I Live Broadcast The Establishment Of The Underworld To Help You Reincarnate

Chapter 1 Negative Population Growth? I Am A Ghost (Please Collect, Flowers)

"The latest news is that the population of Daxia has fallen sharply in recent years! Although the three-child policy has been opened, my country's population continues to plummet. This year's new-born population is less than half of last year's."

"The birth rate of Daxia has fallen below 0.6. Experts estimate that if things go on like this, within a thousand years of Daxia, the blood will disappear and completely cut off..."

"Experts suggest that the burden on young people should be reduced, as well as the oppression of high housing prices on young people..."

At this moment, Da Xia Guo, Lin Zhou, and Lin Yan were sitting on the sofa, watching the news broadcast on TV, and couldn't help rolling their eyes.

The car hit the wall, you know the turn! The stock went up, you know you bought it! The snot is all out of the mouth, you know it's dumped...

Everyone is going to die, you remember to make up for it...

Lin Yan got angrier the more she thought about it.

He is not actually a person from this world, but a transmigrator.

A week ago, he suddenly traveled to this parallel world that was highly similar to his predecessor.

The only difference is that this world is larger, and the land area is dozens of times larger than the earth in his previous life.

Historical civilizations are highly overlapping. The biggest difference is that this world really has a soul!

It's just that there is no underworld in this world, the legendary soul, after death, will wander in the world, and on the seventh day, it can be directly reincarnated in the world.

However, once the best time for reincarnation is missed, they will slowly turn into evil spirits and wander in the world. As time goes on, the excess yin qi will cause these dead souls to enter the dark underworld and live there forever.

And Lin Yan...

Not long after crossing, he awakened his own system!

"The strongest reincarnation system"! ! !

This system sounds domineering at first glance, isn't it?

Whoever awakens this system thinks that they can become a public eater in the underworld!

However, the reality was completely different from what he thought.

He didn't know until the system was bound.

In this world, he is a ghost.

The underworld does exist, but there is no underworld, and there is no reincarnation. A bunch of dead souls who have never been reincarnated after death gather in the underworld, numb but helpless for eternity.

And Lin Yan has also been given the important task of establishing the underworld and creating the order of the underworld in this world.

But the trouble is, the current Lin Yan is a bare commander!

And those evil ghosts in the underworld are not so easy to obey.


Those who can be reincarnated normally have already been reincarnated.

Those undead who have not been reincarnated and have existed in the underworld for an unknown number of years are more or less violent.

And those undead, the longer they are in the underworld, the more terrifying their power will be.

Some of the undead will even devour each other and turn into ants!

Humans die as ghosts, ghosts die as ruts, ruts die as hope, and greeds die as barbarians!

According to the rules given by the system, they begin to devour other souls to strengthen their own evil spirits, which are collectively called emptiness. These evil spirits, powerful and obedient, can be canonized as ghosts, and those who are disobedient, let their appearance and spirit be All perish.

This is Lin Yan's right! ! !

And Lin Yan, who has passed through, is a programmer who died suddenly at home because of continuous overtime work. Because of Lin Yan's transmigration, "reincarnated from dirty soil"! And has the identity of a ghost.

At this moment, Lin Yan started to recite "System" silently in his heart while sighing about his transmigration!

After awakening the system, the system prompts that the first task will be released in seven days, and in terms of time, it is today.

"The strongest reincarnation underworld system is here for you!"

An emotionless mechanical sound rang out.

"Open the task panel!"

Immediately, a transparent light curtain appeared in front of Lin Yan's eyes, and the reincarnation system was very similar to the computer interface used in the previous life.

So Lin Yan got started quickly.

A few dense lines of small characters appeared on the screen.

Mission name: Go to the Linyuan cemetery, start the live broadcast, choose a soul that missed the reincarnation time, and let it reincarnate.

Mission introduction: As a ghost messenger, the real Yin Tianzi of the future Yin Cao, how can he not be familiar with the basic business of Yin Cao, let an undead enter the reincarnation first, and try it out. If you start the live broadcast, you will get faith points, which is especially important for you, a ghost, to build a temple in the world in the future.

Mission duration: three days.

Mission Progress: 0.

Quest completion reward: a small rough palace in the underworld underworld; according to the popularity of the live broadcast room, you can get Faith Points. Faith points can be exchanged for various reward items in the system mall.

Lin Yan looked at the tasks on the screen and couldn't help twitching the corners of his eyes a few times.

I'm so badass!

You let me live reincarnation?

Can this be broadcast live?

Lin Yan was a little speechless about the system for a while.

But he has no choice...

The reason why I can now live as a programmer with the same name and surname is all thanks to the newcomer gift package that the system has just started.

Lin Yan exhaled a suffocating breath at this moment.

Isn't it live broadcast?

I have never seen any big storms.

Lin Yan got up from the sofa at this moment, turned on the computer, and registered a tiger shark account.

Although the short video platform is popular now, Lin Yan still chooses the old platform, the flow of people is stable, and there are many people watching the live broadcast.

The live broadcast room at the beginning was naturally not very popular.

Lin Yan's reincarnated programmer, who just graduated from college, looks like his previous life, clean and handsome, but his figure is a little too thin.

As an anchor, Yan Zhi is definitely enough.

But if there is no drainage, there will definitely be no one in the live broadcast room that just opened.

However, Lin Yan just thought for a moment, then raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

A strange purple light flashed.

"Borrow the luck! Come!"

This is also given by Lin Yan's system, one of the nine ghostly spells in the newcomer gift package!

After all, he is the only ghost in this world, and the gift of the novice spree is still good, there are a total of six spells.

Heaven - borrowing luck - borrowing the fortune of heaven and earth, you can temporarily change your luck.

Tunnel-Ghost Eyes-Ghosts have their own skills, which can lock the hidden figure, or the evil ghost possessed by others.

Humanity - immobilization - immobilizes ordinary people so that they cannot move, but time is extremely limited.

Asura Road - astrology - can watch the stars at night, predict good and bad luck.

The Way of Animals - Transforming Beasts - temporarily transforms into beasts, and inherits some of the abilities of beasts.

Hungry Ghost Road - Nightmare Prayer - Even if you use magic to confuse people with illusions, the magician is like a nightmare!

Although these are basic skills, as Lin Yan keeps building the underworld, the spells and skills in his hands will definitely increase.

In addition, there is also the exclusive skill of ghosts - Six Paths of Reincarnation - The six paths of reincarnation are opened by ghosts, so that wandering souls who have missed their reincarnation time can be reincarnated and reincarnated!

However, because Lin Yan's current practice is not enough, the six reincarnations opened in a short period of time can only allow a wandering soul to be reincarnated. And the opponent cannot resist.

Damn, let the ghost be reincarnated by yourself, and you can also persuade the other party to be reincarnated... It is really difficult to start a business!

At this moment, with the use of Luck.

In Lin Yan's live broadcast room, a prompt sound appeared.

The user [Daxia's Last Pure Love] enters the live broadcast room.

Lin Yan looked at the user's ID, and the corners of his eyes twitched a few times...

Is this ghostly tricky technique reliable?

Just hire someone!

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