I Live Broadcast The Establishment Of The Underworld To Help You Reincarnate

Chapter 48 The Director's Invitation, Join If You Can't Beat It! He Once Painted "Nan

When Lin Yan dragged his tired body back home.

It was already the third day after Xie Luojiang's live broadcast ended.

The reincarnation of those red souls in the underworld underworld has completely entered the right track.

Before helping those red souls enter the reincarnation, Lin Yan had to operate it himself, and he needed to control the six reincarnation discs.

Even if there is a ghost door breathing method running all the time to help Lin Yan replenish Yin Qi, Lin Yan also feels physically and mentally exhausted.

But fortunately, the busiest period has passed.

After Lin Yan injected enough merit, the six-path reincarnation disk has completely entered the right track.

As long as Tong Xiao is watching from the side, that's fine.

When the merits are exhausted, the operation of the six-path reincarnation disk will automatically stop.

This time, about 50,000 red souls can be reincarnated into the human world.

Except for the 40,000 people who were selected at the beginning, Chihun who was less than twenty years old when he died in battle.

The remaining 10,000 red souls.

The choice was that in the battle that year, the death was the most miserable, or before the death, it should be the only son in the family, failed to perform filial piety, reincarnated earlier, and may be able to see the red soul of the family again.

As for the remaining red souls.

They are not in a hurry either.

In addition to the three hundred ghost soldiers that have been identified.

The rest of the red souls even started to build infrastructure in the underworld.

If there is no raw material, it will be built with the original sand of the underworld.

There are only 6,000 other flowers on the other side, so how can that be enough?


Keep planting!

Daxia's planting talent is full.

Before Lin Yan returned to the world, Li Julu even promised Lin Yan that they would never eat and live in the underworld for free, and asked Lin Yan if there was anything else to grow in the underworld besides the other side flowers...

At that time, Lin Yan used his little remaining merit to exchange all the seeds that could be exchanged in the system warehouse.

What forgetting worry grass, withered bone Cordyceps, cold sky dew flower, Yama smiling face flower...

Lin Yan rubbed his temples at this moment.

He wanted to wait until the next time he returned to the underworld, the underworld would not be full of green plants.

But Lin Yan didn't have time to think so much.

This time he returned to the world to find Zhang Xinyi...

The ancestor of that girl, there is a ghost ancestor reflected by Wenquxing...

But now... Lin Yan was sitting on the sofa in his living room and fell into a deep sleep uncontrollably.

He didn't even have time to look at his phone.

At this moment, his mobile phone is densely packed, with almost tens of thousands of message reminders.

There have been as many as a thousand calls from CCTV.

There are also several unfamiliar phone calls.

It seems to be from the crew of the movie "Shuijinmen".


At this moment, the capital, the reception room of the central station.

The deputy director of CCTV, Zhang Hongjie, looked at a middle-aged man with thick eyebrows and a calm expression, and handed him a cup of tea.

Chen Haoyu, the director of CCTV's program operation center, sat aside.

Opposite the two is Chen Ge, the chief director of the movie "Changjing Lake", currently the top box-office movie in Daxia.

At this moment, Chen Ge looked at Zhang Hongjie and smiled shyly.

"Zhang Tai, I'm sorry, we don't speak secretly. You should have guessed the reason why I came here today."

Zhang Hongjie smiled.

"Old Chen, where is it!"

"We are all acquaintances. Are you looking for Lin Yan?"

Chen Ge nodded.


"Three days ago, I watched CCTV's live broadcast, and I can only say that CCTV deserves to be CCTV!"

"The budget for that live broadcast was probably more than the combined budget of "Changjing Lake" and "Shuijinqiao", the three of us directors, after watching it, the first reaction was, this is a shit Ah! At that time, "Shuijinqiao" will be filmed according to the original plan."

"When it was released, the cast members of "Changjing Lake" would be greeted by the eighteenth generation of our ancestors! It doesn't matter if I get scolded, but I have to protect my mother who has been dead for many years!!!"

"So...this...if you can't beat it, just join! We want to invite Lin Yan to be our film consultant! The price is good...We tried to contact before, but we couldn't get in touch, Zhang Tai, look..."

Zhang Hongjie and Chen Haoyu looked at each other at the moment, and then they both smiled bitterly.

Zhang Hongjie sighed.

"Old Chen, I'm not hiding from you..."

