, Feng added: "In addition, I have another identity, I am the grandfather on Xiaofeng's phone call ten minutes ago. The

bald head's pupils shrank sharply when he heard this, and he remembered the kid who called upstairs before.

"Kill!" the

bald head burst out and rushed forward, with

a look of determination in his eyes.

When he was chatting, he remembered that they were frightened by Zhou Li and promised to let them leave.

But now the other party is so angry and frightened, it seems that there is some deep hatred with them.

Ye Qiao Feng didn't understand, but the bald head was very clear.

Before, he felt the breath of the drama master card on Night Wind's body, and later from Zhou Li's mouth, it was also proved that they were mortal enemies

, and now this old man said that he was Night Wind's grandfather, then there was no need to say anything else.

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