I Live Broadcast The Establishment Of The Underworld To Help You Reincarnate

Chapter 86 We'll be fine after we take revenge! Can we still take revenge in the ninth generati

At this moment, next to the Jiangshui Wharf in Jinling City.

Yue Fei smiled.

It seemed that he didn't even think about it himself.

One day, I will once again be so strong, so eager to rush to kill the enemy.

Yue Fei raised his head, his body began to have a strange purple electric light, which continued to condense, and the electric light went straight to the sky. In the sky above Jinling at this moment, a thundercloud with an extremely heavy sense of oppression was condensed!!!

A Dapeng bird entwined with purple electricity is entrenched in the sky.

The armored general who was standing beside Lin Yan before disappeared strangely.

Thunder Dapeng in the sky.

That's a phantom phantom!!!

At the same time, the huge Zidian Dapeng looked down at Jinling!

Eighty years ago, 300,000 dead souls hated Jiangcheng, the sun and the moon were bleak, and the whole world was shocked. Many years ago, Jinling died with real blood and flesh, and 300,000 souls could not rest in peace for eighty years.

after many years.

Above the East China Sea, the beasts on that island, under the iron proof, not only did not admit it, but also made nonsense.

it is good!!

very good!!

really good.

If you are unreasonable, then I, Yue Fei, will go and tell you in person.

Just like the golden man of the year, who was unreasonable, seized my territory, and destroyed my hometown, I could use ten years to become a Jiedushi!

During the four northern expeditions, the army besieged Bianliang on six sides, and forced the Jin family into a desperate situation. Let them have to reason.

A thousand years later, Yue Fei, even if it is just a soul, can explain the truth to you again!!!

At this moment, Dapeng flutters its wings!!!

Directly in the sky, opened a purple thunder, heading towards the East China Sea!!!

Angrily rushing to the crown, leaning on the railing, Xiaoxiaoyu took a break. Lift our sight, the sky and shouts, grand, vehement.

Thirty fame and dust and soil, eight thousand miles of road cloud and moon. Don't wait, the boy's head is white, empty and sad!

Jingkang is ashamed, but it has not yet snowed; when the ministers hate, when will they be destroyed? Aspiring to eat Hulu meat with hunger, laugh at thirsty and drink Huns blood.

To start over, clean up the old mountains and rivers, 14 ques up to the sky.

This scene is amazing!!!

It was so spectacular that even Zhang Xinyi felt that it had to be photographed.

But soon, Zhang Xinyi realized that she seemed to have done something wrong.

After all, the things about the ghosts and the underworld cannot be exposed.

For the live broadcast, even if the Academy of Sciences takes care of it.

If this kind of video is accidentally circulated, how can it be explained.

Lin Yan turned to look at Zhang Xinyi, who was flustered, and smiled softly.

"Why, it's not the time you scold those beasts just now.

Zhang Xinyi handed Lin Yan the phone in embarrassment.

"This video... I should delete it."

Lin Yan narrowed his eyes slightly.

"No need!"

"Send it to the leaders of CCTV!

"Take it as... an easter egg in this episode!"

"Now, the netizens in Daxia should be even more angry."5

Zhang Xinyi immediately flipped through her phone, and then looked at Lin Yan in shock.

"Yes... I've been scolding crazy, not only in China, but many netizens have already scolded it on the Internet... They have already gone to the opposite website to open a post!!!

Lin Yan squinted slightly!

"Don't worry, when it comes to swearing, Da Xia has never lost!"

"More importantly, blood debts can be resolved not just by scolding them online! 35

At this moment, the major websites of Daxia.

The top-ranked terms are, respectively.

#jinling, massacre#

#Jinling, every household is white wax#

#Yue Zishan, I want to send a bunch of flowers to my grandma, beautiful in the afterlife#

# Yue Fei, Yue Wu Mu#

#External network comment on tonight's live broadcast#

The rest of the entries are also related to Lin Yan's live broadcast.

Lin Yan's live broadcast once again dominated the list.

However, it was originally a night that resonated with the whole people in Daxia and made the whole country feel sad.

But because of a bunch of unlucky things, the whole atmosphere was destroyed.