"This live broadcast, although it was broadcast on CCTV, has nothing to do with CCTV. CCTV just bought the copyright of the live broadcast... The live broadcast is entirely in charge of Lin Yan, the team and the actors, we don't know anything about it! The copyright is about one issue. Twenty million!"

At this moment, Chen Ge's eyes widened.

"Twenty million in the first phase???"

"In that live broadcast, the ten minutes of special effects shots alone cost more than 20 million! He sold it to you for 20 million in the first issue?"

Chen Haoyu coughed a few times in a low voice at this moment, and his expression couldn't help but be proud.

After all, Lin Yan signed the contract with CCTV, and he was the one who made the connection.

He is not happy, who is happy.

But at this moment, Chen Haoyu still spoke in a low voice.

"As unbelievable as it sounds, it's the truth."

"Director Chen Ge, as you know, Lin Yan is so hot these days, all kinds of capital are looking for Lin Yan, and on the short video platform, five of the ten short videos are related to that live broadcast. , the special effects circle has exploded, and various posts analyzing the special effects of Lin Yan’s live broadcast are emerging one after another.”

"Yeluojiang's entry is still on the hot search! Even the military called and said something and wanted to contact him..."

"But we... really couldn't find it! Calls were not answered, text messages were not returned! I was so suspicious that he really picked up those red souls back to the underworld..."

Chen Haoyu looked bitter.

But he secretly glanced at Zhang Hongjie and exchanged glances.

Because he actually didn't say a word.

Although they really couldn't get in touch, they couldn't find Lin Yan either.

But there is a girl in their stage who once visited Lin Yan's house in person. It was even because of that girl that CCTV was able to have such a foresight to sign this genius! ! !

What is the pattern opening, long-term vision.

Their central station is the real opening of the pattern, with a long-term vision.

As for Chen Ge wanting to snatch someone from their central station.


Lin Yan went to work as a consultant for your program.

Who will broadcast the next live broadcast?

CCTV finally invited such a big Buddha.

Besides, it's not that Zhang Hongjie and Chen Haoyu don't know how messy those drunken fans in the entertainment industry are.

But can those drunken fans have weaving incense?

They, the CCTV leadership, are already discussing how to keep Lin Yan on CCTV for a long time.

The end of the universe... is the test editor! ! !


And at the same time.

Capital, Kyoto University, faculty building.

Zhang Xinyi, at this moment, was tiptoeing to No. 602 of a building.

The faculty building of Kyoto University, also known as the Kyoto University faculty family building.

Although it has been built for some years, the location is good and it is almost irreplaceable.

It can also be regarded as a benefit for the faculty and staff of Kyoto University.

And here is also Zhang Xinyi's home.

Zhang Xinyi opened the door of No. 602 at this moment. After confirming that no one was there, she returned to her bedroom and started to pack her luggage.

The leader sent her on a business trip, and the destination of the business trip was still Linzhou.

She has become the special commissioner of Lin Yan of the Central Police Department.

The reason is because she has experience.

However, Zhang Xinyi has no objection to this. After all, the live broadcast was so shocking that she still can't come out.

At this moment, thinking about seeing Lin Yan again soon, Zhang Xinyi was even a little nervous.

But at this moment, a somewhat low voice sounded beside Zhang Xinyi's door.

"You're going on a business trip again!!!"

Zhang Xinyi's body froze, and her whole body was startled.

In front of her bedroom door stood an old woman.

The old woman was wearing a gray cotton coat, her ears were short, her hair was snow-white, and she was petite, but her temperament was excellent, and it could be seen that she must have been a great beauty in her early years.

She was holding a kraft paper bag in her arms.

Zhang Xinyi opened her mouth.


The old woman looked at Zhang Xinyi who was timid at the moment, and sighed helplessly.

"Before you go, go and put incense sticks on your grandfather."

Zhang Xinyi stood up.

"Grandma, have you gone to the academy again?"

The old woman's body stiffened, but she turned her head.


"I handed in all the materials, but they still said that there is no such person in the investigation... Ridiculous! Too ridiculous! The so-called concept map of the Nantianmen project that was released in the news some time ago is clearly the manuscript that your grandfather drew! Why can't we find this person!!!"

(3,000-word chapter, before the release, the last wave broke out, ask for flowers, score votes!!! Tomorrow at noon! Flowers, more score votes, try to write more for everyone)

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