I Live Broadcast The Establishment Of The Underworld To Help You Reincarnate

Chapter 84 She's not an actress! My body is iron proof

Zhang Xinyi lowered her head at this moment!

Above the river in the distance, the black wave composed of pitch-black resentful souls has been swept away by the red red souls.

However, when Zhang Xinyi held the old woman's hand, she felt that the strength of the old woman's holding her palm was getting lighter and lighter.

It seems that I can no longer hold my hand~.

Zhang Xinyi turned around and saw the old woman's face as white as paper.

Zhang Xinyi was a little flustered for a while.

She squatted down and supported the old woman's body. Zhang Xinyi, who loved to cry, now her eyes were all red.

"You... what's wrong with you! Don't scare me! I've been timid since I was young!"

"My grandma said that I was a mouse that was scared by cats since I was a child! Don't scare me, okay?"

The old woman's pale face forced a smile.

"I'm just... going to die! Isn't this something you knew before? That ghost messenger, when he came to my old house, said that I can only live until four in the morning the next day!

"If you hadn't come to my house, I might have fallen asleep now, and then died in my sleep! Actually that's not bad, but now it's the best, I saw my dead brother, and I know that Wei An has been much earlier than me. He died in 2000, saw the 300,000 souls of Jinling, and returned to Jinling!

"It's better than anything really...

"I'm...very old!"

"I don't want to die for so many years, it's not that I'm greedy for this world, but that I want to live longer than those devils! 99

"Pretty girl, is your camera live?"

Zhang Xinyi was stunned for a moment, but she nodded obediently.


"I... I followed behind Mr. Lin Yan, who was specially filming him.

The old woman's eyes lit up.

"So everything you shoot will be broadcast live across the country?

Zhang Xinyi opened her mouth.

She didn't know why the old woman suddenly asked these questions.

"Yes...that's it!""

And right now.

The old woman, who had been relieved before, seemed to have thought of something.

She only has one leg.

It is usually difficult to stand up.

But at this moment, in front of Zhang Xinyi, she tried her best to sit up straight.

"Pretty girl!

"Even if I didn't have what that ghost messenger said to me, I actually had a hunch that I might not have much time.

"I have lived in pain for most of my life.

"Jinling more than 80 years ago is a nightmare that I will never get rid of.

"I'm very happy with what I saw tonight, because I'm really relieved."

"But there are still some things that I want to do before I go to the underworld, no matter what. 35

"Even if all these resentful ghosts have gone to the underworld, the living bastards on that small island above the East China Sea will still not admit what they did in Jinling.

At this moment, the old woman smiled strangely.

Then she took a deep breath.

He even slowly loosened his clothes.

At this moment, Zhang Xinyi trembled.

Her hands were shaking.

What she saw was a body with scars all over her body, like rotten wood. Those scars were criss-crossed, and even some places were cut off...

At this moment, the capital, the studio hall of CCTV.

The staff in charge of the live broadcast was in a panic.

Many staff members hurriedly called Zhang Hongjie.

"Master! What should I do!"

"Should you stop the live broadcast urgently?""

"Director, this is a broadcast accident. God Lin Yan, where did this actor come from, he's crazy!!!55

Zhang Hongjie was also a little confused there.

But he looked at the old woman on the big screen.

The old woman's body, withered and ugly, plus the crisscrossing scars, this kind of body, even if it is put in a horror movie, is no problem.

Zhang Hongjie hesitated for a while, then spoke in a low voice.

"You tell me, a body like this...could be an actor?

"Just cover it up, don't stop... That old lady, she shouldn't be an actor!"

At the same time, before the river.

The old woman looked down at her ugly body with a grin on her face.

"Pretty girl!"

"My name is not Yue Erniu, Erniu is just my nickname, my name is... Yue Zishan, from Jinling Prefecture, Xiaoxi City, Wuxi Town!

"The household registration office in the town can find my complete date of birth!

"It can also prove that I experienced the catastrophe in Jinling. 35

"These scars on my body were all done by the evil ghosts back then... I first worked as a long-term worker in a factory in Jinling, and then the evil ghosts entered Jinling, and the factory was requisitioned by the evil ghosts, many The elder sister was taken away on the same day, and the other elder brothers or uncles were taken to the back of the factory to be slaughtered.99

"Because of my ingenuity, I hid before the group of evil spirits entered the factory... Then I escaped from the factory at night. I wanted to escape from the dock, but I saw that the dock was full of corpses, and I hid later. Refugee camp, but the refugee camp was also discovered by those evil spirits.”

"Unable to do anything, I fled to the Women's University again..."

"It was at Women's University that I experienced the worst nightmare of my life!!!

The old woman's voice began to tear.

She stared at the camera of the mobile phone in Zhang Xinyi's hand, and spoke word by word.

"I was... bullied..."

Zhang Xinyi's hands were shaking.

She looked at the old woman in front of her and wanted to run over to dress the old woman, but she saw the old woman's tough eyes.

"Pretty girl...I don't have much time.

"Let me speak!"

"I can't... take these things into the coffin! 39

The old woman took a deep breath.

"How many people bullied me, eight or nine, I can't remember.

"Because they have taken eleven students from the Women's University before, according to the agreement, plus Miss Xia's identity, they can't take anyone else, but they can come. 99

"Come here while Miss Xia is away! Right in the auditorium..."

"I wanted to resist, so I took the knife from an evil spirit while he was leaving, but I was too naive."

"A knife is useless in front of those evil spirits. In exchange, I have scars all over my body and a broken leg."

"I was like a puddle of rotten meat back then.

"But the good news is that those evil spirits... have finally lost interest in a pool of rotten meat.

