I Live Broadcast The Establishment Of The Underworld To Help You Reincarnate

Chapter 81 Non-stop broadcast, broadcast repeatedly, let that group of bastards show it to the Lord!

At this moment, on the campus of the Normal University.

Those girls with short hair and wearing the school uniforms of the year, with black smoke all over their bodies, finally followed the purple cloud of smoke from the bell and gathered around Lin Yan.

The purple smoke cloud opened a door to the underworld.

Lin Yan stood quietly by the side.

Can't say anything.

In the Normal University, the girls in white skirts still gathered to protect the white candles with their hands.

They can't see the grievances.

They can only see Lin Yan's live broadcast.

They came out so loudly, not to mention the heat.

It's just... just... I feel that when they saw the resentful souls slapping the windows in the live broadcast, they instinctively felt that they should do something.

should tell them.

Daxia did not die.

Summer is still there.

Today's girls can not only be beautiful, but also wear makeup.

It doesn't matter when you go out at night.

There are many people who are trying very hard to protect them.

Although there will still be some bastards, but those are occasional, very occasionally...

You see, we can already rest assured that it is beautiful.

So you, don't worry about us anymore.

Countless souls that had dissipated the black smoke, at this moment, when they completely stepped into the gate of the underworld, they turned their heads and waved at the girls in white skirts in relief.

And those girls, at this moment, also seem to be turning their heads.

At this moment, they looked at each other as if they had traveled through time and space, through life and death.

And at the same time.

Thousands of households in Daxia, who are watching Lin Yan's live broadcast, especially those who live in Jinling, all opened their windows and lit a white candle on their balcony.

Before 14, there was a family of three with a lovely daughter.

The lights in the home are still warm.

The father looked at the picture on the TV and suddenly turned to look at his daughter. He patted his daughter on the head.

His eyes turned red involuntarily.

"Go! Let's go and light a white candle!""

The little girl is still innocent.

"Okay! But Dad, why do you light a candle!"

Father smiled.

"Because there will be a lot of people going back home today, back to their hometown!"

"Let's show them the way!

"And oh! Baby, you can rest assured that you are beautiful... Dad will protect you, many people will protect you, you have to grow up well, and remember to serve our motherland in the future!

The little girl nodded obediently.

There are still many things that she still doesn't understand, but some seeds have already been planted.

Meanwhile, Jinling No. 2 Middle School!

It's past nine o'clock now.

School is less than an hour away.

No. 2 Middle School, a small building full of high school seniors, brightly lit.

The head teacher of the third and eighth class looked at the projection screen and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes.

A girl who had been crying before suddenly turned her head at this moment.

"Mr. Tang, let's light candles too!

The head teacher smiled softly.

"This kind of thing, the school does not allow it! Some things, we just remember.

And right now.

Suddenly there was a knock on the back door of the class.

The one who knocked on the door was the head teacher of Class 9, a male teacher who taught geography.

He is also a geography teacher in the eighth class of high school.

Teacher Tang was stunned for a moment, because she saw her colleague's eyes were red at the moment, and she didn't know what she was going through.

Teacher Tang opened the door and walked out of the classroom.

"Pharaoh, what's the matter? Your girlfriend is going to break up with you again."5

The male teacher surnamed Wang wiped his eyes.

"No... I watched CCTV's live broadcast when the children were studying at night!"

"Then the eyes got into the bricks."

"I asked the uncle in the security room. In the school's warehouse, there are white candles that were purchased before to prevent power outages. Let's also organize students to go to the playground to light them.

Teacher Tang was stunned for a moment.

"Ah... this, if the principal knows..."

Teacher Wang raised his head.

"I called the principal."

"He told me that it's okay not to cause an accident... He also told me..."

"The former site of our school was Jinling Ningjiang Hospital... At that time, there were many sick children living in the hospital. After those bastards entered Jinling, the hospital was set on fire. It is said that there were no children in the hospital's inpatient department. Survive!""

"Although I also know that this is a live broadcast...but..."

"But I always wanted to do something."

Teacher Tang took a deep breath.

"I know! 9

"I'm going to tell the kids.

Teacher Wang nodded.

"Then I'm going to contact other teachers!

Mr. Tang looked at Mr. Wang who was leaving, and then returned to the third and eighth class of senior high school.

At this moment, there is a boy sitting in the last row of the class, with his head lowered and silent.

After seeing Teacher Tang coming in, the boy hesitated for a long time before raising his head.

"Old... teacher... Well, I graduated from high school, and my family arranged to study abroad, most likely to go to that country... that... that, I would like to ask, three... three hundred thousand, yes, is there any basis for it? ?"

Teacher Tang's footsteps stopped for a while, and she looked down at the boy, her eyes still soft.

"This... After the opponent's defeat in the war, the side of the Jinling incident determined that there were 28 large-scale massacres in Jinling, and the number of massacres was more than 190,000!"

"There were 858 cases of scattered killings, and more than 150,000 corpses were buried by charitable organizations. According to the body, the number of people killed in Jinling that year was no less than 340,000."

"Li Zhuo, today's events do not need to affect whether you want to study abroad, but some history cannot be forgotten. If you do go there, the teacher doesn't want you to be influenced by the culture and a lot of speech there... That's all. !

Jinling First Hospital.

Hospice ward.

The old woman, Yu Mo, who had not much time, was wearing headphones at the moment, watching the video on the mobile phone, the female students in white dresses, a smile appeared on her mouth.

At this moment, she unconsciously rubbed the scar on her body.

"Yes! In this era, you can rest assured that you are beautiful!

"So, go ahead and be beautiful like this!

"Everything that happened back then will never happen again. 99

At the same time, in the studio of CCTV.