The entry that was originally ranked last, that is-#external network's comment on tonight's live broadcast#, because it was too irritating, quickly rushed to the top!

Under that entry, all Daxia netizens reprinted the comments on the live broadcast tonight.

Including, above the East China Sea, the people on that small island, unspeakable words!!!!


Unspeakable anger.

Even if you don't admit the fact.

What kind of skill is it to insult an old man!!!



An old grandma who suffered nightmares and was bullied by your ancestors 80 years ago will be insulted by you on the Internet 80 years later!

this moment.

Daxia's netizens exploded.

First, on the intranet, many official Vs directly took the lead and directly replaced the official V's avatar with the avatar of "Commemorating Jinling".

Then, under the entry #外网 commented on tonight's live broadcast#, there are countless people in Daxia, the undisguised national quintessence!!!

"Fuck you, uncle, I'll kill your grandson who sold the batch!!!

"The Jinling back then was fake? The 300,000 data was fake? How can you say such a thing, if it is possible, the people of Daxia expect it to be fake more than anyone!

"To be honest, I like the anime that was born from that small island, their movies, and their figures. I don't have the confidence to say that I will quit all of these things in the future, but I know that my So I can drink happy water and watch this with the air conditioner, because I am not a slave to the subjugation of the country, someone died for me.

"Ordinary people in Daxia who went to that small island to study abroad passed by, confirmed it for themselves, and really had contact with them, and only then did they know how incisive the saying "there is no great righteousness"."

"I strongly agree, those bastards are good at superficial hypocrisy and politeness. Many people who come to the island to travel are full of praise for the various polite services of the waiters, but they don't know that others may scold you with the most vicious words in their hearts. ."

"Students, who have experienced it personally, once took a class and were assigned to a group with a Sakura girl. There are more people in this group from Daxia. This person in the class was very pleasant and polite to us. After class, I heard her behind the scenes and their country. People insulted us with all kinds of vicious remarks! At that time, the fist was hard, and now I regret not directly blowing up her dog's head!

"This group of beasts, that's how they are, their polite, clean images are all their public relations, disgusting, disgusting!

Not just domestic netizens.

That small island was the website that published the post, "Tonight's live broadcast of Daxia is making up history again".

There is a new post, the number of likes, even occupy the top of the list of that site.

And it seems to be Daxia's red guest operation.

That post not only dominated that website, but also swept the entire Internet.

And under that post, not a single devil dared to comment at will, because that post made their scalps feel numb.

That post said so.

"The relationship between Daxia and your island has been good and bad over the years. In fact, everyone knows why, especially you, and it is clearer that you also hate Daxia in your heart! This hatred is because you are afraid.

"You can now deny history and say that all the tragedies in Daxia were fictitious, and it doesn't matter, but you should know that Daxia is a group that takes revenge for injustice and revenge for revenge."

"We humans and animals are harmless because we have avenged our revenge. Learn a little about the history of Daxia. Do you see anyone in Daxia today hating the Turks? Gili Khan was caught in Chang'an and danced for Li Shimin.

"Today Daxia has read history, how many people will hate the grassland people? Emperor Yuan Shun was beaten all over the ground by Zhu Yuanzhang's people like a chicken, ran into the desert to drink sand, and Lan Yu was fishing. Hai took over the entire Beiyuan royal family at one time, and the princes and ministers from the Beiyuan emperor and below have been arrested, and even the princess has been strengthened by Lanyu.

"So! Daxia is actually very friendly, that is, as long as we take revenge, we won't hate it anymore."

"Actually, we can guess how you feel, because even you who are stupid and shameless know that we haven't avenged the revenge eighty years ago!"

"We didn't take revenge, and you are also afraid, and the more you are afraid, the more you hate, the more you hate, the more you are afraid. So we understand you, especially! It doesn't matter how much you shout!

"Daxia people also have a special quality. If you bully me and pretend to be my brother from the back, I will say, oh, why do you still remember this matter. I have long forgotten... But in fact, I will remember you for the rest of my life. "

"Furthermore, there is an old saying in Daxia...Is it possible to take revenge for the ninth generation? Even if it is a hundred generations."

