“Well, it took me a whole night to calm her down. ”

Faced with Miyano Shiho’s jealous questions, Lin Xin admitted it calmly.

He knew there was no use hiding it.…………When I was talking to Shimabukuro Kime, the surveillance camera hadn’t been removed yet.

Continuing to deny will only increase the other person’s jealousy and dissatisfaction.

not to mention………Lin Xin originally had a clean relationship with Shimabukuro Kime, and he was not afraid of the shadows as he was upright!

Miyano Shiho felt inexplicably suspicious when she saw Lin Xin admitting so openly and not following the routine at all.。

“Why do you care so much about her? “She asked aloud。

“I took a fancy to her disguise skills. “After Lin Xin sat down on the sofa, he took out the packed breakfast and said: “She is very good at disguise. She can even disguise her height. She is obviously a young and beautiful girl, pretending to be a The short old woman has no sense of disobedience。”

“This disguise… is the most powerful person I have ever seen except Belmod. ”

After realizing that her brother-in-law approached Shimabukuro Kimie for the purpose of taking advantage, rather than lusting after her beauty, Miyano Shiho immediately realized that she had misunderstood, and most of the jealousy in her heart immediately subsided. She got off the bed and sat

down Asked on the sofa: “What do you want to use her for?”

“Don’t you want to leave the organization? ” Lin Xin said, placing the white seafood noodles in front of Miyano Shiho, and whispered: “I will find an opportunity to let you two sisters fake death and escape.…………It would be much easier if there was someone who was good at disguise.。”

“Is…is that so? “Miyano Shiho immediately understood that she had misunderstood her brother-in-law. He did not approach the other party because he was greedy for the other’s beauty.

Instead, he tried to get close to the other party because he wanted the sisters to leave the organization.

After realizing this, she immediately I felt guilty.

My brother-in-law was so considerate of their sisters, but he was so suspicious of the other party.…………Damn me.

If my brother-in-law is really the kind of person who is greedy for beauty, with his contribution to the organization, why should he take such a big risk for my sister and me?

It is not difficult for him to play a female star.

The more he thought about this, the more guilty Miyano Shiho felt, feeling that he always thought of people so badly.

She took a few bites of the hot seafood noodles and immediately felt her stomach felt better.。

“So…how sure are you? “Miyano Shiho stopped his chopsticks and asked curiously。

“Ninety percent. “Lin Xin gave a very confident figure.。

“So sure? “Miyano Shiho was surprised. She remembered that her brother-in-law had not met each other several times, right?

“If you know this girl and her story, then you should know that it is not difficult for her to trust me. “Lin Xin deliberately used a “playing with each other” tone to talk about what happened to Shimabukuro Kime.

When Miyano Shiho heard Shimabukuro Kime’s story, he could not help but sympathize with him, pity and feel sorry for that girl. .

Obviously my family has made such a great contribution to the prosperity of the island, but in the end, they were sucked by the people on the island. Even

my m

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] other’s death was inexplicably caused by my own hands.。

“Pitiful……”Miyano Shiho sympathized with the other party more and more。

“Yes, a poor girl. ” Lin Xin took Miyano Shiho’s reaction into his eyes.

He knew that as long as he showed the side of taking advantage of the other party, he would not arouse the resentment of his sister-in-law, but would make her more sympathetic to Shimabukuro Kime.

Lin Xin chuckled . Said: “I found the truth for her and made her understand the faces of the villagers on the island.………Now she naturally hates these people to the extreme!”

“So, I can easily make her trust me。”

“I see. “Miyano Shiho replied absentmindedly.

She felt pity for Shimabukuro Kime even more

because she would be used by her brother-in-law again.

It’s not right to say that she was used. Mutual benefit is more appropriate.

I don’t know…that girl is right What kind of feelings does brother-in-law have?

Simple gratitude?

Or an envelope mixed with other feelings?

Alas, I hope she won’t get into it too deep.………

Miyano Shiho murmured in his heart。



After exiting the room, Lin Xin and his party headed to the dock.

After paying the fee where the yacht is parked, the administrator goes to unlock the yacht.。

“gone. “After Lin Xin greeted the two of them onto the yacht, he asked Akai Shuichi to drive again.

He and Miyano Shiho were on the boat looking at the scenery and enjoying the sea breeze.。

“Hmm…so comfortable. “Miyano Shiho closed his eyes, feeling the sea breeze and said: “I’ve been in the laboratory for a long time, and it’s good to go out for a walk occasionally.。”

“If you come up with anything, tell me. Lin Xin said: “I will accompany you wherever you go.”。”

“Um. “Miyano Shiho combed her bangs, feeling secretly happy in her heart.

However, when she thought that after going back, she would have to keep a distance from Lin Xin, she felt a little disappointed.

Miyano Shiho, Miyano Shiho, you How can you be too greedy?

When you don’t have it, you want to have it.

When you have it, you want to monopolize it.

She scolded herself in her heart for being too greedy!!

Mermaid Island is not too far from the seaside town.

In less than twenty minutes, they arrived at the pier on the other side.

However, after Lin Xin and the others got off the yacht, a group of people suddenly surrounded them.。

“Um? “Lin Xin looked at those people with unkind expressions coming over, especially those at the head. Aren’t they the leaders of the Nihan Association? Damn it, is it true that

he robbed their lending company and was discovered?

No. Is it so unlucky? Has it really been seen by witnesses?

He frowned and said to Miyano Shiho: “You go back to the yacht first…wait for me to deal with the situation here.。”

“Um. ” Miyano Shiho knew that staying here would be a hindrance, so he turned around and returned to the yacht.

Lin Xin patted Akai Shuichi on the shoulder. Just when he was about to say something, he heard the other party say: “Sorry, boss.…………I’m causing trouble for you. They’re here for me.。”

“Um? Lin Xin was stunned. It seemed that things were not what he thought. At

this time, a bearded man opposite pointed at Akai Shuichi and shouted: “Yes!” it’s him! ! He is the traitor! ! If he hadn’t betrayed us, the vice president wouldn’t be dead! ! “

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