I live forever in the world of cultivation

Chapter 305 Returning like an arrow

After a sudden realization, a complex look flashed across Yun Jing's face, and she quickly invited He Song to attend the reception banquet she had prepared long ago.

Why let loose meet the wind and wash away the dust at the banquet.

It wasn't something she did on the spur of the moment.

On the contrary, when Master Luo Jing informed her that she should entertain He Song well, she had already prepared such a banquet.

Facing Master Yunjing's invitation, He Song hesitated slightly.

to be honest.

After he got the jade slips, he wanted to leave Yunzhou directly.

He doesn't care about banquets, invitations, or other miscellaneous things.

Now that the goal has been achieved, why should we continue to stay in Yunzhou?

However, after seeing the expectant look in Master Yun Jing's eyes, I heard that she had already prepared the banquet.

Moreover, it is specially prepared for myself.

Suddenly I felt that it was really bad to leave now.

A banquet was specially prepared for him, but he turned around and left.

Does this disciple of True Lord Jindan have no respect for face? If Master Yun Jing goes to He Song with a grudge because of this, I'm afraid the matter is not over yet.

After realizing that he couldn't be so disrespectful, He Song's original words of farewell were swallowed up by him.

Immediately, He Song nodded and agreed to Master Yun Jing to attend such a banquet specially prepared for him.

Since it was given by Master Yun Jing, the standard of this reception banquet was relatively high.

The banquet location is inside Jubao Pavilion.

Those who came were basically the internal staff of Jubao Pavilion.

For the sake of Master Yunjing, many people came over to meet He Song, and they became familiar with him.

He Song didn't pay too much attention to this.

I just met each of these people and exchanged casual greetings.

He is leaving Yunzhou soon. No matter how many people he meets at this banquet, he will most likely not see them again in the future.

If that's the case, why should you care?

However, He Song did not lose his etiquette.

He also returned greetings to those who came to meet him.

As time passed, there were fewer and fewer people in front of He Song.

Until after the banquet is over.

Master Yun Jing also specially sent He Song out of the Jubao Pavilion.

The entrance of Jubao Pavilion.

He Song cupped his hands towards Master Yun Jing and then spoke.

"Thank you fellow Taoist for your warm hospitality. Now that my purpose has been accomplished, I will take my leave and prepare to leave Yunzhou and rush back to Tianquan Immortal City."

"Purple Sky Quiet Zen Technique" has been obtained, and He Song has no reason to continue to stay in Yunzhou.

As a result, he immediately set off to rush back to Tianquan Immortal City and practice the "Purple Sky Quiet Meditation Technique", which became what He Song needed to do most now.

As long as he masters the "Purple Sky Quiet Meditation Technique" to a proficient level, he can go to the place where the golden elixir formation is located and study the golden elixir formation.

With the help of "Purple Sky Quiet Meditation Technique", even if there is a True Lord of the Golden Pill in the Golden Pill Formation, He Song will not be discovered by him.

And if there is no True Lord Jindan in that golden elixir formation.

After He Song used the "Purple Sky Quiet Meditation Technique", he was able to prevent other people passing by from discovering him, and his concealment was greatly enhanced.

Under such circumstances, as long as He Song can calm down and work hard to study the golden elixir formation.

Then there will always be a day when you fully understand it.

As long as he understood the golden elixir formation thoroughly, it would be easy for He Song to enter it.

By then, wouldn't the things in that golden elixir formation be easily accessible?

With this thought flashing through his mind, He Song suddenly felt like he was returning home. He really wished he could return to Tianquan Immortal City immediately to study the "Purple Sky Quiet Meditation Technique".

He Song said goodbye.

In front of him, after hearing this, Master Yun Jing's eyes flashed with a look that was indeed true.

Master Yun Jing and He Song met for the first time today.

But as early as when He Song set off from Tianquan Fairy City and rushed to Yunzhou, she had heard He Song's name from the mouth of Zhenren Luo Jing.

We even learned various information about He Song from Luo Jingzhen.

According to Master Luo Jing, He Song is cautious in character and does not like fighting, but he acts vigorously and resolutely.

Now it seems that He Song's cautious character and dislike of fighting have been completely verified.

The principle of acting vigorously and resolutely was confirmed by her when He Song just said goodbye.

And because of this, she was not surprised when He Song said goodbye.

Because according to what Luo Jing Zhenren told her, she knew about He Song.

It would be strange for He Song not to leave immediately after receiving the "Purple Sky Quiet Meditation Technique".

Saying goodbye at this time is a normal reaction.

Master Yun Jing, who had expected it, would not be surprised by He Song's sudden departure.

Instead, after He Song said goodbye, he nodded happily.

"Fellow Taoist is indeed very resolute in his actions. Since fellow Taoist is in a hurry to rush back to the fairy city, the little girl will not stay here for long. Please be careful on the way, fellow Taoist, and take care of yourself along the way."

