"I see, it seems to be quite bearable."

After listening to Maori Kogoro pulling his daughter up alone, Mizuno couldn't help but nodded.

I have some admiration for him.

Being able to give up a job and go home to raise her daughter is already stronger than most people.

If nothing else, her father didn't have the courage.

In her childhood, she rarely saw her father.

"My job pays well, but it's hard, are you sure you can bear it?" Shui Wuxian reminded: "Maybe you will be asked to infiltrate a black-hearted factory to investigate, and it will take several months to dive." "

When Mori Kogoro heard this, he immediately patted his chest and said, "This is no problem!" I can accept it! "

"On top of that, there are dangers." Shui Wuxian reminded: "If you don't do it, you will lose your little life." "

"This... OK. Maori Kogoro nodded heavily, if he wants to make a lot of money, then he can only let it go!

"Very well, I like your courage." Shui Wuren nodded with satisfaction and said, "But it's not enough to have fighting spirit to do this job, it also depends on ability." "

"You're a little fat now, hurry up and lose weight and go to the gym to build your muscles. If you are not physically fit, you will not be able to do this job. "

"I see!" Maori Kogoro hurriedly agreed.

"Okay, if there's nothing to do, you can go back first, and I'll let you know later." Mizuno waved at Maori Kogoro.

"Okay, then I'll take my leave." After Mori Kogoro finished speaking, he glanced at Lin Xin gratefully, and then turned to leave.

However, as soon as he closed the door and was about to leave, he heard the faint voice of the water in the house: "Hahaha, Lin." I'll have two drinks with me. "

"Of course, of course."

"Hurry up and eat, follow me back to the hotel."

"Huh? And go to the hotel. You didn't say it before. "

"Huh? How? Don't you want to? "

"It's... Not really. "

"Since it's not, drink it quickly! After drinking and going back to the hotel, if it weren't for your face, I wouldn't have wanted him!! "

"Look at his big belly, bloodless face, yellow teeth, you can know at a glance that the color of tobacco and alcohol is not separated from his body, with this kind of person, I am afraid that he will ruin my affairs."

"Ahh I'll go back and tell Uncle Maori to quit drinking and sex, and to exercise more. "

"Heh, if a person's routine is used to it, it will be difficult to change! Forget it, let's not talk about it, let's drink and drink! You're going to have to behave well in the evening. "

"Well... Okay, thank you Miss Mizunai for your help. "

"Hey, what is the relationship between us, don't say this!"


Listening to the conversation faintly coming from inside the house, Maori Kogoro's expression changed, and he felt very uncomfortable!

He didn't expect Lin Xin to pay so much for himself.

In order to make Shui Wuxian agree to work for himself, he also has to give the other party a drink, laugh and sleep!

This made Maori Kogoro clench his fists and feel a wave of anger in his heart!

With an angry look on his face, he turned to push the door open.

However, he stopped only halfway through his movements.

Ay............ Mori Kogoro sighed silently in his heart and slowly withdrew his hand.

He knew that if he really did this, he would really fail Lin Xin's efforts!!

Thinking of this, Mori Kogoro could only turn around and leave the Chinese restaurant with mixed emotions.

He was a little confused, and he didn't understand how he got to where he is now.

It's all right, but how did it come to be like this?

Mori Kogoro walks aimlessly down the street and begins to reflect on himself.

By chance, he saw himself in a shop window and couldn't help but stop.

This old figure, this haggard appearance...

Maori Kogoro subconsciously touched his face and muttered, "I... I was so haggard with wine!! "

Thinking of this, he made up his mind, and the cigarette holder flashed a determined expression, and said, "From today onwards... Quit gambling"

"How? I'm doing pretty well tonight, right? (If you read violent novels, you can go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

In the hotel, Shui Wuxian said slightly proudly on the chest of Nerin Xin.

"Hmm... The performance is very good. Lin Xin nodded while smoking a cigarette and said, "Especially the part where you spoke ill of him after he left the room." "

"It's quite expressive, it seems to be like those villains in the TV series!"

"I've got to give you full marks for this acting!!"

"Nasty!!" Shui Wuxian pinched Lin Xin's little head angrily, and said, "I'm not talking about this matter... It's just now! "

"Oh... Just now. Lin Xin suddenly realized, he nodded perfunctorily and said; It's okay, the performance barely passes. "

"You can feel it, you've been exercising lately... The belly fat is gone. Have you been in the CIA for a lot during this time? "

"Hmm." Shui Wuxian nodded, and she said helplessly: "There is a group of people missing, and their tasks have fallen to us......... Can it not be hard? "

"Not only do you have to be the host of the Japanese radio station, but you also have to complete the tasks assigned by the organization, not to mention, but also take care of the CIA side things......... One person works three jobs, and my whole body is numb, right?! "

"Awesome." After Lin Xin listened, he couldn't help but give Shui Wuliana a thumbs up and said, "One person does three jobs... And every job is not easy! "

"Other people are tired to death just by completing a job, and you can still handle it calmly."

"You're just a superman!"

In the face of Lin Xin's praise, Shui Wuxian felt happy from the bottom of her heart, she rarely heard the words of praise from Lin Xin's mouth.

Now that she has been praised, she has indescribable comfort in her heart.

"But work is work, don't wear yourself out." Lin Xin advised: "If there is anything you need my help with, you can just say it." "

"Really?" A hint of cunning flashed in Shui Wu's eyes.

"Hmm." Lin Xin nodded affirmatively.

"I was so stressed during this time that I couldn't even sleep well... Please help me. Shui Wuren chuckled and said happily.

"No problem!" When Lin Xin heard this, he thought it was some trouble1

That's it? Simple!

At that moment, he turned Shui Wuren and began to play a game of horseback riding with her.

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