Zhang Yifeng chanted on the podium for fifteen minutes, and the bell finally rang after school.

Zhang Yifeng was a little unfinished: "There is still a month to go to the college entrance examination, this weekend should rest but not too loose, by the way, the west side has recently flooded with monsters, remember not to approach, let go of school." It

was not until Zhang Yifeng left the classroom that the atmosphere in the class eased up slightly.

"This Zhang Laohu is too capable of BB."

"The security department is amazing, now I am not back to be a teacher."

"Don't say that, the security department also has a lot of fighters who fight terrorists."

"Zhang Laohu's arm is probably missing in battle."

Everyone was chatting and packing their bags, but they didn't feel anything about the cake of Zhang Yifeng's painting.

Night Breeze was loading books, and Wang Heng, who was carrying an empty school bag on the side, touched his shoulder: "Madman, what are you going to do this weekend?" "

Read a book." The night breeze said lightly.

"Isn't it, you still read books during the holidays? You haven't been so studious before. Wang Heng showed a surprised expression.

Night Wind grinned: "If there is no talent and no resources, then you can only work hard, and you will know when I become a great writer in a few days." Saying

that, Yefeng put on his backpack and left dashingly, leaving Wang Heng with a handsome back.

Wang Heng looked at the night wind a little stunned, and finally came back to his senses after a long time.

He muttered, "Madmen don't seem to be the same." "


"The speed is 70 miles, and the mood is free."

"Hopefully, the end is the Aegean Sea."

"Run with all your might, dream on the other side..." The

night breeze on the noisy road hummed a song on a bicycle and walked in the direction of the setting sun.

The June day was a little muggy and he had a few beads of sweat on his forehead.

In the light of the setting sun, there was a long blurry shadow behind him.

A fresh breeze blew through, and the night breeze looked up into the distance.

The setting sun in the sky seemed to be blocked by a layer of mist, which looked hazy, like a fiery red cloud.

People living here are familiar with this kind of picture, that hazy place is not a simple cloud, but the legendary Kunlun secret place.

After the revival of Reiki, a total of thirteen secret realms appeared in the world, and this was one of them.

It is said that the entrance to the secret realm is a huge pillar of light, which is not large in diameter but affects the surrounding area of hundreds of miles.

Ping'an City is located four hundred miles east of the Kunlun Secret Realm, which was just a small village when the secret realm first appeared.

Later, because a large number of adventurers entered the secret realm to explore, it was turned into a supply station.

It eventually developed into the town it is today, and today has a population of more than two million.

This special picture of the sunset being obscured can only be seen near the secret realm.

However, although the picture is beautiful, it is like that when you see too much.

Night Wind glanced at it and was about to withdraw his gaze, but he was suddenly stunned.

In his field of vision, the fiery red clouds around the Kunlun Secret Realm in the distant sky, a different scene appeared.

The cloud and mist were actually like a drop of water dripping into the calm water, causing ripples one after another.

Such a picture appears in the clouds, giving people an extremely strange feeling.

The night breeze blinked and looked again, but found that the picture had changed to the original again.

Could it be that I saw it wrong?

I didn't think much about the night breeze riding the bike and continuing to move forward, but my mind was thinking about how to arrange this weekend.

Half an hour later, the night breeze gradually came from the city center to the suburbs.

There are fewer and fewer buildings around, and the vegetation is more and more lush, until there are no traces of modern architecture at all.

After a while along the road, the night breeze finally saw a log cabin on the hillside in the distance.

The wooden house is not large, only sixty or seventy square meters, and it looks quite old.

A large number of fruits and vegetables, herbs, and trees are planted around the wooden house, giving the feeling of entering the countryside.

This is the home of Night Breeze.

Night Wind didn't know why his cheap grandfather was so fond of farming and cultivating herbs, and had settled here before the original owner had an accident.

After the horror of that year, Night Wind's parents were gone, and the house was gone, so his grandfather brought him here to take care of him.

