I Live Broadcast The Establishment Of The Underworld To Help You Reincarnate

Chapter 55 My name is Lin Ge, what a ghost! Those who work for everyone, don't let them freeze

Lin Yan and Zhang Xinyi are waiting in front of the gate of Kyoto University at the moment.

In front of the university, many college students came and went. Lin Yan wore a mask and was not anxious at all.

The two of them waited quietly at the gate of Kyoto University until about 7:45 in the evening.

An old woman, who was just sitting on the No. 103 bus, got off the bus a little staggeringly~.

The old woman saw at a glance the granddaughter who was waiting at the door.

Zhang Xinyi was carrying her schoolbag and approached the old woman timidly.


The old woman glanced at Zhang Xinyi.

"I thought you were going on a business trip, so I went to the research institute for a meeting..."

"Your grandfather said that there is no overnight feud in the family. Let's go home for dinner later.""

Then the old woman turned her head to look at Lin Yan.

"My family said that someone is interested in my deceased husband."

Lin Yan was stunned for a moment, and he looked back at Zhang Xinyi, only to find that Zhang Xinyi was blinking frantically at him while nodding.

Lin Yan understood immediately.

"He took off his mask and smiled softly at the old woman in front of him, old man, this time, I really came for your husband.

The old woman looked at Lin Yan's face, looked at it carefully, and then seemed to remember something.

The old woman's face showed indescribable anger at this moment.

She turned her head to look at Zhang Xinyi, her eyes were disappointed, unbelievable, sad...

"Zhang Xinyi..."

"what do you mean?"

"I was disappointed when you studied literature and reason, but I didn't stop you!

"You didn't go to Kyoto University for the postgraduate entrance examination at that time, but to go to Media University. I didn't stop you. Even if you thought this old lady was crazy this morning, you think you grew up, and I told you about your grandfather. It's all crazy talk, I just think it's true, the times are different, the generation gap between you and me.

"But what do you mean by bringing him here?"

"I also watch TV. I know that he is the host of your CCTV's live broadcast... Why, there is no material, and even your grandfather wants to consume it?"

"Your grandfather is a scientist!

"He has made great contributions to Daxia, he has suffered for Daxia, he is not the material you use to gain traffic, and neither am I! 35

"Zhang Xinyi, you have disappointed me too much.

The old woman was red-eyed at the moment, and she staggered towards the campus of Kyoto University.

Zhang Xinyi looked aggrieved at the moment.

"Grandma, I'm not..."

But at this moment, her wrist was grabbed by Lin Yan.

Lin Yan smiled at Zhang Xinyi.

"Leave it to me! Go and call the leaders of CCTV!

"Let's say the live broadcast can start normally."

Zhang Xinyi was stunned for a moment.

But at the same time, Lin Yan, has taken out his mobile phone and the mobile phone holder.

Zhang Xinyi stared blankly at this scene.

It's hard for her to imagine.

The live broadcast that shocked the whole country before was sent out by these two simple devices.

No special effects, no actors.

There is only one anchor, Lin Yan.

The pictures that were mistaken for special effects by everyone were actually real.

Zhang Xinyi suppressed the grievances in her heart at this moment, she cheered up and called Zhang Hongjie.

"Hey! Leader, our side is almost ready.

"The device can be connected at any time.

On the CCTV side, Zhang Hongjie's studio sounded very busy.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work, Xiao Zhang. You let Mr. Lin Yan go and do it. Will you be in the camera this time too? Don't be nervous. 35

Zhang Hongjie's tone was as slow and gentle as possible. After all, Chen Ge's old fox was still watching, and he didn't want to be caught.

Although Zhang Xinyi was a little surprised, she nodded obediently.


hang up the phone.

Zhang Xinyi let out a breath and quickly followed Lin Yan and the others.

at the same time.

In the CCTV studio.

The voices of various staff members were tense and orderly.

"Currently, the number of online viewers is 2.26 million, which continues to grow steadily!

"The diversion of the program is normal!"

"The percentage of TV viewers is high.

The smile on Zhang Hongjie's face also gradually faded. This time, he took over from Chen Haoyu and brought on-site headphones that he hadn't worn for many years.

