I, Lich, Can Raise a Dragon [Western Fantasy]

Chapter 20: Arrive at the main hall

Just as Thurro was thinking about running away, Sang Ni had already taken action against other sub-temples, and the crushing battle was basically the same as before.

Oh, by the way, it was Vice-Bishop Duolin who was asked for help this time.

And...only him. After all, the other two ran away, and the third cardinal didn't like to take care of the sub-temples.

Dolin’s status in the Dark Vatican is not very good. After all, this is a violent terrorist organization. It is half luck for a person like him who is not strong enough to live until now, and half is good at being a man. The cardinal sees this as a rare one. Honestly, it must have been squeezed to death. To say it better is multi-faceted management. In fact, he has to take care of trivial matters, whether it's a spy far away with intelligence or a skeleton in the temple has no bones.

When Duolin received a request for help from the branch temple near the Polar Mountains for the fourth time in three days, he had gone from being surprised at the beginning, to anger, to numb...

The third main hall has a total of 23 sub-halls, 11 of which are in the Polar Mountains. In only three days, there are no four?

In fact, there are five to be precise, and Duolin doesn't know one more.

Dorin himself is not stupid. He knew that he could not handle the matter. When he received the fifth request for help, he reported the situation to the cardinal.

The third cardinal Nonie was more normal than the experimental mad Lehmand, at least after hearing about the branch hall, he didn't shake his hand and let them fend for themselves.

"Each request for help is interrupted in the middle?" Nonie repeated.

"Yes, your Excellency, the other party should be demonstrating to the main hall." Doreen said respectfully.

Otherwise, why have to interrupt in the middle? Don’t you just want the main hall to be anxious?

At this moment, the communication crystal of the branch hall lights up again, and Duolin quickly connects.

"Help, Lord Duolin! Here—" a desperate cry came from the other side.

Then, with a crisp sound, the crystal went out.

Facing this bright provocation, both of them were silent for a moment.

"Dolin, prepare the long-distance mobile circle in advance, and take someone over when you ask for help next time you divide the palace to see who is so bold!"

Nonie ordered angrily.

Dolin hurriedly shirked: "Your Excellency, I always don't care about the branching of the temple. I don't know Throh and Sir Xitan—"

He froze for a moment, then remembered that they had all been sent out.

"Dolin, what's your opinion?" Bishop Nonie asked coldly.

"No, Your Excellency." Duolin's back was soaked in cold sweat for an instant.

He can survive in the Dark Vatican because he never dared to disobey the bishop's orders.

But this time, he felt that he just didn't disobey the order... and he couldn't survive.

He still hasn't figured out what monster he is facing.

Duolin could only go down in obedience to prepare to teleport the magic circle, and his heart was full of fear of the unknown.

I hope the interval will be longer this time... He doesn't know which **** to pray to.

However, no matter which **** it is, it is obvious that he will not take care of him.

Soon after he prepared the magic circle, the communication crystal lit up again.

"Bishop Dolin! Save—"

At this moment, Duolin was desperate deep in his heart.

Who will save him?

And when he teleported over according to the communication coordinates... he felt that he could actually be a little more desperate.

"Sannyis! Why are you!" He backed away in horror, regretting why he couldn't move himself back.

Even if he died, he didn't want to face the lunatic who ruined the entire second main hall after rebellion!

"Ah, you are Duolin." Sang Ni missed her face: "I'm an old acquaintance. It's been a long time since I saw you."

"You, why are you coming over?" Duolin simply trembled his teeth: "The Third Main Hall has never made enemies with you!"

"I used to think the same way. If you don't offend the river, why bother to embarrass each other." Sang Ni said regretfully, "You provoke me first."

Okay, what you say is what you say.

"What do you want?" Duolin asked tremblingly.

Sang Ni Zuoshi pondered for a while: "I don't want to be so, I just want to go to the third cardinal to talk about poetry, poetry, and philosophy of life... Maybe you can show me a way?"

"Dang, of course! I can take you to the main hall, don't kill me!" Duolin shouted in disintegration.

Sang Ni felt that she had no sense of accomplishment... She didn't even need to be executed just like that?

However, based on her knowledge of Dolin, this might not be true.

The three vice-bishops of the third main hall, one is as cunning as a fox, the other is as timid as a mouse, and the other is as stupid as a pig-Duolin is the pig.

Unsurprisingly, Xitan knew she would come to seek revenge, she was the first to run, and Thurro should have found something wrong and ran away.

However, she hadn't hoped to be able to hold Xitan this time.

"You are not curious, why did I come to the Third Main Hall?" Sang Ni didn't seem to be anxious at all.

Dorin was almost silly: "Why?"