"Good brother, don't forget, we are a neighboring country. In the history of Daxia, because of you, we not only killed 300,000 compatriots, but 35 million. If you want revenge, You also have to die for 35 million! (smiling face)

"Is it possible to take revenge in the ninth generation? Although it is possible in a hundred.

That post directly made that small island, more than 100 million people, directly break the defense.

As long as you're not an idiot, you should know.

What is summer like now?

He is not a sick tiger who could be bullied by anyone many years ago.

That is a lion that has woken up!!!

No, no, not a lion.

It's a dragon!!!

The evil dragon that can directly confront the bald eagle in the north.

He sometimes disguises himself as a rabbit.

But the ghost believes that he is a rabbit.

Can rabbits beat bald eagles into dogs with one dozen seventeen?

No one knows how many mushrooms this rabbit has hidden in his hands.


On that small island, countless people are destined to sleepless!!!

In particular, some bureaucrats can't sleep at home for a long time.

They are all discussing one thing.

That post!

What's the meaning.

Didn't the netizens of the two countries often spray each other before!

Just spray each other.

How did it even rise to a feud?

The other party doesn't really want revenge.

If you really want revenge, just throw down a few mushrooms, how can their island be organized?

It is normal for netizens to scold each other!

Don't you say, "Is it possible to take revenge for the ninth generation? Even if it is for a hundred generations. 35 Can this kind of scary words work?

That group of netizens also have a hole in their brains.

We can't admit that those things of the year are what we need, and you took the initiative to ridicule Daxia???

Do you not know what is the difference in power between the two countries now?

The website of Xiaodao, where a large number of Yue Zishan's pictures were posted before, was blocked overnight.

The current Kojima, there is not the slightest bit of arm wrestling with Daxia.

Even the occasional provocation and disgusting Daxia have to be careful to estimate Daxia's bottom line.

And obviously, this time, the netizens on the island... have reached the bottom line of Da Xia.

You must know that the previous live broadcast was broadcast by Daxia's Central Station!

And that post seems to have the background of Daxia Yangtai!!!!

That post that couldn't be deleted, but was deleted and reappeared, what did Da Xia mean by it?

At this moment, Kyoto University, the staff dormitory building.

CCTV's program director, Chen Haoyu, is at Liu Mengyun's house.

Holding the laptop, Chen Haoyu looked at the post that swept the Internet, and then looked back at Liu Mengyun, showing gratitude.

"Mr. Liu, thank you!"

"If it weren't for your post, this tone would be impossible to get out of!""

"The other party is too much, too much.

"The identity of Yue Zishan's mother-in-law, we investigated it, she is not an actress, she is indeed a witness of Jinling back then!"

"Director, he called me in person in the evening and said that the live broadcast is the responsibility of the central station, and the fishing reels from the external network must also be handled by the central station, and it can't sweep my face in Da Xia, that's how I thought of it. you."

Liu Mengyun smiled.

"No thanks, I've tried my best to restrain myself, but I still can't hold back. I'm a woman, so I can understand women naturally. No woman has the courage to do something like that in front of everyone's eyes. Elder Sister Yue Zishan, it's amazing! Really amazing.

"Such an amazing woman of my Daxia, why should I be so insulted by them!"

"It's just that if such a post is forwarded and swept the Internet, will it have a bad impact on Daxia's reputation..."

Chen Haoyu smiled.

"Without alerting the authorities, controlling the fishing reels of this incident on the line of the common people is the least impact."

"What's more, Daxia is no longer the Daxia of 80 years ago. If you want to keep a low profile, you can't keep a low profile."

"And...to be honest, we didn't expect that Mr. Lin Yan's live broadcast would have such a big response, but the director... the main point is that the live broadcast was well done, very good, and special. it is good!

"Daxia lacks such a deafening voice. If CCTV doesn't do such a program, who can do it! Nian

Liu Mengyun smiled strangely.

It was difficult for her to tell Chen Haoyu in front of her that the live show they thought was not just a show, but the scenes in it were all real, the ghosts were real ghosts, and the ghosts were all real ghosts...

And at this moment, in the waters south of Daxia, at this moment, a typhoon caused by a thunderstorm suddenly appeared!!!.

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