I Live Broadcast The Establishment Of The Underworld To Help You Reincarnate

Chapter 96 The Underworld Needs a Zhu Yuanzhang! Lord Guicha, you and Daming are really destined (pl

Lin Yan was noncommittal about Liu Mengyun's statement.

Although this world is a parallel world, the history before Daxia is almost the same.

There were sixteen emperors in the Ming Dynasty, a total of two hundred and seventy-six years.

The founding emperor, also Zhu Yuanzhang, started with a bowl and forged the Ming Dynasty of "100,000 people die with one heart and one heart, and stay 300 miles away in Ming Dynasty"!!!

Lin Yan squinted slightly at the moment, otherwise, the seat of Yama would be selected from the sixteen emperors of Daming, but which one is the most suitable lucky one.

At this moment, Lin Yan was at Zhang Xinyi's house and found some books about the Ming Dynasty in Liu Mengyun's house according to the text message sent by Liu Mengyun.

Then, while crossing over, waiting for Liu Mengyun to come back.

And just when Lin Yan began to immerse himself in the history of Ming Dynasty, it was getting late, and someone opened the door of Liu Mengyun's house.

The figure who walked in was startled when he saw the figure sitting in the study at home, but after seeing the figure clearly, the person who walked in from outside the house immediately showed surprise on his face.

The person who came back at this time was naturally Zhang Xinyi.

At this moment, Zhang Xinyi, looking at Lin Yan, unconsciously remembered the 880,000 that her colleague told her!!!

A signed photo is 880,000!!!

What the hell is this, this is a money printing machine at all...

And just as Zhang Xinyi was walking towards Lin Yan, Lin Yan suddenly closed the book in his hand and stood up.

A somewhat hoarse voice sounded from behind Zhang Xinyi.

"Oh! You got off work early today! Come home before me!"

"Take my teacher card in a while and go to the cafeteria to eat! 35

Zhang Xinyi was stunned for a moment, and then saw Liu Mengyun with white hair.

Zhang Xinyi immediately took over Liu Mengyun's meal card!

At this moment, she actually felt a little guilty!!!

After all, he is also the descendant of a scientist and a history professor, how can he be so greedy for money...

And the ghost's autographed photo.

Can that thing be given to anyone at will?

In case that thing is a ghost.


So sinful.

Zhang Xinyi, money 14 can't be earned, but some money can't be earned.

At this moment, Zhang Xinyi ran downstairs like a fly.

And Liu Mengyun looked at Lin Yan in the room with a faint smile.

She knew that when Lin Yan came, the letter from Jingzhi also came.

But she also knew that Lin Yan would not find herself for no reason.

Just like last time.

It seemed that he just asked himself about the cemetery of Yue Fei and Yue Peng, but then, he picked up more than 300,000 resentful souls in Jinling to go to the underworld, and healed the scars of Jinling for many years.

In Liu Mengyun's eyes, this ghost messenger deserves to be a real ghost.

At this moment, Lin Yan looked at Liu Mengyun, and from Liu Mengyun's eyes, he could guess what the old woman was expecting.

Lin Yan sighed, then took out a ghostly letter from his arms and handed it to Liu Mengyun.

"This is a letter from Teacher Zhang Jingzhi to you."

Liu Mengyun immediately took it over with joy.

Then she looked at Lin Yan and spoke respectfully.

"I'm sorry, Lord Guicha, Lord Guicha, this time, we need to find the emperor's soul.

Lin Yan scratched his head.

"more or less."

"Our underworld is actually quite short of people. Mr. Zhang Jingzhi should have told you that he is now serving as a judge in our underworld! It's Cui Fujun of my underworld.

"This time, I want to find a suitable emperor soul to be the first Yama of my underworld!

Liu Mengyun looked at Lin Yan and smiled.

"Sir Lin Yan, has someone chosen?"

Lin Yan smiled...

"Absolutely not!'

Liu Mengyun took a deep breath.

"Any Emperor soul will do?"

Lin Yan pondered for a while.

"I originally thought of Qin Shihuang, or Tang Zong and Song Zu, but then I thought. I may not be able to control the emperor's soul at that level... Of course, the most important thing is that he can understand today's of summer.

"I didn't think that the canonized Yama would become black, and every day I thought about rebuilding my own Great Qin, Great Tang, etc., and finally endangered the world.

Lin Yan's voice was low.

Yue Fei, Yue Pengju, only a thousand years of Taoism, it is already a big empty.

If it were Tang Zong and Song Zu, or earlier, the ghosts of thousands of years, or the souls of emperors, with the current cultivation base, it is estimated that they would not be able to suppress them.

When your own cultivation level has become above the virtual, maybe you can think about it at that time.

One of the most important truths of the thousands of years of history in Daxia is...

The truth lies within the range of the cannon.

Even if you want to reason with Emperor Qin and Han Wu, you must have enough strength.