The conditions may be a little difficult, but in this era of general technology, entertainment culture is the same, no electricity and no network does not matter.

"Grandpa, I'm back!" Near the wooden house, the night breeze calls loudly as usual.

However, this time I didn't hear my grandfather's response, but there was a movement in the vegetable field on the side.

The night breeze was startled, and turned to find something in the lush grass in front of him, speeding towards him.

30 meters, 20 meters, 10 meters...!

In the blink of an eye, the thing had come closer, and the next moment a black bear dog came out of the grass.

The black bear dog was dark and shiny, with a huge body of more than two hundred pounds, and its sharp claws and teeth reflected the cold in the light of the setting sun.

The black bear dog jumped up, relying on its strong size and momentum, and suddenly threw the night wind to the ground.

It opened its blood basin and opened its mouth to the face of the night wind....

Licked it.

"Haha... It's so itchy, Kuroko you tongue scratching your face. Night Wind touched Kuroko's head and laughed, and Kuroko would welcome him this way every time he came home from school.


Kuroko's tail wagged like a helicopter and drilled into the arms of the night wind, like a baby of more than 200 pounds.

One man and one dog rolled on the grass several times, and it took a while when the night wind was tired before it stopped.

"Kuroko, where's Grandpa?" Rest for a moment, Night Breeze asked while patting the weeds on his body.


The night wind was stunned: "Grandpa went to the mountains to collect medicine again?" "


"Didn't he promise me not to go." Vomiting blood in the night wind.

The night wind fused with the original owner's memory to understand that his grandfather was very good to him, and the two had been relying on each other for more than ten years, step by step, and the feelings were not said.

Although the physique of an awakened person in this world is better than that of his own world, the lifespan of an ordinary one-star awakened person will not be much higher.

The old man is now 78, and most people walk on crutches, but he goes to the mountains from time to time to collect medicine.

A few days ago, Yefeng discussed with his grandfather to let him not go to the mountains, and he thought of a way to make money or something.

The old man promised to do well, but when he turned his head, he actually went in again.

Suddenly Night Wind thought of something, and he stared at Kuroko with unkind eyes: "Why didn't you follow when grandpa went to collect medicine!"

Kuroko whimpered aggrievedly with his head against the ground, as if to say that Grandpa wouldn't let him follow.

Night Wind sighed, it was too late to say anything now.

He looked at the sky, it was less than an hour before the sun set, and once it was dark, it was dangerous to walk at night.

Especially now that the technology is not developed enough, there is no signal in the mountains.

If you accidentally bump into it, it is easy to have an accident.

Thinking of this, Night Breeze quickly put down his schoolbag and changed his equipment: thick rubber off-road shoes, long-sleeved jackets, lighting flashlights, wood knives, crossbows...

In the past, Night Wind did not go to the mountains with my grandfather to collect medicine, and I was very familiar with this aspect.

A moment later, Night Wind was fully armed: "Kuroko! "


"Go, take the road that grandpa walks on weekdays, and see if you can track the smell."


One person and one dog slowly walked into the mountain in the direction of Night Sunset Feng's usual entry into the mountain to collect medicine.

The setting sun pulled their shadows long.

A wisp of fresh breeze blew through, making the originally hot summer heat become a little cooler, but the air seemed to become a little dull.

Not long after the night wind entered the mountain forest, Ping'an City suddenly issued a notice

: [Warning, there is a Warcraft turmoil in the jungle west of our city, danger level: C, awakened people below three stars should not enter. ] The

night wind mobile phone deep into the jungle has long been out of signal, so he did not receive this message.

Of course, even if you see it, you won't care.

Heian City is located near the secret realm, and similar alarm messages occur from time to time.

Sometimes there are even high-risk events of monster invasion.

People have long been accustomed to this kind of thing.

But what he didn't know was that this notice was issued at the same time that the security department of Ping An City and the branch of the Law Enforcement Alliance received a special order.

Soon, off-road vehicles roared, and they walked through the city of Heian and headed straight for the jungle to the west.


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