Leon was completely deceived by Hulk’s “humble” appearance, and he would never have thought that this product would actually be fraudulent, and it was very insidious, and he gave him such a look while he was not paying attention.

At this moment, the Hulk flew over, like a cannonball towards him, Leon was furious, followed by a roar, his arm suddenly swelled, and suddenly became like a heavy hammer, carrying the distance of his whole body to erupt, towards the falling Hulk.


There was another deafening muffled sound, the shock wave generated by the collision of the two made the surrounding grass and trees shattered, Leon’s body sank into the ground again and again, directly into the waist, his arm was suddenly twisted into a twist by the huge force, and the original shape could not be seen.

The Hulk flew out backwards again, smashing the ground out of a large hole again, all of a sudden like an earthquake, shaking up a puff of floating dust and flying ash, and one of his arms was also twisted, but it recovered in a blink of an eye.

Leon did the same, he got up from the deep ground, his other arm also began to swell, and at this time, it looked like he had two heavy hammers hanging from his body, roared at the Hulk, and then rushed like a tank.

The Hulk roared, his voice was like thunder, and he rushed towards Leon without fear.

Natasha had already run more than a hundred meters away, and when she looked back, she saw that two humanoid monsters were on a rampage, destroying both stones and trees along the way, and the destructive power was terrifying.

She opened her mouth and looked shocked, and only then did she understand what kind of terrifying power was hidden in the little man’s body, and it was unbelievable that she could face Hulk Gang.



It’s like two beasts, running in the primeval wilderness, the distance is closer in a blink of an eye, and then another collision occurs.

Leon’s heavy punch was extremely furious, and after the blade fused, his strength increased by more than ten times, more than a hundred tons of distance, making him look like a fierce machine, and every punch fell down was as terrifying as a pile driver.

Hulk’s whole body is green, because of anger and his strength has greatly increased, although there is still a slight gap with Leon, but the gap in strength is rapidly narrowing, his power comes from anger, the more angry, the stronger the power, he is like a spring, when the pressure reaches the limit, the counterattack will be more terrifying.



“Bang bang!”

Collision after collision, the sound wave is deafening, smoke and dust are billowing out, the ground seems to be smashed by meteors, splashing the sky with floating dust, far away can only see two huge figures, in the smoke and dust collision rolling, like a beast fighting.

“Oh my God, what two monsters.”

Natasha muttered, stunned, and then hurried to flee into the distance.

This is not a place where she can stay, it is not safe within a hundred meters, or the farther away the better.

In the field, Leon and Hulk in the blade state are still colliding, but the more he fights Leon, the more frightened he is, because he feels that the power on Hulk’s body has become stronger and stronger, and it is estimated that in a minute at most, Hulk’s strength can surpass himself.

“What a hell of an ability.”

Leon did not lose his mind, on the contrary, he was very sober, knowing that the longer the time dragged on, the more difficult it would be for him to suppress the other party in terms of strength, so he decided to change.

As soon as the thought moved, within three kilometers of his center, the earth on the ground began to churn, and all the metal in the small village rose to the sky, while fine black sand oozed out of the dirt and gathered towards him.

He used his magnetic control ability to extract all the iron elements in the land within three kilometers, and from a distance, black smoke and dust drifted around him, gathering towards him, and Natasha who was running was suddenly startled, and when he looked back, he saw that Leon’s body seemed to have grown again, and there was an extra pair of metal armor outside his body.

“This is?”

Before she could return to her senses, she saw the black sand in the sky gather together, turning silvery white in color, forming a circular discus with a diameter of five meters, and a thickness of thirty centimeters.

Then the original discus separated into more than a dozen points, creeping like a liquid, and then each of them transformed into a long knife, shining with a cold light.

Leon’s body flew up, floating in mid-air tens of meters high, and with a wave of his hand, the dozen long knives slashed down towards the Hulk.


With a sound of sharp weapons entering the flesh, wounds appeared on Hulk’s body, and even some places were pierced, and blood flowed.


The Hulk roared in pain, and smashed several long knives with a fist, but the long knives recovered in the next moment, hanging in the air and pointing at him.

Leon said in a low voice: “If you resist again, I will cut off your head, and this time I will do what I say.” ”

(Let’s continue to add more today, and everyone will also work harder.) )

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