I Live Broadcast The Establishment Of The Underworld To Help You Reincarnate

Chapter 281 How can I forget Ji Han! The past is gone, but fortunately there is still today (please

At this moment, the suburb of Jingping.

Liu Bang turned his head to look aside, Lin Yan, who was obviously overexcited, raised his eyebrows.

"Ghost messenger, you seem to be very interested in the people of Emperor Zhaolie of the Han Dynasty...

Lin Yan smiled, noncommittal!

His pupils flickered slightly...

There's no way he's not excited!

He remembered the pictures and years he had seen in the Book of Life and Death...

In those days, Ji Han was really idealistic, the world was in ruins, the gang was always lost, and the lives of all living beings were like mustards. Ji Han was the only country that shone with the brilliance of humanity, like a beacon of light in the long night. .

What is the difference between the Three Kingdoms without Jihan and the troubled times when the feudal lords are fighting each other?

Wei and Wu's state establishment and harem politics happened in all dynasties and dynasties. Not surprising.

The Shu Kingdom is a group of people who have a dream that they know is vague, and who are determined to go on from generation to generation!

Except for more than 80 years ago, it is hard to find such a group of men who exude optimism!!!

Taoyuan became a feudal ally, passed five levels and killed six generals, when Yang Changban roared, Zilong was full of courage, and there was Mr. Kong Ming who gave advice and took care of everything for these men...

Three heroes fought against Lu Bu, killed Huaxiong with warm wine, set fire to Bowang, rescued the young master with seven in and seven out of the ten thousand army, and fought against the heroes of Eastern Wu to promote the alliance of Liu and Sun... Every time they succeeded, people cheered.

Ah... they lost again, and the defeat was so disheartened that everyone was embarrassed.

Just imagine, Liu Bei is like a big brother, he is devastated to encourage his brothers, talking about Gaozu was beaten several times by the overlord of Western Chu, and then he talked about the towering and strong man, and the suffering of the common people.

Then this group of people really never gave up and started to work again, for the dream of the big man in their hearts. Riding alone for thousands of miles, passing through Jingzhou, attacking Hanzhong, burning Chibi, flooding the Seven Armies, and shaking China.

Later, Liu Bei added the title of King of Hanzhong. Looking at the brothers around me, I thought that Long Zhong's grand blueprint would be realized step by step. In the book of life and death, how proud that man is!! And then...

Sun Wu backed the alliance, and Lu Meng crossed the river in white to attack Jingzhou. The second master was defeated by Maicheng, and he would rather die than surrender... Yun Chang!! The third brother was eager for revenge, for the sake of the white helmet and white armor... Yide!! The original Taoyuan brothers, the Dahan's five tiger generals! Just like this... died...

A mouthful of blood spurted out, what is right in the middle, what is forbearance and conspiracy! Killing my brother, I can't do it!

The battle of revenge is magnificent. Slaying the enemy, heartily. Sun Wu retreated again and again.

In the book of life and death back then, Lin Yan wanted to tell Liu Bei in the book of life and death how good it would be if you held back. Accept it as soon as you see it, and continue to unite with Wu and Cao Cao, and it is unknown whether your dream of returning to the country may really be realized.

But he smiled indifferently, the world he wanted was a world where Yun Chang could live and work in peace and contentment, and the world he wanted was a world where Yide could indulge in singing. Now the brothers are gone... He lowered his head and raised his head again. Brothers are gone, we must seek justice for them!

Of course, how could the six counties and eighty-one prefectures of Soochow be in vain? With Lu Xun's plan, the company was set on fire... and they were defeated again, so let's get up again! Let's fight again!

Helplessly defeated like a mountain... Lao Liu's body also collapsed.

Bai Di Tuo solitary, mourning. But fortunately, after they died, they were still together...

Ji Han is still...

They guarded the eight million ghosts and resentful spirits of Daxia, as if they were guarding the hope of restoring the big man back then...

I always keep my body from the saddle, and my hair and flesh are gone; now I don't ride anymore, my hair is alive, the sun and the moon are galloping, and the old man is coming.

Don't do good for small things, and don't do bad things for small things.

The more than 200 mouths of the ministers and sects were all executed by Meng De, and only the younger brother Dai, who should be the successor of Wei Zong's blood and food, was deeply entrusted to His Majesty, and the rest did not reply.

Han thieves are not at odds, and Wang Ye is not partial, how can the world be given up to the most despised person?

Liu Bang looked at Lin Yan, who was already full of emotions at this moment, he smiled, but did not speak.

"Ghost... I remember you have a way of shrinking into an inch 々"!"

"Take us away! Go to Tianfu Prefecture, go to Emperor Zhaolie of the Han Dynasty, and let the last eight million ghosts of those years go home..."

Lin Yan grinned and spoke softly but firmly.

"it is good!!"

And at the same time.

On the Internet, the entry of #jihan# also quickly rushed to the hot search of the whole network.