"The departments are in place! 35

"Ghosts Live" CCTV, the second issue, the countdown begins, ten! Nine! Eight..."

On the screen behind the giant glass in the studio.

At this moment, several large characters flashed alternately.

That was the title of CCTV's live broadcast for Lin Yan.

"Ghost difference, reincarnation!"

And with the sound of the countdown from Director Zhang Hongjie, the countdown ended.

The screen flickered slightly.

in a dark space.

Countless pictures of Lin Yan's previous live broadcasts flashed back one by one.

In the lonely cemetery, Chihun squatted in front of the tombstone, looked at the young man and said, go home early.

The firefighter father dressed in golden merit looked at his daughter and said in a low voice, "I'm not reincarnated."

Countless red souls, seventy years later, mighty, once again crossed the dragging river...

in front of the TV!

Countless audiences are excited!

They still remember what they saw on TV three days ago, Yiluo Jiangshanhan, 70 years after one hundred thousand red souls, crossed the Yiluo River again, and remembered that emaciated old man, in the cold river, hissing loudly Shouting, Chen Chunhe, do you hurt?

They could not forget the shock three days ago.

And this time, just three days later, Lin Yan appeared again.

Many of them, even three days ago, did not come out of the shock of the red soul returning home.

"Ah, ah, help! I'm so nervous! When I see Lin Yan now, my heart hurts. Don't use the knife this time. If someone gets knifed, they will really die!"

"Family, this is my first time here, this is my first time watching this show, I want to know what the process is, whether to start crying now or wait a while!"

"What a hurry this time! The announcement started in the afternoon, and the live broadcast started in the evening. When did CCTV become so casual, CCTV started to have six princesses per capita.

"Sixth Princess: Humph!

"Sixth Princess: Sister is the queen, and she shines with confidence."

"Sixth princess, don't touch the top-notch porcelain girls!"

And at this moment, the screen changed again, and what appeared in front of everyone was the street of the university, and... the back of an old woman!

"Wh... what's the situation, the live broadcast location this time is so weird.

"Normal, what we want is this kind of immersion. For the first time, we followed Lin Yan on the bus, on the subway, and finally to the cemetery.

"In the second live broadcast, we followed Lin Ge, made an appointment with the female anchor, and ran the unfinished building. 35

"In the third live broadcast, I ran directly to the Heeluo River and saw an old man confronting a group of thugs. This time the screen starts with an old grandmother, is it shocking?""

"No! The picture in this live broadcast seems to be... Kyoto University.

"Kyoto University? Could it be the scene from Kyoto University?"

"I'm more curious about the actors' acting skills this time. After all, in the previous several live broadcasts, the actors' acting skills were directly conferred to gods. Any one of them can go abroad and come back after winning the best actor and actress."5

At the same time, in the live broadcast screen.

Lin Yan held up her phone and took a few quick steps to catch up with the old woman walking in front.

"Old lady, would you like to chat? I have no ill intentions."

The old woman turned her head and glanced at Lin Yan.

"Don't take that thing at me, my deceased husband, it's not a tool you use to gain attention.

Lin Yan wasn't annoyed there either.

He is a good leader.

Facing the families of future employees, Lin Yan felt the need to be gentle.

"Old lady, don't be angry, I really want to help you, you don't want to see your dead husband again, to be honest, I'm actually... a ghost. 35

The old woman's footsteps finally stopped this time, and she glanced back at Lin Yan.

"Nervousness! 35

"Follow me again and I'll call the police."

"Who brought you, who are you looking for. 35

This time, the old woman didn't overdo it, she just quickened her pace.

Almost trotting, going straight to the door.

Lin Yan looked at the old woman's back, but did not rush to chase after him.

It is also not suitable for live broadcast and exposing your identity as a ghost.

It's better to wait for Zhang Xinyi to come over and take her directly to her house.

However, Kyoto University is indeed a good place.

At this moment, Lin Yan's ghost pupils were fully opened.

In this world where souls cannot be reincarnated in time, they can only stay in the world, waiting for their souls to dissipate. Even in the campus of Kyoto University, many ghosts can be seen.