As Master Yun Jing opened his mouth to bless, He Song also nodded slightly towards her.

After that, he cupped his hands again and then turned around and left.

The entrance of Jubao Pavilion.

Seeing He Song's figure disappearing from his sight, Master Yun Jing quietly returned to the Treasure Treasure Pavilion.

In a luxurious room, Master Yun Jing retreated to the left and right. After she was the only one left in the room, she took out another exquisite blank jade slip from the storage bag.

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Following the thoughts of Master Yun Jing.

The method of double rest that had been read from the jade slip brought by He Song was immediately engraved on this exquisite blank jade slip.

After the secrets were burned, Master Yun Jing waved his hand, and a piece like a jigsaw puzzle, covered with countless small grids, suddenly appeared in the room.

This thing is very large, made entirely of jade, and many exquisite jade slips have been placed in the densely packed small grids.

After carefully identifying the various patterns on the object, Master Yun Jing carefully placed the exquisite jade slip in his hand into one of the small grids.

When the jade slip fell, the small grid was immediately occupied and fit tightly.

After doing all this, Master Yun Jing looked at the huge puzzle piece in front of him, and a trace of satisfaction suddenly flashed on his face.

"Very good, another method has been put into the Ten Thousand Jue Diagram. There is one more method in this Ten Thousand Jue Diagram."

"We are one step closer to collecting all 10,000 magic techniques."

"Let me calculate, there are only seven thousand three hundred and fifty-two species missing."

"In order to collect these strange magic techniques, I have really worked hard over the years."

"Sigh, it's getting harder and harder to collect magic techniques now. Senior sister has been looking for them for so long, but she only sent one."

After muttering a few words, Master Yun Jing took one last look at the Ten Thousand Jue Diagram in front of him, and finally put it into his storage bag.


After he left the Jubao Pavilion, He Song didn't know anything about what happened in the Jubao Pavilion.

He didn't know that there was something called Wan Jue Tu in the hands of Master Yun Jing.

It was this Ten Thousand Secrets Diagram that allowed He Song to get the jade slip from Master Luo Jing, take it all the way to Yunzhou, and finally hand it over to Master Yun Jing.

Without the Wan Jue Diagram, He Song would never have been able to obtain the "Zi Xiao Jing Zen Jue" from Master Changkong so easily, and perhaps he would never have met Master Yun Jing at all.

After leaving the Jubao Pavilion, He Song quickly returned to Meng Guan's mansion.

Find Meng Guan again.

and explained to him that he was about to leave.

Meng Guan was suddenly shocked.

"My Taoist friend only came for one day and got what he wanted. Do you want to leave right now???"

Looking at He Song with a sincere face in front of him, Meng Guan felt that He Song in front of him seemed to have become extremely mysterious at this moment.

He Song has only been here for one day.



Just a few hours.

Because when He Song entered the Yunzhou capital, he personally picked him up.

Only a few hours had passed since he took He Song into the city to when He Song said he wanted to leave right now.

Among these hours, He Song was with him for more than an hour.

Enter through the city gate, go to the teahouse to drink tea, and then return to Meng Guan's mansion to rest for a while.

These things took more than an hour.

It was not until later that He Song asked him about the location of Wanhua Tea House that the two separated.

Can bear fruit.

After the two separated, another three hours passed.

During these three hours, Meng Guan had even thought about taking He Song for a walk around the Yunzhou capital these days.

It might as well let He Song see the gap between the prosperity of Yunzhou Prefecture and the fairy city under the jurisdiction of Houtu Sect.

I have even thought of making an appointment with He Song after He Song comes back so that they can have a good sightseeing.

Things were indeed as he thought. Three hours later, He Song did come back.

However, when He Song came back, he said that he had finished what he had come to Yunzhou to do and was ready to say goodbye and leave.


Looking at He Song, who looked embarrassed and said sorry to him, the shock on Meng Guan's face could not dissipate.

In fact, what He Song said was too bizarre.

To know.

Rush to Yunzhou from Tianquan Immortal City.

Based on He Song's journey, it took a full month and a half.

During this month and a half, He Song traveled day and night, hurrying and taking his time, before finally arriving at the capital of Yunzhou.

However, this month and a half of traveling time was extremely inconsistent with the time when He Song came here to do business.

Traveled for a month and a half.

Work for three hours.

Then it will take another month and a half to rush back to Tianquan Fairy City.

If He Song hadn't told him seriously that what he came to Yunzhou to do had indeed been completed.

Meng Guan probably thought He Song was joking.

How can I travel back and forth for three months?

The service only takes three hours?

"That's all, that's all. I originally wanted to take fellow Taoists on a tour here."

"I didn't expect that as soon as fellow Taoist arrived, he would have already finished the work and was in a hurry to go back."

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