We enjoyed plenty of water while happening, and we were playing on the gravel of the riverbank.

"Humhumu, there are such utensils in a different world."

Ally is curious.

Even when preparing meals, the eyes that look for interesting things are working well.

"It's solid fuel, that's it."

"Is the ice-like mass burning?"

"Yeah, it's not cold. Well, the basics aren't the same?-Rather, this is more of a world."

"That's right. There were no useful magic items like Denrinji. It's amazing."

It's not magic, but I have to agree that microwave ovens aren't very convenient. It's just like magic, for those who don't know the principle.

"Now, it's ready."

"Yes, let's make a lot and eat a lot"

"Like, I'm hungry. I'm swimming for swimming."

Peru brought a bunch of meat, corn and shiitake mushrooms.

Lou suddenly takes a sexy pose when she sees the goddess motivated.

"Fufufu, how are you?-It's a midsummer goddess who exposes her skin without hail.

"I don't particularly care about the skin because I feel that the usual goddess clothes are more exposed."

Ally nodded in my words.

Peru, well, swelled her cheeks.

Speaking of riverside, barbecue is such a thing.

We started barbecue.

Lisa Haruna says he prepares cut and prepared ingredients perfectly.

"It was very good to prepare the ingredients at home, and they were both used to it."

At the end of your line of sight, Ali and Jakurosa.

"I practiced a lot again, and now I can cook quite a bit."

"I also cook well. During the training I have to cook myself with various things."

They both worked really well. I was no good at the end, so it turned into a dangerous person who rolled off trying to cut corn.

"Oh, let's compete for cooking which is better!"

"Cooking competition?"

"Oh yes, we are the judges."

Peru suggests.

He's a face that is tricky.

He looked down and shouted.

"The size of our job is reduced if we are upbeat, sloppy."

This goddess is not as astute.

"Certainly, I wanted to show the results of my training. It may be just right."

They were surprisingly slick.

"I don't care which way ... I won't escape from fighting"

Is this the blood of the arena fighter-I don't need to worry about this fight.

So, I'm not sure why, but the culinary confrontation has begun.

However, what I do is a barbecue that everyone can bake. There was almost no confrontation, so we decided to confront with our own improvised barbecue sauce.

"Please look, Aishi-sama. A taste polished in another world."

"Oh, I trained. What's the secret?"

"They said that the food is affectionate. I make it with a philanthropic spirit that hopes for peace that wraps around the world."

"It's big on scale"

I think maybe the affection of cooking is smaller.

Anyway, while Ally and Jaklosa were making the sauce, the other three of us put ingredients on the wire mesh.

Vegetables are browned, fats emerge from the surface of the meat and fall into the charcoal under the wire mesh.

The appearance of burning slowly and the fragrant scent will attack our stomach.

"Uhhhh, I can't stand it anymore, I ate fast."

At the same time as Lou raised his voice.

"The source is ready"

"I'm done, here too."

The source prepared by them has been completed, and so on.

"It looks like you've burned enough. Eishi, let's eat."

The time has come.

"Ah, Ichiichi"

Lou eats the meat when she peels it off, but she's laughing with a cheerful, happy face.

Everyone else enjoys the barbecue at will and enjoys the sauce made by Ally and Jaclosa alternately.

I also eat freshly baked meat in the sauce of jaclosa.

Hummum, this is delicious. It has spices and is spicy. The taste of meat is brought out.

Continue to pick up the meat with Ally's sauce.

A truly Japanese style!

It's based on soy sauce or ponzu. A light source. He did not expect that the inhabitants of another world would make something Japanese. I'm surprised.

"Hehehe, his face looks amazing, Eishi."

There was a good voice next door.

"Ally, what time is Japanese?"

"Fufufu, it's Eishi-sama's hometown. I've been studying and practicing.

When you add the radish brought by Ally, the refreshing spiciness is added, and this is the best. Moreover, it is also that Allie studied and made it.

"Hey, I'm so happy, it's like this. It's so delicious."

"I'm glad ... I was rewarded to say that."

Allie relieved her breasts with a gentle smile at Eishi.

"Results announced! Ally wins 2 to 3! Pichi Pichi!"

Lou announces the results of the strict voting of five people, and Ally is the winner of the micro-meal competition. There are no special prizes even if they are decided.

We clean up and go home.

In addition, there is a request from a certain lady to get on that train, and she is traveling by train.

If you look out of the swaying car window, you'll find yourself in a journey.

Kotori, my shoulders are heavy.

Looking up, Allie was lying on my shoulder, sleeping.

... It looks good, so let's just lay it down.


I've been away for a long time in this world, and I thought it would be nice to go somewhere again while watching Ali's sleeping face.

And the train carries us home.

But, what am I doing in my dream ...?

It was a little scary train sway.

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