I Live Broadcast The Establishment Of The Underworld To Help You Reincarnate

Chapter 30 Red Soul! The River Is Full Of Red Souls! Is Such A Ghost Soldier Worthy Of Yin Cao? (For


Linjiang Xian City.

Drag down the plaza! ! !

This is a plaza built by dragging the river.

Less than three kilometers away from the square is the Xieluo River, which spans two of the three provinces of Liaodong! ! !

Crossing the Yeluo River is North Goguryeo! ! !

Back then, Gu Qingshan and the others fought in the Northern Kingdom.

It was daytime at this time, and there were not many people dragging down the square.

Too far here.

Even people from Linjiang Xianshi rarely live near here.

That is, some few tourists will come here to check in.

Because in the Heeluo Square, across the wide Heeluo River, you can see the mountain top of North Goguryeo opposite.

It can be regarded as using the eyes, and returning home after leaving.

And at this moment, dragged down the square.

A young man, with his trouser pockets in his pockets, was standing on the dragging square in casual clothes! The young man looked at the Yeluo River not far away and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Nujiang natural danger! Is that so..."

That young man, of course, was Lin Yan who arrived in Liaodong by plane.

At this moment, his ghost pupils were fully opened, although Lin Yan, who was a ghost messenger, was weakened in the daytime and under the scorching sun.

But he still tried his best to open the ghost pupils, and wanted to lock, drag Luojiang nearby, whether there is a formation of the underworld.

The underworld is a special area where ghosts can survive and move in the underworld.

Except for the golden souls like Tong Xiao, who are clothed with merit, and Wang Qibao, who devour other ghosts and murder people's lives to gain power, most ghosts who miss reincarnation can only exist in the underworld.

And once you enter the underworld, with the power of the ghost, it is difficult to come out again.

Just like in the legend, vampires and mummies are afraid of the sun and cannot exist under the sun.

Ghosts cannot exist in the human world.

This is the original law of this world, heaven and earth, before Lin Yan's underworld was established.

And by observing the dragging river!

Lin Yan discovered that the entire dragging river...is a natural underworld! ! ! !

In addition to the gathering of ghosts, the underworld will form - such as cemeteries, cemeteries, and unfinished buildings in Linzhou that were abandoned because several workers died in the past - there is another way of forming, that is, natural formation!

Commonly known as ... hit the natural danger.

The col where Sanyin gathers!

The fast-flowing Nu River.

Fired forest.

These naturally formed ferocious places are called collision places.

The entire land of collision can be regarded as the underworld.

And this turbulent river drags down the river, which is an entire underworld.

Originally, such an underworld should have its own vicious aura. Even if ordinary people see it, their first reaction will feel numbness in their scalp, which is the instinctive reaction of creatures when they face danger.

But swaying down the river, there is no such feeling.

The whole river only makes people feel imposing and magnificent.

It seems that something exists, suppressing the ferocity of the entire collision land.

Lin Yan frowned slightly.

Standing on the bank of the river, he began to increase the strength of the yin qi in his eyes.

Ghost pupils are stimulated to the maximum!

And at this moment, he finally saw it! ! !

He saw wisps of red light on the banks of the dragging river! ! !

The red light was dim, on and off, like one tail after another, red carp crossing the river.

It's like the red silk that has been cut into pieces and thrown into the river.

Lin Yan looked at the Heluo River, and when the corners of his eyes were cracked, and there was even a faint blood dripping down, he finally saw it clearly.

In that river, where is the red carp crossing the river?

It was clearly one red soul after another! ! !

Red Soul! ! !

All red souls! ! ! !

The same red soul as Gu Qingshan! ! !

Countless red souls.

Thousands... no, tens of thousands! ! ! It seems to be more... 100,000! ! ! ! Two hundred thousand?

Lin Yan felt scalp tingling for the first time...

He can't count! ! !

Once a ghost enters an underworld, there are only two ways to leave. One is to forcibly break through at the risk of flying away, but the chance of success is extremely low.

The other is to transfer with the transfer of the bones.

For example, Gu Qingshan back then.

But... Soldiers protect their families and the country, why should they wrap their bodies in horse leather?

How many red souls who died in a foreign land could not find the complete body at all.

They want to go home.

So I threw myself into the river closest to my hometown.

They were able to cross that river back then.

But this time, he couldn't come back no matter what.

So they are like red carps crossing the river, suppressing the danger with their own ghosts.

Let the fierce place become the river that protects the country? ? ?

Such a thing is unheard of! ! !

Before coming here, Lin Yan didn't even think about it.

We are here, we should protect our family and our country, throw our blood, and make peace in the future generations of our Great Xia! When we die, we will also turn into red souls, bless me in the summer, Jiang Liu! keep my hometown.

We can't cross that river, we can't go home, we can't see our parents, but we will still be in the place closest to our homeland.

Lin Yan's heart throbbed at this moment, and he found that his breathing was a little unstable at this moment.

Follow the logic of human and modern warfare!

I can't believe that there was a troop who ran on two legs back then who could forcefully march through 72 kilometers in 14 hours, and then fought a tragic sniper battle. This did not meet the physiological limits of the human body, but this happened.

No one believed that someone could lie in ambush in the blazing flames, which is not in line with the physiological limits of the human body, but this happened.

No one can believe why there are soldiers who can ambushed like ice sculptures on a plateau at minus forty degrees, because it does not meet the psychological and physical limits of human beings, but this is what happened.

Follow the logic of hell!

Lin Yan couldn't believe that there would be a natural danger that could gather hundreds of thousands of red souls at the same time, and many red souls gathered here autonomously. This did not conform to the habits and logic of ghosts the system told him, but this It just happened.

Lin Yan couldn't believe that there would be hundreds of thousands of ghosts. After his death, he could tacitly suppress the viciousness of the land that hits the evil land, so that he would not be impressed by the surrounding people. This is not in line with the nature of ghosts, but this It just happened...

It just... happened! ! ! ! !

Lin Yan suddenly grinned at this moment, his smile was a little hideous, so he seemed to be crying again.

"Is such a ghost soldier, my underworld underworld, worthy of it?"

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