That figure was extremely strong and tall, and even if he crouched there, it gave people a sense of oppression.

He has swollen muscles, as if cast in steel, dark as ink, and in some places even squirms like liquid, his face has a pair of eyes that occupy half of his face, that eye is a flat, a pure white, like a Spider-Man hood, the eyes are obliquely upward, plus a large split mouth, Sensen fangs, full of a palpitating anger.


Venom jumped sharply, and the ground under his feet was cracked, and his body fell towards Leon like a cannonball, and suddenly stretched out his hand in mid-air, and his entire arm extended rapidly, sticking to a building on the side, and his body fell slightly, and then fell towards Leon’s side.

Before his body fell, his other hand had already begun to deform, rapidly extending and stretching, and in a blink of an eye, it transformed into a giant blade more than two meters long, slashing towards Leon with a cold glow.

“Boom, that’s awesome!”

Leon didn’t hold it up, and with full attention, with his agile reflexes, he dodged the blade before it fell.


With a muffled sound, the ground shook, and then centered on the venom drop point, a puff of smoke and dust rose up, and the ground cracked around.

Leon stepped back, and at this moment, a black silk thread shot out from the smoke, winding towards him.

He hurried down, the black silk similar to his spider silk, and flew past his cheek.

Venom has similar abilities to Spider-Man, great strength, amazing speed, extraordinary endurance, and similar sensing ability to spider sensing, which is completely an enlarged version of Spider-Man, and also has weird deformation ability, which is simply not too difficult.


A strong wind came, and Leon didn’t have to turn his head to feel a sharp slash towards his cheek, but he didn’t know when Venom had jumped in front of him, and one hand turned into a blade, slashing down at him.

Leon rolled on the spot and gave way to the blow, and at the same time his hands became claws, and the moment he staggered with it, his hands had already torn a piece of his abdomen.


Venom roared in pain, and then struck at Leon.

“It’s so difficult.”

Leon sighed in his heart, this was definitely the most difficult enemy he had encountered so far, much more difficult than the saber-toothed tiger.

He had already glimpsed the wound in Venom’s abdomen, which had disappeared in the blink of an eye, and this recovery speed was more exaggerated than that of Sabertooth and Wolverine.

Leon dodged the blow of venom, suddenly tightened his heart, subconsciously protected his chest with his hands, and then felt a distance hit, and the whole person flew out upside down and smashed into the glass vitrine in the distance.

He got up from the shattered window, saw Venom rushing towards him, and quickly dodged, avoiding the opponent’s blow.

“The strength is similar to his own, but also about eleven tons of strength, if he is agile, he is still a little faster, and he is much stronger than himself in terms of injury recovery, and his transformation ability is not even more so, it seems that he can only outwit.”

Leon had the foresight and prepared early, and as soon as his hand raised a spider silk to shoot, the person also quickly swung towards the distance, and the venom naturally would not give up, climbing on the wall and chasing it.

This chase and escape soon came to the top of a building, where Leon waited for Venom to appear, and a megaphone appeared in his hand.


Venom landed on the ground, roared and rushed towards Leon.

And Leon turned on the horn unhurriedly, and suddenly there was a sharp and piercing sound of electricity, the frequency was very high, the moment the venom was emitted, the whole body had begun to tremble, the black on the surface of the body was like a liquid vibrating, and there was a burst of roars in the mouth, but it was still approaching Leon little by little.

“Isn’t the volume enough?”

Leon thought so, and directly increased the volume to the maximum.


A sharp roar came from Venom’s mouth, his mouth full of sharp teeth wide open, revealing a man’s face, which should be Edward Bullock, the man known as Eddie, his face was distorted and painful.

“One more.”

Another megaphone appeared in Leon’s hand, and after opening it, a sharp and piercing sound came out.

The surface of Venom’s body began to shake like boiling water, faintly seemed to be about to get rid of Eddie, and the two looked extremely painful.

The characteristics of symbiotes are many, but the weaknesses are very obvious, and the fear of fire and sound, especially sharp sounds, is a very painful injury for them.

“Fortunately, the venom when he coexisted with Eddie was not highly resistant to fire and sound, otherwise this thing alone would not have made him lose his combat effectiveness.”

(Request!!! )

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