Every ghost has its own story.

In this campus, too many stories are like springs gushing from the ground, spraying beads in the air!


Zhang Xinyi walked over with some hesitation at the moment, she stood beside the Lin Pavilion and spoke in a low voice.

"I'll take you...to my house!"9

"My grandma is just a knife mouth and a tofu heart, she has no malicious intentions. 35

Lin Yan nodded.

"Don't worry! I still know about this kind of thing."

"It's not uncommon to be able to wear the soul of purple gold merit before his death. Your grandmother has sponsored many students."

Zhang Xinyi's eyes widened in disbelief.

"You can figure it out. 35

Lin Yan just smiled indifferently.

"The wind is tight, lead the way!

After the old woman returned to the old staff building, the first thing she did was to put three sticks of incense on the portrait of the mourning hall in the living room.

Then he sat on the sofa in the living room, and his eyes were a little dull.

She is very old, and she does not know when she will die.

As long as I run outside for a long time these days, I can't help it and my whole body is sore.

She never told Zhang Xinyi about these things.

That kid actually suffered from childhood.

Since her parents were not by her side, she could only be brought up by the poor old lady herself.

Since Jingzhi left, his temper has become more and more irritable.

I am afraid that if Jingzhi sees it, he will shake his head.

That child, next to him, has lived in trepidation since he was a child.


Obviously a very beautiful, very beautiful little girl, but she has no confidence at all.

Maybe he really misunderstood her just now.

And just then, the door was pushed open.

Zhang Xinyi timidly walked in with Lin Yan holding the phone.

After seeing the old woman on the sofa, Zhang Xinyi lowered her head. Obediently stood in front of the old woman.

"Grandma... Grandma, I'm sorry, but I didn't mean that.


At this moment, the old woman spoke in a low voice.

"Sorry! 95

At this moment, it was Zhang Xinyi's turn to be stunned.

Then she heard the old woman's hoarse voice.

"Just outside, grandma's attitude was too bad. You have always been from childhood to adulthood. Every time you have a little bit about your grandfather, grandma can't control her emotions easily.

"But every day I bring up a person you haven't seen before in front of you...

"It's grandma's fault, and you should be kind too.

The old woman half closed her eyes.

And Zhang Xinyi, who was opposite the old woman, had tears falling to the ground.


At this moment, Lin Yan had already fixed the phone.

Then he raised his head, looked at the old woman on the sofa, and said with a smile.

"Zhang Xinyi, let me tell you.

"Mother-in-law, it's necessary to explain to you that I don't want to do a show, I'm really a ghost.

At this moment, the old woman looked at the mobile phone fixed by the bracket next to Lin Yan, then looked at Lin Yan again, and couldn't help frowning.

Lin Yan smiled.

His eyes turned a strange blood red at this moment.

At the same time, there was a ghost energy emitting from his body, a pitch-black ghost energy, and around Lin Yan, the gas was crimson red, a hell-red lotus fire.

The flame and ghost energy blended with each other and turned into a dharma like a ghost with green face and fangs.

At the same time, the ghostly aura spread out of the house, out of the room, out of the faculty building, and after it spread out of the faculty and staff building, the dark ghostly aura turned into an almost transparent color, until it completely enveloped the entire Kyoto University.

At the same time, the ghosts sent six paths, the hungry ghosts—the devil prayed, and the ghost qi spread during sleep.

The scope of display is the entire Kyoto University!

The objects of hypnosis are all teachers and students in the university.

This can ensure that when all the ghosts show up in the name of ghosts for a while, they will not disturb these ordinary people.

After all, this time, it was in the capital's colleges and universities.

As for the old woman, her eyes widened completely this time.

She rubbed her eyes, then opened her mouth.


Lin Yan kept her eyes red and smiled.

"Mother-in-law, let's get to know you again, my name is Lin Yan, I'm a ghost! 35

"I'm here to help your dead husband who died in vain, find his innocence, untie your knot, and give him another life. 35

"Those who hold wages for everyone should not freeze to death in the wind and snow. Those who open the way for freedom should not be trapped in thorns." Wan.

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