Let those high-ranking emperors accept the new era.

Liu Mengyun pondered for a while, and then spoke quietly.

"Then... how about the Emperor of Daming?"

Lin Yan raised an eyebrow.

"The Ming Dynasty?

"The Ming Tombs?!"

Liu Mengyun smiled.

"Yes, the Ming Tombs are indeed the attractions of the capital..."

"There are sixteen emperors in Daming, and Zhu Yuanzhang's mausoleum is located in Jinling, which is Ming Xiaoling; north of the capital, there are the world-renowned "Ming Ming Tombs", adding up to fourteen.

"It is also the capital, Gudian, and there is an imperial mausoleum in the north, whose owner is the Jingtai Emperor Zhu Qiyu. 99

"Zhu Qiyu ascended the throne after the civil engineering change, and was later deposed in the seizing the door change, so he was not buried in the Ming Dynasty imperial mausoleum area after his death..."

"And the whereabouts of Emperor Jianwen Zhu Yunwen is unknown! There is no mausoleum..."

Lin Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, and after hesitating for a while, he still spoke.

"The Ming Dynasty can't compare to the Han and Tang Dynasties..."

Liu Mengyun pondered for a while.

"Although there is a sentence in the history of the Ming Dynasty compiled by the Qing Dynasty: the vast territory is far beyond the Han and Tang Dynasties... But to be honest, the historical achievements of the Ming Dynasty in its heyday were indeed inferior to those of the Han and Tang Dynasties!"

"The heyday of the Han and Tang Dynasties was the pinnacle of Chinese culture's forge ahead, so Emperor Wu of the Han had saved half his life's money, all of which was given to more than 100,000 cavalrymen, so the Tang Dynasty expanded thousands of miles, and the Great Tang Dynasty Khan, it can be said that I alone Love as one!"

"And the greater contribution of the Han and Tang Dynasties is to establish a strong image of Daxia in the world! We once stood on the top of the world so stalwart!"

"And the Ming Dynasty, following the Neo-Confucianism and the deep-rooted defensive ideology, became more reserved and more inclined to defense..."

"But in its heyday it was the same with the coming of all nations!

"Han and Tang Dynasties are the two peaks of Daxia's history, no doubt, but the Ming Dynasty is also very exciting! He is also the pride of Daxia!! It is an important part of Daxia's history!

"To put it nicely, the Ming Dynasty recovered the sixteen states of Yanyun that were lost for more than 400 years, including Yue Fei, Chai Rong and other famous generals of the Ming Dynasty... That is the regret of that general! 99

"Similarly, the Ming Dynasty ended nearly a hundred years of alien rule, the so-called "the most upright state of the country" and "recovering the majesty of Han officials"!

"Da Ming also carried out the largest voyage diplomacy in ancient history, with the largest number of people and the farthest run. Zheng He's fleet has reached the Red Sea the farthest known. "Don't make Zhang Qian special in beauty"!

"Hanyou champion Hou Changdrive went straight into Fenglangjuxu, and Mingyou blue jade broke the Beiyuan fishing sea!"

"The capital of the Ming Dynasty was never captured before the country's collapse, and no monarch gave up the capital and fled! This is the integrity of the Ming Dynasty!! In the Tang Dynasty, the figures were six and nine times respectively!

"Tang has Tang Sancai, Ming has cloisonne!"

"In the Ming Dynasty, in the fourteenth dynasties, among the sixteen emperors, not one emperor was established by an eunuch and was a puppet of a foreign relative!

"Also, three of the Four Great Classics were written in the Ming Dynasty... Similarly, the Ming Dynasty can be said to be the most powerful of all dynasties in the late period!

"As for the outside world, more than 40 years before the demise of the Ming Dynasty, tens of thousands of officers and soldiers were sent to fight in the northern country, helping the small northern country to fight against the invading Japanese army of hundreds of thousands, which lasted for eight years..."

"In the sea at that time, the provocation of Western countries, Britain, Spain, Portugal and other countries was not used by Ming... It seems that he has never lost!

"Internally, there will be many famous generals in Daming!"

"The Ming Dynasty, especially the military generals, has a special kind of integrity. There are many civil servants who surrendered to the Qing Dynasty, but few military generals who surrendered to the Qing Dynasty, and many people who generously went to the dead..."

"Daming also has the only emperor in ancient history who is monogamous and has only one queen, and his only son - Ming Xiaozong Zhu Youji, his son is the most popular player in the Ming Dynasty - the post-90s governor of the world's military and horses Zhu Houzhao, a soldier and the prince of the East Palace, the princess of the town of the Dharma King Fengsheng Buddha of Daqing!

"In the Ming Dynasty, there were Yang Shen who "rejoiced to meet with a pot of turbid wine", Yu Qian who "is not afraid of being smashed into pieces", Qi Jiguang who "wishes for Haibo peace", and Lanling Xiaoxiaosheng who "did the medicine" , There is Tang Bohu who "reads the article with the lights on again", Zhu Shou who "lives a mighty and peaceful world", Jiajing who "removes the robes with the general", and Wang Yangming who "is bright in this heart"..."

