A few minutes ago -

under the night sky, the bald man's severely injured body fled quickly, running for several kilometers in a row.

When he was sure that Ye Feng did not catch up, he snatched a car, stepped on the accelerator, and the engine made a roaring sound, and the car rushed out directly.

Looking at the buildings that were constantly receding on both sides, the bald man couldn't contain his excitement in his heart.

It's finally time to escape this place of right and wrong!

Today's day is really terrifying.

Everything ahead was normal, and Black Widow basically counted all kinds of things.

Whether it was the Long Wei of the Ministry of Security or the law enforcers, they were led by the nose.

But who knows that when he is about to evacuate, he will kill a Cheng Yanjin halfway.

Fortunately, the other party did not seem to realize that this would happen.

Otherwise, the one who played with his paws cooperated with that rare plant awakener, and they were not enough to stuff their teeth.

Even so, this battle has almost exhausted his own family base.

However, fortunately, the mission is completed, as long as he returns safely and the reward given to him by the organization can definitely make up for the current loss.

In the fantasy, the bald head Qiang has driven to the outside of Ping'an City.

He kicked the accelerator and drove the car into the wasteland, and the support of other cities was about to arrive, and fools would run on the road.

Just as he was proud of his wise decision, a car light suddenly turned on in front of him.

The bald man who was illuminated by the strong light subconsciously narrowed his eyes, and the next moment the windshield in front of him suddenly shattered.

Large pieces of steel nails and bullets suddenly appeared in front of his eyes through countless glass shards.

The bald man finally reacted, and he roared to open the semi-fusion state.

On the opposite side, Li Bing tried to stabilize the body as much as possible on the main driver.

In the passenger seat, Liu He was raising his pistol and shooting wildly at oncoming cars.

In the back seat, Feng Qi took out the second metal nail ball and prepared to hit a home run.

On the side, Han Zhen held a compass in his hand, and the pointer vibrated wildly to point at the car in front of him.

At this moment, everyone was also a little confused.

Their previous mission was to keep the hostages safe and kill the fleeing terrorists.

After killing the terrorists and returning home, they actually encountered other vehicles here.

At this time, you don't need to think about it, you know that it is a terrorist who has fled.

Han Zhen used the awakening object to determine the strength of the other party, and immediately judged that the other party was a high-level awakener!

Seeing that the distance between the two sides was getting closer and closer, Liu He and the others were already preparing for hand-to-hand combat.

Suddenly, the compass in Han Zhen's hand turned irregularly again.

At the same time, the car in front of him lost control and drove into a puddle next to it.


was stunned, the crisis was lifted?

Everyone stopped on the side of the road, and Li Bing and Feng Qi carefully groped over.

When they opened the car door, they found that there was only one bald man inside, and at the moment, there was no life.

The bald man had a large scar in front of his body and blood at the corner of his mouth.

There are extensive burns on the hair body, and some places are pierced by some kind of sharp object.

Han Zhen on the shore blinked: "This guy is a four-star terrorist?" Feng

Qi looked at it seriously: "This guy seems to be the bald man who spoke in the Commercial Building before. Several

others were shocked.

This is a big boss who single-handedly planned the previous terrorist action.

How could this kind of advanced awakener appear here,

and it seemed that they had encountered a terrifying battle before?

Liu He was curious: "There are so many injuries on his body, can you judge how he died?" Feng

Qi checked the bald body, and soon found that blood was flowing out of the bald head's eye sockets.

It was the only fatal wound he had on the front.

Feng Qi said: "There is no steel nail in it, it should be Liu He's bullet through the eyeball to destroy his brain and destroy a fatal blow!" Hearing

this, everyone looked at Liu He's strange eyes, and Nima seemed to have picked up the leak again!

"Hey, I don't want to be so good, it seems that I can't hide the fact that I'm the protagonist." Everyone

: "......"


This night in Heian City is destined to be a sleepless night.

Half an hour later, Longwei from other cities came to support one after another.

Terrorists die and run away.

But the real battlefield is not here.

A hundred miles southwest of Heian City.

An awakened person in the mountain forest was carrying Wang Heng to flee at full speed.

In these short ten minutes, he has already run out for dozens of miles.

Finally, the awakened one could not bear to stop and gasp.

He glanced back at the mountains and forests behind him, it was absolutely impossible for even a six-star awakener to perceive himself at such a distance.

As long as you bring this kid on your shoulder to your destination, you will surely soar

! Just fantasizing about a better life in the future, a sharp eagle cry suddenly sounded in the rear.

The terrorist was stunned, looked up, and was surprised to find something in the sky behind him.

That black shadow approached at an extremely fast speed.

Moments later, the terrorist finally saw clearly with the help of moonlight.


butcher chased after me!

"Why, I ran out so far, why did you only chase me?" At

this moment the terrorist was desperate, there were many scattered terrorists in the forest.

Even those that they had previously rescued from the Ministry of Security were scattered here.

The purpose is to interfere with the pursuing dragon guards.

But the other party came straight at him, as if he had a locator installed on him.

Suddenly, the terrorist was startled, and he thought of the guy who had blown pink gas on his shoulder before he separated from Black Widow.

Originally, he thought that it was one of the marks or abilities made by the other party.

But now he suddenly understood that it was not a mark, it was a decoy

, and the black widow deliberately let him attract firepower!

"Butcher crown, I surrender, I surrender, this person is the guy we took from the research institute!" Without

waiting for Chen Rui to approach the terrorist, he put Wang Heng down on his knees and shouted.

When the goshawk arrived, Chen Rui came to the man and Wang Heng in front of him, his brows furrowed slightly.

"Who hired you?" said Chen Rui indifferently.

"Black Widow, the Red Peach Q of Eden!" the mercenary said immediately.

A bloody light shot up again ——!

, and the endless coercion frightened the mercenary into trembling.

"Where is she?" said Chen Rui word by word, stiff and cold, but the killing intent was like a volcano about to erupt.

"I can say, but you have to make sure I live..." Brush


a bloody blade exploded.

Before the mercenary finished speaking, his breath had completely disappeared.

Chen Rui slowly handed the knife, and the expression on his face did not change in the slightest.

Other people talk to him about conditions, but Eden or people who work with Eden he absolutely does not talk about conditions.


Rui glanced at the comatose Wang Heng and frowned slightly, he was only responsible for killing in the past ten years, and rarely dealt with this kind of rescue and protection tasks.

But this comatose guy's awakening object is said to be S-class, and it doesn't seem to be good to be left here except for accidents.

After thinking about it, Chen Rui finally threw Wang Heng directly on the back of the goshawk.

With a long chirp, the goshawk continued deep into the jungle.

The killing, just beginning!

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