The staff responsible for the live broadcast will report one after another!

"Director, the number of simultaneous online viewing devices in China exceeds 10 million, and the estimated number of viewers should be more than 15 million!!!"

At the same time, the staff in charge of the overseas live broadcast line looked at the numbers they were responsible for, hesitated for a moment, and reported in a low voice.

"Director! The number of simultaneous online viewers overseas has also exceeded 2 million, but... the barrage of that island country to the east doesn't seem to be so friendly.""

Zhang Hongjie was wearing headphones at the moment, his hands behind his back.

At this moment, there was a sneer on the corner of his mouth.


"Don't care if they are friendly or not! 35

"This is what CCTV should bear, and it is what CCTV should promote and broadcast.

"As long as people from Daxia need to remember Jinling, remember that winter, countless parents in Jinling City were beheaded in front of their sons, wives were bullied in front of their husbands, and young children died in front of their parents!

"More than 300,000 people were slaughtered by those bastards in just six weeks and forty days. On average, one person died in twelve seconds."

"My colleagues at Yangtai, if you still don't care, I suggest you go back to Jinling that day! We call the victims of Jinling compatriots, and if the 300,000 compatriots' deep hatred is not borne for them , can be put down, then we are all going downhill!

"The comments of the little devils in the east are not friendly, aren't they, this live broadcast, after the live broadcast is over, after the editing is completed, and before the next live broadcast starts, all the overseas TV stations of CCTV will broadcast it to me once a day.

"Keep broadcasting, repeating over and over again, just to show those bastards! How utterly desolate they were back then!!!"

And at the same time.

Normal University there.

With more than a hundred resentful souls, all of them dissipated the black energy and entered the underworld.

Lin Yan put away the evocation bell, and he looked at the female students in white skirts with a rare expression of gratitude in his eyes.

Yue Fei stood aside with a somewhat relieved smile on his face, and then he spoke quietly.

"Let's go!"

"This is just the first batch!"

"There are still more than 300,000 souls to send them to the underworld, not all resentful souls are like these girls.

"Their resentment is bloodless.

Lin Yan nodded.

Tonight is destined to be a big project.

Yue Fei didn't hesitate there.

Purple electricity radiated from his body.

After wrapping Lin Yan and the others, they immediately ran to Jingshan Pier on the Huaiqin River not far away.

Because at this moment, next to Jingshan Wharf, the most resentful souls gathered, and the resentment was the greatest.

There are tens of thousands of resentful souls gathered here.

On top of the extremely beautiful river view that was originally illuminated by the lights.

Full of dark shadows.


Countless resentful souls are roaring.

"Where is my body!""

"It's so cold, so cold... They sank my body under the river?"

"Why haven't they died yet, I can feel that those bastards haven't received their retribution yet!!!

"They killed my sister-in-law, my brother, my parents, they tied me here, and they told me to come to the wharf to carry the goods. I and more than 30 people near my house. They got shot!!!!"

"Why, why didn't you let me go? I had already jumped into the river. I wanted to escape, but those evil spirits threw grenades into the river. The people who jumped into the river were all killed, and we were bruised all over. , On the river, there are screams and shouts! God, why don't you open your eyes!!!

"It hurts! I stabbed me with a bayonet, it still hurts!!!"

At this moment on Jiang 187, resentful souls and mourning are everywhere!!!

That wailing sound made people shudder.

The old woman on Yue Fei's back popped her head out at this moment, looking at the resentful souls on the dock, she seemed to remember something.

She turned her head and glanced at her sixth brother, then looked at Lin Yan.

"I've been to this pier!

"When I ran out of the factory, I passed by this wharf.

"I ran out at night and saw a dark mountain of corpses on the pier. There were fifty or a hundred figures walking back and forth, dragging corpses into the river. Painful groans, blood flowing, Spasmodic limbs, coupled with a pantomime-like silence.

"At that time, I could vaguely see it on the other side of the pier. On the other side of the pier, it was like muddy under the moonlight, the whole pier was shining slightly, it was blood. Those beasts were still vigil by the river and saw the bodies floating by the river. Just stab it with a bayonet.99

"After a long time, I learned that it was this wharf, that day, here... 20,000 people died!"

"Most of them are ordinary people...their corpses sank into the river, fed the fish and shrimp, and they didn't know where they were washed in the end!

Lin Yan lowered his head and tried his best to keep calm.

Otherwise, he was really afraid of what he would do when he lost control of his emotions.

Yue Fei stood beside Lin Yan, he looked at Lin Yan's expression, and then spoke quietly.

"There is no way to resolve the grievances of these 20,000 resentful souls..."

"They are not the same as those female ghosts..."

"They lost their relatives, and they died tragically by the river... Let them continue to stay by the river, and ordinary people will also suffer accidents! Send them to the underworld forcibly! Lord Ghosts..."

Lin Yan rubbed his eyes.

He knew that these 300,000 resentful souls, not all resentful souls, had hope of dispelling their resentment.

Why dissolve it.

Why forgive them?

Blood debt... only blood will pay.

At this moment, Lin Yan raised his hand.

The huge ghost difference Dharma phase finally appeared.

It's just that at this moment, the ghost difference method is different from before.

Originally, the ghastly green-faced and fangs-like ghost-challenged Dharma Statue turned into three heads and six arms at this moment.

The huge Specter Ghost Dharma Statue was standing by the river, and behind him was a gate that was as dark as ink and slowly opened.

A sound like a humming sound came out slowly.


"Come to my underworld!

"Come to my death city.""

"Come to my underworld and be reincarnated, and I will give you an afterlife where you will no longer suffer. Let you really... be able to go home.

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