At the same time, because of the collision of two energies, ultra-high frequency sound waves were produced, stimulating the eardrums of everyone present, and their heads seemed to explode.

Leon’s face was serious, that kind of voice did not affect him much, but involuntarily transformed into a blade form, and the surface of his body was boiling and surging like liquid, while Hawkeye and Bruce Banner were already kneeling on the ground with their warriors’ heads, and even Natasha was affected, and the fighter hovered crookedly above.

“Stop… Stop, man. Hawkeye shouted.

Bruce Banner’s body color has changed, green and his normal skin color are switching back and forth, his face has been distorted, it seems that not only he is uncomfortable, but even the Hulk in his body is unbearable.

Leon frowned, “Bear with me!” ”

After that, he increased the energy output of the laser beam, and tried his best to condense the two laser lights, and then the two laser rays began to thin until they condensed into a cigarette-thick beam.

The laser light acted on the blue shield, and where the two touched, a violent vibration was produced, and in an instant, high-frequency sound fluctuations erupted into an extremely sharp sound.


Hawkeye covered his head and fell to the ground, his face twisted in pain, Bruce Banner roared angrily, it seemed that he was almost uncontrollable and wanted to transform, as for Natasha, now the fighters were about to fall from mid-air.

“Damn it! Stop it, we can’t hold on. Hawkeye roared.

Leon shook his head, the ultra-high frequency sound made him a little uncomfortable, and his laser light at this time was enough to penetrate a mountain, but he still couldn’t even penetrate the blue energy shield, and he had to stop, otherwise the people around him were estimated to really can’t stand it.

When the laser light disappeared, Hawkeye and Bruce Banner felt a lot better, and after getting up from the ground, the two were still a little dizzy and had the urge to vomit, but they were resisted.

“Oh my God, that voice almost tortured me to death.” Bruce Banner Road.

Hawkeye also had a scared expression on his face, and looking at Leon’s gaze was like looking at a monster.

At this moment, a voice flew up from downstairs and landed next to the three people, but it was Thor, who had just been ejected, and he frowned: “What happened just now?” What makes such a strong noise? ”

Bruce Banner explained to him, he looked at Leon and shook his head: “So, we can’t take this thing?” ”

“It seems that this is indeed the case now, because that layer of energy shield and the energy of the Cosmic Cube are one, and the energy of the Cosmic Cube is infinite, representing the space energy of the entire universe, so you can’t break it at all.”

Leon only shook his head slightly when he heard this.

“Okay, so what do we do next? Can you only wait for this damn machine to shut down on its own? Thor said.

Hawkeye thoughtfully, but Bruce Banner shook his head and said, “We have to find your brother Loki and get the scepter from him, his scepter is set with a gem, and that gem is likely to have the same level of energy as the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube and can be used to neutralize this blue shield, and there is no other way, unless one of us has the same level of energy as the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube.” ”

Leon’s mind moved, his eyes were connected to an alien space, and with the entire alien space energy as a backing, he could continue to stalemate with this cosmic cube, but obviously, it was not good for him to do so.

“Then let’s go now.” Tordau.

“Gentlemen, I think you need to hurry, because I think it may not be long before this thing opens the spatial passage.”

Natasha’s voice came from the headset of the four, and then she said: “I have contacted the captain and Stark, the captain has responded, he is rushing here, Stark seems to be in some trouble, he should need our support.” ”

“So what are you waiting for, let’s hurry up.” Tordau.

“Leon stayed to guard this instrument, and the rest of me went with me to meet Stark and the captain.” Natasha said.

“Good.” Leon nodded.

He is indeed the best person to guard here, because of all the people, he has the most attack methods, and his combat power is amazing.


The rest of the people boarded the fighter, and the tail end of the Kun fighter spewed out flames from the font, and quickly flew towards the distance.

Leon, on the other hand, stood alone in front of the instrument, looking at the azure cosmic cube in the center of the instrument and lost thought.

“Is there any way to take this thing out?” In the end, if it falls into the hands of Thanos, it will be a troublesome matter. ”

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