"I was thrown out, thrown into the river, and floated with the corpses in the river. In the end, I don't know if it was because of luck, I was washed to the shore, and was picked up by a kind family. I survived, and I myself It's incredible..."

"The scars on my body, under the bed of my old house, have a medical certificate issued by the doctor at that time, which can prove that these scars were left in Jinling back then.

"I don't know how many Daxia children can see this scene, and I don't know if the descendants of those beasts can see me!! My name is Yue Zishan.

"If those beasts and their descendants can see this scene, then I tell you, I, Yue Zishan, is the descendant of Yue Fei, Yue Wumu, my existence, the scars on my body, are their ancestors, in Iron proof that Jinling was abusive back then!!!"

"Remember to me that the blood debt must be paid in blood!!! 35

"Children of Daxia...I don't know how much memory you have about Jinling!""

"You can like the animation of that country, you can like their TV series, you can travel there, these are all personal preferences, nothing is impossible, but you must always remember that you are a Daxia person and remember history!

"Don't have expectations for those bastards, not to mention that the battle back then had nothing to do with their people. Back then, on that small island, everyone was a tiger, a leopard and a jackal!!

“They have continued their ideal for thousands of years, that is, to occupy the land of Daxia and provide their descendants with a bright future rich in resources. 99

"Just the history I learned... On that small island, it is said that two girls wanted to join the army, but they jumped off the building and committed suicide after being rejected. Twenty-five young people applied collectively to join the army, but they cut off their fingers after being rejected. In Mingzhi, a woman committed suicide the day after her husband went to war, so that he could fight with all his heart, and an old grandmother took her grandson and smashed the piggy bank and donated her savings to their frontline.

"They are by no means innocent. Sadly, I know that even now, when some people think of the remains of more than 300,000 compatriots, they still feel that this matter has nothing to do with them."

"But... I just hope that you, forever, don't let Da Xia suffer like that again!"

At this moment, the old woman's voice was crying blood.

.....for flowers

Zhang Xinyi finally couldn't take it any longer, she threw down the camera, ran to the old woman, and helped her put on clothes.

And countless viewers in front of TVs, or tablets, phones.

At this moment, I only felt that the acupoints were blasted, the scalp was blasted, the meridians of the whole body were blasted, and the five thunders were blasted to the top.

They originally thought that today's live broadcast should be over.

After a night of turbulent mood, I can finally calm down.

No one expected that at the end of the live broadcast, the last "Wang Bang! 99" was hidden.


It's so painful!

Indescribable pain.

At the moment when the old woman took off her clothes, all the Daxia audience felt as if a knife had pierced into their hearts.

They can't describe the feeling.

Everything before can be said to be a program carefully planned by CCTV.

But what is unfolding before them now?

Makeup? 3D modeling... Daxia's top actor?

No, not at all!!

The old lady in front of me is real!

Because of the real existence, it is possible to know the events of the year like the back of the hand, and to tell the story.

Because of her real existence, her appearance has no trace of performance.

Because of the real existence... that's why she hates those bastards, because what she experienced many years ago is unforgettable to her!!!

At this moment, countless barrages crossed under the live video on the official website of CCTV.

"This... I see that the live broadcast is about to end, and you want to stab me again??? People will really die if they are stabbed."

"So, this old grandmother is not an actress, is she? Did she really experience Jinling back then? She participated in this live broadcast just to leave hard evidence! Even if she dies, she will leave hard evidence! ???”

"Family, I'm sorry, I have to go first, I was out of breath by the knife."

"That bunch of beasts!!! The bunch of beasts killed by God!

"What happened in Jinling back then!"

"I think when I wake up tomorrow, my eyes may be blinded from crying. 35

"Those dogs who are still cleaning the ground for that group of beasts, come and have a look, and those who question the number of 300,000 dogs, come and have a look, if you can still say clean the ground with your conscience, then go. Look at the replay, but count the scars of the ancestors."

At this moment, Zhang Xinyi wasted a lot of energy before she controlled her emotions and picked up the phone that she had just thrown away.

She hugged the old woman and sat beside the river pier.

The 300,000 ghosts and resentful spirits that had spread out and swept the entire Jinling were now dragged into the underworld because of the addition of those red spirits.

There are only a few ghosts, still wandering in the streets and alleys of Jinling.

But with Yue Fei, Yue Peng raised the general to clean up the final battlefield.

This protracted battle to send more than 300,000 ghosts from Jinling who died in vain back then is finally coming to an end.

But Zhang Xinyi hugged the old woman, but she couldn't be happy.

At this moment, the old woman's face was even paler.

It seems that just now, she has completed her last wish, the last thing she has to do in this life, and at this time, she can wait and face death quietly.

Zhang Xinyi's tears couldn't stop falling on the old woman's face.

The old woman smiled and raised her dry hands. I want to wipe Zhang Xinyi's tears.

"Pretty girl! 99

"Am I dirty!""

Zhang Xinyi shook her head frantically.

"Not at all!"

"Not dirty at all!"

"You are very powerful and brave! So, don't die, okay? 55"

The old woman looked at Zhang Xinyi and smiled.

"Everyone has a destiny in his life. Some people can always do what they want to do, and they are very lucky. Some people can always do what they like to do, and they are very happy. 35

"And some people can only do what they should do. Most of my life is a nightmare. I live to prove the evil things that the bastards did back then, so that they can't quibble!

"Let me go, pretty girl! If I can have an afterlife, I must meet Hui An again and be his wife cleanly!

"You said, will Wei An also be waiting for me! If that's the case, it's not wrong to be able to meet him again in the underworld!

Zhang Xinyi was speechless. She hugged the old woman and cried so loudly by the river pier.

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