I Live Broadcast The Establishment Of The Underworld To Help You Reincarnate

Chapter 46: Don't I Want To Find Wolong Fengchu For Yin Cao? I Don't Want To Meet Kongming

Lin Yan lowered his head at this moment.

His attention was drawn uncontrollably by the book in his hand.

It's not that he hasn't touched this treasure before.

At that time, when this palace complex was first located in the underworld, he saw the sub-book of the "Book of Life and Death" in the [Yin Tian Zidian].

It's just that he only had access to it at the time.

And only saw the record on the page that belongs to Gu Qingshan.

And when this treasure really appeared in Lin Yan's hands, it was a completely different feeling.

In this booklet, everything in the world, in this life, is recorded.

Mastering this book of life and death, mastering the avenue of life and death between heaven and earth.

Holding this treasure, Lin Yan only felt that even his hands were shaking. With curiosity. Lin Yan carefully opened the book of life and death.

Then he just felt a whirlwind.

Uncontrollable, Lin Yan's consciousness was sucked into the book of life and death.

When he opened his eyes again, he saw a dark world.

In the world, there are countless large and small light groups.

At the same time, he raised his hand and touched a light group lightly.

After that, countless names and the lives of countless people were all revealed in front of Lin Yan's eyes.

Wang Yu, born in 1988, all year round, should be in 2048...

Chen Leyi, born in 1997, all year round, should be in 2076...

Feng Guanying, born in 1987, all year round, should be in 2023...


All kinds of information almost burst Lin Yan's brain.

And this is just a small light group in this dark world.

What's even more terrifying is that what Lin Yan saw was not only the birth and death years of those names, but also the past lives they had already experienced.

The things they have done, the people they have loved, the good intentions they have betrayed, the wicked things they have done, intentional or unintentional acts of kindness... All these are revealed in front of Lin Yan's eyes.

This information is too much.

Even for a moment, Lin Yan's eyes shed blood and tears.

Lin Yan stepped back quickly, and then gasped heavily.

Now, he finally understands what the "Book of Life and Death" is.

This thing records the merits and pasts of all living beings in this life. After they die and come to the underworld, the ghosts can judge their reincarnation through the records in the book of life and death. This is Yin virtue.

And if they do too many wicked things in the mortal realm, lose yang virtuousness, and have a ghost who has a book of life and death—that is, themselves, they can even modify the date of their death and damage their yang life.

The year of birth is fixed, but the year of death is not fixed.

The year of death is in the hands of ghosts.

Of course, the year of death cannot be easily changed.

Changing the death year not only requires a certain level of cultivation, but if the other party has no special violations in the records of the life and death book, modifying the death year of the soul also requires merit.

Understand that the past is not admonished, and know that those who come cannot be chased...

And the benefits of owning the "Book of Life and Death" are not just as simple as being able to change the lifespan of others.

At this moment, Lin Yan can feel that there is an extra power of law in his body.

The law of life and death! ! !

Lin Yan raised his hands, his left hand exudes a white cloud, the cloud is full of vitality, it seems that a mortal can prolong his life by taking a few sips.

The right hand emits a strange black smoke, the black smoke is strange and cold, and the place where the black smoke touches, it seems that it will be ashes, and all life will be vanished.

And Lin Yan also felt that his cultivation had skyrocketed at this moment. After possessing this law of life and death, he was directly promoted from the level of a ghost to a ghost! !

Dao ghost palm life and death! ! !


The rules of the book of life and death also ensure the natural operation of the separation of life and death between heaven and earth.

And right now.

The system interface pops up again.

【Ding! Tips for using the book of life and death. 】

[Reminder 1, although the book of life and death has its own way of life and death, it will not interfere with the operation of the human world, but the law is clear, good and evil deserve retribution, and the host is in the book of life and death, which can be judged, prolong life for those who are loyal and good, and People who do many evils will lose their lifespan, and let them suffer even more! 】

[If the judgment is reasonable, it can add merit to the owner, and if the judgment is unreasonable, the owner needs to bear the merit of changing the life and death book. 】

Lin Yan's eyes twitched at the moment.

The current situation of Yin Cao...

Hundreds of thousands of red souls have never been reincarnated.

In the world, countless ghosts reverberate in the world, and I don't know when they will turn into evil spirits... How can I have time to do this.

[Tip 2, the book of life and death can be controlled by the master, and divided into multiple sub-books. The master is in charge of the main book and in charge of the avenue of life and death, while the sub-book can judge yin and yang virtue. ! ! ! 】

Lin Yan raised an eyebrow.

Is that so!

He remembered the past life, in the fairy tale, Cui Fujun, who was in charge of the book of life and death.

[Tip 3, the amount of information in the book of life and death is extremely huge, ordinary ghosts are easy to touch, and it is easy to be overwhelmed and scattered by the vast data of the book of life and death! Only Wenquxing's soul shines brightly and can withstand the book of life and death. 】

At this moment, Lin Yan woke up like a dream.

He finally understood why the system directly issued the third task.

Let yourself find a Wenquxing Wenchen.

It turned out to be so.

Only the soul reflected by Wenquxing can be the judge of the underworld.

Lin Yan narrowed his eyes slightly.

The direction of the fourth live broadcast...there is! ! !

In fact, Lin Yan didn't want to start the fourth live broadcast so soon.

I'm not a professional broadcaster.

But you can't go to work.

The merit he has accumulated now is enough to reincarnate tens of thousands of red souls.

The remaining 100,000 red souls cannot be made to wait.

I promised Chen Jingming what I had to do.

A man can't keep his word, let alone a ghost.

But the ghost of Wenquxing Gaozhao, where can I find it?

After wandering around in the world for so long, I have never encountered a soul that shines brightly in Wenquxing.

Usually such a ghost.

put in ancient times.

The last time before his death he had to be the champion of high school.

Or, a literati with the ability to help the world.

There are not many such people in history, but there are definitely not many.

Three Kingdoms Zhou Lang Chibi...

Five feet of the original seven stars Kongming...

Confucius and Mencius in Spring and Autumn...

Miluo's Qu Yuan...

Talent is high in the sky, and the depth is as deep as the sea, Qin Xiang, Li Si!

Gongguan group of ministers, the Western Han Dynasty of later generations, Xiao He

Wolong of the Northern Kingdom, famous minister of the Yuan Dynasty, Yelu Chucai!

Rescue the prime minister, Zhang Juzheng of the Ming Dynasty! ! !


But the problem is...

Where to find these Wenquqing Souls! ! !

Why don't I want to find Wolongfengchu?

Don't I want to see Kongming in Chibi?

can i find it?

Just give me thirty days, can I find it?

Lin Yan's expression was grim.

There are no traces of these souls in the book of life and death.

Even if it can be found, with the amount of information in the book of life and death...

When I find it myself, it is estimated that the day lily is cold.

But soon, Lin Yan thought of someone...

The astrology of that person showed that her ancestors seemed to have the soul of Wenqu.

The corners of Lin Yan's mouth twitched uncontrollably at the moment.

"Hehehe...hehe, I have a brooding dragon and a phoenix chick of my underworld..."

(Kneeling for flowers, scoring tickets, asking for flowers to break 200,000, score to break 7,000, the last wave of explosions before it goes on the shelves!!! The fourth live broadcast is even more exciting!!!)

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