"Because I had a little conflict with Xitan some time ago, so I wanted to ask him." Sang Ni smiled badly: "However, I guess he won't wait for me to find him, so he will anger you accidentally. "

"But I'm not familiar with Xitan at all!" Dorin broke down in particular.

He and Xitan are both the vice-bishops of the third main hall, but they are veritable competitors. Why does Xitan need him to take the blame?

Sang Ni comforted: "I know I know, so you just need to lead a way. I heard that your bishop values ​​him very much, so I came."

"You won't kill me?" Dolin asked tremblingly.

He listened to Sannyis, as if he was just coming to the cardinal to seek revenge, then could he not have to die?

"I won't kill you." Sang Ni's words confirmed his guess: "As long as you take me to the cardinal, you can leave alive."

Sang Ni didn't lie, she really planned to let Duolin go.

Doreen was indeed just a foolish fool in her mind, and more importantly, her calculations.

Her ultimate goal was to clean up Xitan, but she couldn't get Xitan out and beat him to death.

However, if the cardinal of the third main hall dies because of Xitan, and even the other two vice-bishops are implicated...what interesting will happen?

Sang Ni is looking forward to the day when Xitan is chased by the Dark Vatican.

No, maybe losing the biggest backer, and dealing with Dolin and Thurro together is enough for him to drink a pot.

After all, even without the support of the bishop, Thro still manages the affairs of the sub-temple, and Duolin is mainly responsible for all kinds of chores, and the time is first-rate.

The two vice-bishops are not entirely rubbish.

Sanny was extremely happy, and even seeing Noniel's old orange face did not affect her good mood.

Saros and the others stayed outside the temple to clean up the trash fish in the main hall, and Sang Ni followed Dolin to Nonier alone.

"You can go now," she said to Dorin, who was so busy to get away, completely ignoring Noniel's angry and surprised expression.

"Good day, sir." Sang Ni greeted politely.

"Sannyis, the third main hall has no old grudges against you." Nonie said angrily.

Sang Ni said helplessly: "No, why both of you have to emphasize that you have no grudges with me? What does this have to do? Can't it be me who simply sees you upset?"

Nonieu: "..." He was speechless.

Sang Ni continued: "Speaking of which, the Dark Vatican didn't have any old grudges with me, but when you killed my adoptive parents and took me away, you didn't care about it so much."

Nonie looked at her gloomily: "Useless people should use their lives to contribute to our reconstruction of this chaotic world."

Sang Ni smiled: "Yes, but you seem to be within the useless range."

After chatting for a few words, Sarros came in with an epee outside: "A few ran away, but the others died." He said.

"It's a beautiful job." Sanny praised under Noniell's almost substantive glare.

"You deliberately delaying time to wait for your companions to help?" Nonie sneered with anger: "I thought you were able to destroy the second main hall by your own ability, but that seems to be the case."

When he saw that Sang Ni was only a young woman in her twenties, he subconsciously looked down upon her, and he obviously didn't recognize Sarros as Sang Ni’s death knight...

However, Sang Ni would not take the initiative to tell him: "Is it wrong to fight in groups?" She was also very proud: "To tell you the truth, I also brought a dragon, so I asked if you were afraid?"

Nonieu: "...you are shameless." He completely ignored that he was clearly on the crowd.

Although everyone else has now been resolved.

"You're welcome." Sang Ni wasn't angry at all.

After two sentences, the dragon also changed into a human form and walked in: "You haven't done it yet?"

"Sorry, I was too devoted to the time." She was actually preparing for the curse secretly. After all, what the other party said was also a cardinal, and she wanted to go all out.

But thinking about it carefully, both of her meat shields came in, as if she didn't have to worry about the casting time.

"Don't talk nonsense, let's do it." Sang Ni raised his hand as a prepared withering curse flew over.

Noniel dodges and summons two evil spirits to pounce on Sanny.

There are only evil spirits? Sang Ni's instinct was wrong, and while burning the evil spirits with magic flames, he moved out of the hall.

As a necromancer, you don't even bring an undead creature in battle. Did you forget how low your defense is?

Of course it is impossible.

"Don't stay here! He wants to open the field!" Sang Ni shouted.

As she moved to the gate of the hall, cracks began to appear on the floor of the main hall, spreading at an extremely fast speed, and almost instantly, the entire floor collapsed, revealing the darkness underneath.

"Sannyis!" She heard several voices calling out her name almost simultaneously.

She saw the dragon's golden eyes full of panic and horror.

Sang Ni used teleportation magic to throw out the dragon who rushed towards her for the first time.

In any case, she didn't want Long to get hurt in front of her again.

"Go away!" In order to prevent anyone from coming over, she had to scream in her throat.

Before she could say anything, she quickly fell into the darkness under the floor.

The author has something to say:

Daily collection╭(╯ε╰)╮

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