Thor was noncommittal about his statement, he didn’t know why Leon was so keen on killing, but in his opinion, this is the most basic quality of a warrior, so strong! Fierce! Leon did shock him, at least even if it was his words, killing many people would be boring, but Leon was now enjoying it.

Leon doesn’t care how many people rushed out of the asteroid fortress, anyway, as long as he sees it, he can’t escape the consequences of being killed by him, the process is very fast and short, after all, the magnetic force control in controlling metal long-range killing, the effect is very prominent.

And at this moment, the energy gathering in the central position of the asteroid had reached a fixed point, and even Leon could detect the surging energy contained in it, and Thor’s voice suddenly came from his ears.

“Quick, we need to stop them from having energy cannons!”

That is indeed an energy cannon, it is estimated that it is still a high-level energy cannon, and a cannon that goes down through the space passage can definitely blow up New York and destroy it.

Leon has long been guarding against this, and after seeing this scene, he suddenly stretched out his hands, urged the magnetic control ability with all his strength, and then shrouded most of the fortress, followed by turning its two levels, like playing with marbles, to move the asteroid fortress.

This does not require him to expend much energy, in fact, the asteroid is a very large whole, involving the whole body, only need to move a point, then the whole will be displaced.

Leon doesn’t need to shift the entire asteroid, just a slight shift in its center.

As he thought, in a five-second period, the center point of the asteroid fortress shifted fifteen degrees to the left, which seemed to be a small displacement at close range, but zoomed in to the cosmic scale, it was a thousand miles away.


Leon suddenly only felt a brilliant brilliance flash in front of his eyes, covering all the starlight in the starry sky in an instant, leaving only this brilliance in his sight.

He seemed to have ripples under this beam of light in the universe, and at the same time he sensed the amazing energy contained in the beam, and then when he turned his head, he saw that the energy beam grazed the edge of the space channel, and missed it.

This is exactly what Leon wanted, and at the same time achieved his goal.

“Let’s start destroying, it will take a while for their main guns to be recharged.” Leon said.

Thor had already reached the surface of the asteroid one step ahead of him, and immediately saw a dazzling flash of electricity on his body, which suddenly lined him with a dazzling appearance, like a god, and then Thor began to wreak havoc on the surface of the fortress.

Without the restraints in New York, he was full of combat power, and he was ruthless against the Chitauri, although his shot was not as ruthless as Leon, but everyone touched by his thunder and lightning would be killed in an instant.

And Leon also landed at this time, and as the distance narrowed, his control of the metal on the asteroid became more and more relaxed, often in a single thought, hundreds of tons of metal would fly into the air, and then fall down like a cannonball.

Moreover, it directly destroys the metal creation structure on the fortress, causing it to collapse itself, like cutting grass to harvest the lives of the Zitari people.

In this state, others could not hurt him, but he turned into a bloody reaper, and hundreds of Chitari died at his hands every moment, but in just five minutes, everything within two or three square kilometers had been destroyed, and such destructive power would be an absolute terrible disaster if placed on the earth.

Even on this asteroid, it was a huge disaster, especially for the Zitari people, such a loss was unbearable even for them, but Leon did not care about the life or death of the Zitari people, and worked hard to reap it.

Now he kills the Chitari people, and only gets kill value and no good value, because he is now on the asteroid fortress, because of his relationship, the Chitari people hit all their firepower on him and Thor, and there is no direct connection with the safety of New York, so the good value is now gone.

But he doesn’t care, the kill value is just as important to him.


There was a low buzzing sound in his ears, and then the ground began to shake under his feet, and the area he destroyed produced a strong explosion in the next moment, and he had already flown out of this area early, and had reached another place several kilometers away to continue his journey of destruction.

Thor was with him, and the two did not act separately, which would be nothing to Leon, but Thor did not have such strong defense and maneuverability as Leon, so he would be slightly more dangerous, so he would have to be a lot more careful.

(It will be on the shelves at 12 o’clock tonight, and it has been decided, so before the shelf, ask for a wave of flowers and ratings at the end, and in addition, five chapters will be updated as soon as they are on the shelves, and five chapters will be updated tomorrow during the day, which means that there will be ten chapters on the shelves first, and then the next day!!! )

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