And under the hot search entry of #jihan#, there is a question, which has gained a lot of attention!

"Why do many people seem to like Ji Han, I prefer Cao Cao, but the elders in the family seem to like Ji Han more! 99

And under that question.

Numerous answers emerged.

The one with the most likes is...

When you were a child, you were at the age of second-year illness when you worshiped individual heroism. You thought that the Crouching Dragon and the Phoenix and the Five Tiger Generals were so handsome. At that time you thought the world was black and white, Ji Han was righteous and Cao Wei was evil.

When you are young, you step into the society and think you are a good social person. You have seen the complexity of society and the intrigues of the workplace. He believes that the world should have been like Cao Wei, with all kinds of palace fighting and calculating factions, and the childhood view of good and evil is a deceiving fairy tale.

Do you think that Cao Wei's side is the true temperament and more realistic. Do you think it is very handsome and great to realize your so-called great cause through this kind of life-and-death competition, even if the other party used to be your benefactor, your friend!

Anything that gets in your way should be removed. You consider yourself to be a Wei-Jin scholar of extraordinary origin, and the rest of the people who are not as good as you are just ignorant of current affairs, far from ordinary people who have no capital like you.

The various actions of Ji Han's side are just a more despicable hypocrisy, throwing children, and 100,000 people accompanying the army is a show, the battle of Yiling is a laughing stock that ignores the overall situation, and the Northern Expedition to the Central Plains is a brainstorm beyond its own power.

You have made various interpretations of this, triumphantly thinking that you have uncovered their "despicable and stupid tricks".

Later, when you reached middle age, you experienced all kinds of ups and downs, ups and downs. You finally found out that you are actually just a humble grassroots, a leek that is slaughtered by others, and you cannot overcome some obstacles in this world. Later, you re-read the Three Kingdoms, and you are finally surprised to find out!

The group of people who you once thought was beyond their own power, they actually knew for a long time that the road ahead is difficult, but they have been marching forward. Death persisted to the end.

There are really people who, with their ideals and affection, have gone from being poor and white to creating a foundation. A great dream that ties the life of a team.

During this period, they also experienced various temptations, maybe they could make themselves prosperous as long as they betrayed each other, but they didn't. You think they are pretending to be good people, but they have been pretending for a lifetime.

Some people knew early on that the direction of the overall situation would never be directed towards them, but they still did their best to die and die.

In order to repay their gratitude, some people even took this unrealistic dream and took the baton of arduous responsibility to themselves, and paid their whole life for it.

You finally understand that if the person who once accompanied you through thick and thin is gone, the so-called capital is all nonsense.

You finally understand that someone who treats you with sincerity and is willing to spend their whole life fighting for your ideal is far more secure than someone who seduces you with a high official and rich salary.

It is a very happy and honorable thing to be able to persist in yourself and work hard with everyone for idealism.

One day later, you learned that you used to think you were very shrewd and slippery, liked black and black, and seemed to be rich in capital, but you still wanted to monopolize resources for yourself forever. Those guys who looked like Cao Wei were finally smart, but they were mistaken by their smarts. After a disastrous end, he also caught up with his own descendants.

The dead are invincible, and the living are reduced to the appearance of not being human or being ghosts or ghosts.

Only at that time did you wake up and realize how valuable and terrible is Zhuge Liang's determination to go out to Qishan five times in the northern expedition and Jiang Wei's determination to make seven northern expeditions.

Only then will I see Liu Bei's despair crying out for his thigh meat, and the torment of growing vegetables in Xudu.

When Huang Zhong was old and met the master of Ming, Guan Zhang, Zhao Mi and others followed Liu Bei's determination to flee.

They are idealists who move forward firmly in the dark (of the good king) and do not change their minds.

A group of savage heroes, a sincere and iron-blooded, a team that will never give up, brothers and righteousness, harmony between the ruler and the minister, how can you not let me wait and miss it?

In that season, the peach blossoms in Taoyuan were in full bloom, and three bowls of wine collided.

Guan Yu died in the twenty-fourth year of Jian'an, and Zhang Fei died in the first year of Zhangwu. In preparation for the expedition of Wu, the First Sovereign defeated Wu and died in the third year of Zhangwu. Even when they died, they defended that simple oath with their actions.

Just like a group of people back then...

very much like...

And at the same time.

Tianfu Prefecture.

Qingyun City.

On a mountain villa in the suburbs.

A middle-aged man with a face as white as jade was standing by the balcony of the mountain villa, looking at the stars in the sky.

In the house behind the man, the TV was playing Lin Yan and their live broadcast.

But at this moment, the man's eyes are distant.

His expression was a little complicated, but also a little relieved.

Finally, he patted the railing next to the balcony and sighed...

".~ Woohoo, the people of Aisi have gone, the glory is like a fight, the long night lasts for a thousand years. If you look up again, the mountains and rivers are broken, and China is sinking."

"It's all gone, fortunately, there is still today!"

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