"The Ming Dynasty is very exciting! The Ming Dynasty is strong, and we are honored..."

"And the most important point is... if you can find Zhu Yuanzhang and canonize him as Yama, he may be the only emperor who will not pose any threat to the current Daxia! 99

Lin Yan was stunned for a moment.

"Zhu Yuanzhang... Zhu Chongba...

Liu Mengyun hummed softly.

"In all the history of Daxia, there is no founding emperor who can be lower and more humble than his origin! 35

"According to historical records, the Huai River suffered severe plagues and droughts. That year, on the sixth day of the fourth lunar month, Zhu Chongba's father starved to death, his elder brother starved to death on the ninth day, the eldest brother starved to death on the 12th, and his mother starved to death on the 22nd. die.

"There is no emperor who knows what it's like to be hungry better than him, and there is no emperor who can understand better than him, what is a subjugated country, a subjugated slave, because he has experienced how the Han people under the Yuan Dynasty lived."

"Of course, these are all my guesses... I just think that if he has seen the history of Daxia in the past 100 years, he may feel the same way!"

Lin Yan hesitated for a while, but still spoke.

"But I read some information before, the ministers he killed..."

Liu Mengyun smiled at this moment.

"Zhu Yuanzhang sealed more than 20 dukes, and only Li Shanchang, Feng Sheng, Lan Yu, and Fu Youde were executed. There were more than 80 marquis, but only 22 were executed. More than a dozen earls, only two were executed. More than a dozen viscounts and barons each... This number is really not many!

"Furthermore, Lord Guicha, do you know what crimes those people he killed committed?"

Lin Yan shook his head.

Liu Mengyun's voice gradually became lower.

"Master Ghost, do you think those ministers killed by Zhu Yuanzhang are pitiful? But..."

"When corrupt officials embezzled money for flood control, the dams were not repaired, and the entire village downstream was drowned, wouldn't the people be pitiful?

"Isn't it pity for scholars when the fraud in the imperial examinations makes them unable to be loyal to the country?"

"Of course Zhu Yuanzhang is really cruel, but after all, there is no such thing as ruling the country according to the law in feudal society. He started from the bottom, and the method of solving the problem is simple and rude. The people involved are indeed worthy of sympathy, but sympathy for those ministers... You don't have to!

'And this Emperor Hongwu, because he came from the bottom of the society, hated corrupt officials the most!

"Not only did he punish corruption with severe punishments, but he also invented some anti-corruption methods, such as "detaining an official to face the saint": if the people find a corrupt official, they have the right to organize and hold a "big letter" to escort the corrupt official to his place. The capital, handed over to the emperor for punishment, no one may stop it, and the offender will be punished with death..."

"In contrast, this Emperor Hongwu is very tolerant of ordinary people. Even if the people commit a crime, as long as there is a copy of the "Da Gao" at home, the crime will be reduced by one level immediately..."

"If you really want a Yama! I would actually recommend Zhu Yuanzhang..."

After Liu Mengyun said these words, she was stunned for a moment.

This professor, who has studied history for many years, never thought of it himself.

One day, I will give a ghost messenger to recommend which emperor is more suitable to be the King of Yama!!!

And at this moment, Lin Yan frowned and thought.

damn it!

He is so excited!!!!

I have to say that he was persuaded by Liu Mengyun.

He really wants a Zhu Yuanzhang!!!

Lao Zhu... maybe he can handle it!

So, you should go to Jinling to find Zhu Yuanzhang's tomb?

Lin Yan took a deep breath.

Then he spoke in a low voice.


"I probably have a direction.

"It was decided to be the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, and then Zhu Yuanzhang was the first choice!

Liu Mengyun's expression was a little weird. To be honest, she never dreamed that such a day would come.

At this moment, Lin Yan took out a medal from his arms.

He hesitated again.

Liu Mengyun glanced at the medal.

Saw the writing above.

"Da Xia, the medal of the expedition force?

Lin Yan smiled.

"Ah! That's it, something happened before, and I promised an old man to pick up the red souls of Daxia's expedition force home. 99

"Maybe I'm going to the border between Daxia and the Myanmar-Buddha Kingdom, but two things collided, and I don't know which one to go first!"

Liu Mengyun's expression was even more bizarre at the moment.

She looked at Lin Yan.

"Do you know Zhu Yunwen?"

"The whereabouts of this Emperor have been a mystery for many years."

"But after our previous research, there is a guess that he may have run towards the Burmese Buddha Country back then..."

"Really, Master Guicha, you may really have a relationship with Daming! 99

At this moment, Lin Yan raised his head, and he looked at Liu Mengyun opposite.

Burning eyes!!!.

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