The next morning I slept comfortably in the bed of Puyo Puyo, and I woke up refreshed.

Good luck ... You may not have worked hard, but it was worth the work. I want to use this outside the giant's tower.

"good morning"

"Good morning"

When you leave the bedroom, you meet Ali in the hallway. Ally seems to have happened.

"That was good, that's good."

"Yes. I slept well and got tired. Nice, jelly bed."

Ally, Alie feels refreshing.

We had breakfast in the cafeteria with a good mood.

"Lu, are you still asleep?"

"Maybe that's not it? I was comfortable."

Lou doesn't come after eating. Maybe you've got up, but maybe you're sleeping.

We spent our days garnishing weapons and tools, helping with cuclays, and cooling down the rivers that were built inside the giant's tower.

But ...

"I don't see Lou."

I can't see Lou at all while doing that.

I guess it's already afternoon and I'm awake

"Lou, let's get in!"

I knocked into the room with Ally.

, But inside is a shell. Nobody is here.

"Where have you been?"

"Come on ... I think you're playing around that area."

That's about Peru.

I didn't care at the time, thinking of, but Lou didn't come back when the sun was set to eat dinner and go to bed.

This may be a little worrying.

It seems that there isn't a place to play at night here.

Cuclay has been attacked.

We decided to get together and discuss.

"Daughter-Is Lou Missing?"


Ally asks, but Kukley shakes his head.

Apparently no one has seen Lou.

"I don't see it but I can see it"

"Huh? How is it ... ah!

Yes, a magical tool with an effect that was added to the god's eye made last time. If so, you can certainly look for Lou.

"I remember well, Mr. Kukley. Let's look for it immediately."

We pull out the god machine and activate its function.

You can record the old days, but of course you can see the current distant place just like the god's eye, so you will scan the inside of the giant's tower comprehensively.

When you stare while focusing on the screen.

"Stop! Please stop! Please up more"

The screen that I wrote for wide viewing approaches.

And what was clearly projected?

Lou was trapped in a barred cell.

"Lou, why are you in jail?"

"What is it? I don't think I'm going to come in from myself ...?

"Probably the work of a spawn"

"A spawn is a monster of that soil."

"That's it. Lou has a treasure, the essence of the goddess. Hidden treasures include Adama and have a great deal of energy. Perhaps he sensed the vibration and tried to use that energy to break the seal of the giant body. '

ah I see.

It is a powerful magic tool that is used for sealing.

So it was necessary to use the same kind of power, and it seemed that Lou's magic or element, which had an affinity for all magic tools, seemed to be usable for the dropped pups. It's about putting it in jail and using its power.

Although it may be some intelligence or instinct, making a rational choice means that Adama's great god can do it.

I see Lou again on the spectacle machine.

Peru kicks the grate with a runway.

"... It looks fine.

"Yes. Your body looks OK for now. It's safe, but I don't know what to do without helping quickly."

"Yeah, let's go right away. Lou won't do anything."

We jumped out of the palace with a push sword.

"Are you here? @ Cukley-san"

"That's it. Prison is coming soon ... here

On the level that moved far above the town, there was a prison where Lou was imprisoned.

Because it's underground, or tower, it's inside the floor, but it's a prison built there.

"OK, inside"


Cuckle stops me and Allie from trying to enter through the entrance.

"The bars in this prison are special. It uses alloys that have been magically reinforced so that even skill giants can not jailbreak. ''

"... isn't it iron?"

"It's another metal, just by convention. It will be harder than your black silver sword. '

It's going to be broken ... it's going to be even more broken.

"In addition to the bunches, there are iron plates made in the same way at the entrance of the prison itself and at the entrance of each block. We have to think of a way to do these things. '

"I see ... it's a very solid door or a grid ... I'm not even terrified of Lou's strength."

I wonder if I have to use my skills. There are various skills and how to use them to get into underground jails as quickly and safely as possible.


That's it!

"Aishi, what did your face look like?"

I quickly looked at my surprise and Ally said.

"That's right. If the grid is stiff, you can go from another place. The ceilings and walls were like ordinary building materials. Then you can dig into the ground. We're good at digging holes. ''

Allie nodded with a blank face.

"That's right ..... Yes, let's do it!"

Immediately, take a position right above the place where Lou is trapped by the guide of the cucle watching the god machine.

And I used the skill Softening Curse on the ground.

There, Allie gouges the ground using the spirit magic of the earth.

Yes, both are good at handling soil.

"It's very easy to handle."

(4) Magically gobble the ground that has become soft and easy to handle with the curse of softening, and go further deeper with the gouged soil using a shovel or pickaxe. Then, there was a hard sound with konkon.

"The ceiling of a cell"

"Okay, so let's take another shot at the end!"


According to my spell, Ary hits the ceiling with compressed rock bullets, which had been dug up into the earth, and a hole was opened with a violent impact sound.

"I did it, Eishi."

"Yeah. Nice combination. Let's go."

We fixed our fist and jumped from the hole into the cell.

"Is it ... safe?

"Wow! Acy! Ally! Cuclay! I was surprised. If you think that the sound suddenly sounds great and the ceiling collapses, it falls."

"Like saying you fell into such a pitfall. You landed tightly."

"I came to help, belatedly. Do you have any help?"

When Allie rushes to Lou, Lou raises her hands and turns around as shown.

"Okay okay. I'm intact."

Looking at Peru's body, no injuries were found.

It doesn't seem that magical energy has been absorbed. Apparently it was in time.

Lou says to us as he strokes his chest.

"I couldn't get outside anyway, but they could beat it."

Peru points to the floor. And there are remnants of soil there ... a splinter.

"I woke up early and had a pleasant morning stroll, and when I was lying down there on the lawn that looked good. It looks like you've been kidnapped. ''

"No, notice on the way."

"As expected, I used something magical. Probably. Otherwise I would wake up."

Is it true?

I feel like I was just sleeping ...

"Well, when I woke up, I stayed here and was surrounded by dropped children, so I destroyed it with my power. I was in trouble because I couldn't get out, so I'm glad you came to help. Thanks! "

Peru winks.

Well, anyway, it was all right. I guess the key is that a fellow puppy went outside. Did your friends judge you to be dangerous because they were beaten and fled?

"Is that so? Anyway, I'm glad you were safe, Mr. Lou"

"That's right. And it could be an injury. "

"What's the name of the injury?"

"There is a facility near this cell that was used to seal the great god. Perhaps that is why the spawns brought you. It's protected as well or better here, and it may be difficult to get inside if the droppers wake up, but we've found a way to do it well. '

"How to do it well ... I see, it's a great digging operation."

"That's it. He also found that Lou's power would be helpful in resealing. With the power of Lou as well as me, we should be able to pave the way for Adama's great god and reseal it. If you can suppress the movement of the giant '

The words of Cuclay are higher than usual, just like in the impending decisive battle.

I looked at Ali and Lou's faces and nodded with my eyes.

--lets go.

Not only Cuclay, but also Lou came out. I can't afford to be quietly withdrawing so far.

I came up with a good way to attack. Then take this machine and decide at once.

"Okay, let's do a giant god with this."

Suggested, the three looked strongly at me, and nodded.

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