In the afternoon, the night breeze, who had slept a little sleep, continued to write and draw on paper, looking for ways to solve the level tasks.

As for Chen Xinlan, she has been sleeping.

In the blink of an eye, two lessons passed.

When the second class ended, Yefeng stretched out and knocked on Chen Xinlan's desk: "Hey, three... Chen Xinlan got up.

However, the latter breathed a little calmly, and did not mean to wake up.

The night wind is very speechless, does this girl belong to a pig, so able to sleep?

"Hey, don't sleep!"

Night Wind said while rubbing Chen Xinlan's black hair slightly.

This time, the latter finally snorted softly, and his consciousness gradually awakened.

She opened her eyes in a daze, then looked around warily.

When she saw that there was a night breeze beside her, she was relieved.

Only then did she notice that someone seemed to be rubbing her hair just now.

Chen Xinlan's face turned red, and she huffed: "You, what did you want to do just now!" Yefeng

said lightly: "What for, the training session has arrived, are you going or not?"

Chen Xinlan was stunned, she didn't know anything about the school's teaching arrangements before she came, she came here just to smell the body fragrance of the night breeze.

Evening training should definitely be placed before the night breeze goes to bed.

After training, she fell asleep directly smelling the body fragrance of the night breeze, so that the curse had the least impact on her.

But now that you're awake, it doesn't hurt to take a look.

Chen Xinlan nodded: "Then go and see!" The

two followed the crowd side by side to the stadium.

On the way, Chen Xinlan looked at her mobile phone, and it was already past four o'clock in the afternoon.

In the past, Chen Xinlan would never sleep in such a public place, and would always be vigilant even if she was resting.

This is a basic quality as an assassin.

As Assassins, they must not expose themselves to public environments, let alone rest in them.

But after smelling the fragrance of the night breeze, she not only fell asleep, but actually slept so deadly.

- I slept more comfortably than usual today.

——He just told me that I didn't wake up immediately for the first time.

- If this guy does something while I'm sleeping, then...

——Blah blah, blah, Chen Xinlan, what are you thinking about!

Chen Xinlan blushed and shook her head, throwing away the strange things in her mind.

Coming to the gymnasium, many teachers were waiting there early.

Needless to say, all students started exercising according to their own training plan.

Several teachers looked at Chen Xinlan with amazement in their eyes.

As passers-by, they have seen more of the world.

Chen Xinlan's temperament is cold and noble, which is not something that ordinary families can cultivate.

Moreover, in the morning, Dean Li specially called them and told them to take good care of him.

Obviously, the identity of this girl named Chen Xinlan is not simple.

Now the only thing they were curious about was what Chen Xinlan had to do with the night wind.

Zhang Yifeng is very familiar with the night wind and has brought students for three years.

This kid is usually silent and invisible, but now he actually recognizes a girl of this level.

And looking at the standing posture of the two, it seems that the relationship is not ordinary.

Zhang Yifeng took the lead and tried to show an amiable appearance: "You are Chen Xinlan, we are the teachers of the school, you can find us directly if you have any needs, we can give you sparring and specify the training plan."

Chen Xinlan said coldly: "No need. Seeing

this, Zhang Yifeng nodded, what should have been said has already been said, people do not need him and do not have to catch up.

Soon, order was restored in the stadium.

Night Wind found a dumbbell and worked his muscles while squatting and striding the horse.

Chen Xinlan sat on the side and watched quietly.

When she was in the martial arts hall before, she also observed the night wind several times.

Every time this guy is doing the most basic physical training.

Other times you either spar for yourself or for other members.

In addition, Chen Xinlan did not see Night Wind do other behaviors.

But the strange thing is that this guy's strength is getting stronger day by day.

In addition, after someone changed into a tight shirt, Chen Xinlan actually found that someone's muscles were so much.

Usually I don't see it, this is the so-called thin dressing, undressing with meat?

The night wind exercised for a while, and saw that Chen Xinlan had been looking at himself with some doubts: "Don't you train?"

"I don't need it yet." Chen Xinlan said lightly.

"And when is the sparring partner?"

"In the evening, let's go to the martial arts hall."

Night Breeze: "??? "

Night Wind is a little confused, he can't understand the behavior of this guy in front of him.

The afternoon comes without training, and the sparring session is also put into the evening.

"So what are you doing in the gym?" The night breeze is puzzled.

Chen Xinlan gave him a blank look: "I want you to take care of it!" "

Night wind:"......"


...... Time was fleeting, and soon an hour passed.

Many students stop to rest, recover their physical strength, and replenish water.

When everyone chats, they will consciously or unconsciously look at the night breeze.

There, a good-looking and attractive boy was doing sports.

A beautiful cold girl on the side stood quietly by and looked at him.

This image gave the single dogs 10,000 real damage.

At this time, Zhang Yifeng's voice sounded: "The time is almost up, the actual combat training has begun, if you want to come quickly." Everyone

heard the hula and ran over, for them, the daily combat training was the time when the improvement was the greatest.

Everything else can be missed, but this one definitely doesn't work.

Chen Xinlan glanced at it with some curiosity at first, but when she saw the clumsy movements of those students, she instantly lost interest.

These people are not as good as those members in the martial arts hall who are looking for night wind sparring.

The training of the night wind here is finally over, and I simply sit in the distance while resting and watching the play.

Chen Xinlan thought for a while and finally couldn't help but speak: "Hey, ask you a question." "


"You... Can you talk well! Chen Xinlan's anger value is climbing rapidly.

Night Wind rolled his eyes: "I want you to take care of it."

Chen Xinlan was just about to get angry, and suddenly felt that this sentence was a little familiar.

Suddenly, she remembered that this line was what she had just said before.

"You are such a boy, how can you still take revenge!" Chen Xinlan felt angry and funny.

This guy sometimes feels very mature, and he knows what he likes to eat without asking him.

Although she always bullied herself when sparring, none of the skills that should help her train were pulled.

But sometimes it's very naïve, like now!

Night Breeze: "Huh.

Chen Xinlan: "..."

Taking a deep breath, Chen Xinlan said positively: "Don't be poor with you, let's get down to business, I see that you only exercise basic skills every day, but your actual combat ability will be greatly improved every day, I want to know how you do it."

After a pause, Chen Xinlan was afraid that the night wind would misunderstand and added: "Of course, if this question involves your privacy or something, you can choose not to answer, I don't want to inquire about your privacy." The

night breeze blinked, and he was not surprised at all when Chen Xinlan asked this question.

His strength improvement is too obvious, as long as he is not a fool can see it.

That's why he tries not to make a move, and even if he does, he tries to wear a mask or find a place where no one is.

Night Breeze sighed lightly, and his expression rarely became calm.

He whispered in a deep voice: "Since you asked sincerely, then I will tell you mercifully." Hearing

this, Chen Xinlan's spirit was shocked, and she raised her spirit.

The next moment, I only listened to the night breeze and slowly said: "Because I am the protagonist."

Chen Xinlan: "..."

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