"Well, it took a night to calm her down. "

Faced with Miyano Shiho's jealous question, Lin Xin calmly admitted it.

He knew it was useless to conceal it......... When I talked to Shimabukuro Junhui, the monitoring had not been dismantled.

Continuing to deny it will only aggravate the other party's jealousy and dissatisfaction.

What's more......... Lin Xin originally had an innocent relationship with Shimabukuro Junhui, and he was not afraid of shadows!

Miyano Shiho saw Lin Xin admit so frankly that he didn't play cards according to the routine at all, which made her feel inexplicably suspicious.

"Why do you care so much about her?" she asked.

"I fell in love with her disguise technique. After Lin Xin sat down on the sofa, he took out the packed breakfast and said: "Her disguise technique is very exquisite, and she can even disguise her height, she is obviously a young and beautiful girl, but she plays a short old woman without any sense of disobedience." "

"This disguise... It's the most powerful person I've ever seen outside of Belmode. "

After realizing that his brother-in-law approached Shimabukuro Kimime for the purpose of exploitation, rather than coveting the other party's beauty, Miyano Shiho immediately realized that he had misunderstood, and the jealousy in his heart immediately subsided.

She got out of bed, sat on the couch and asked, "What do you want to do with her?".

"Don't you want to leave the organization?" Lin Xin said as he put the white seafood noodles in front of Shiho Miyano, and said in a low voice: "I'll find an opportunity to let the two of you sisters fake their deaths and get out............ It would be much easier if there was someone who was good at transfiguration. "

"It's... Is that so?" Shiho Miyano immediately understood that he had misunderstood his brother-in-law, and that he was not greedy for the other party's beauty to approach the other party.

It's because they want their sisters to leave the organization, so they try to get close to each other.

Upon realizing this, she immediately felt a pang of guilt.

The brother-in-law thinks so much about their sisters, but he is so suspicious of each other............ I'm damned.

If my brother-in-law is really the kind of person who is greedy for beauty, with his contribution to the organization, why should he take such a big risk with me for my sister?

It is not difficult for him to play female stars.

The more he thought about this, the more guilty he became, feeling that he always thought of people so badly.

She ate a few bites of hot seafood noodles and immediately felt a lot more comfortable in her stomach.

"Then you... How sure are you?" asked Miyano Shiho, stopping his chopsticks and curious.

"Ninety percent. Lin Xin gave a very confident number.

"So sure?" Shiho Miyano was surprised, she remembered that her brother-in-law hadn't met each other a few times, right?

"If you know this girl and know her story, then you should know that it is not difficult to get her to trust me. Lin Xin deliberately used a tone of "playing with the other party" to talk about what happened to Shimabukuro Junhui.

When Shiho Miyano heard the story of Kimie Shimabukuro, he inevitably sympathized with her, pitying and feeling sorry for that girl.

Obviously, his family has made such a great contribution to the prosperity of the island, but in the end, he was sucked by the people on the island.

Even his mother's death was in the hands of his own little hair.

"It's so pitiful..."Shiho Miyano sympathized with the other party more and more.

"Yes, poor girl. Lin Xin took Miyano Shiho's reaction into his eyes.

He knew that as long as he showed his advantage of the other party, the less he would arouse the disgust of his sister-in-law, but it would make her sympathize with Shimabukuro Kimie even more.

Lin Xin chuckled and said, "I found her the truth and let her recognize the faces of the villagers on this island......... Now she naturally hates these people to the extreme!".

"So, I can easily get her to trust me. "

"I see. Shiho Miyano replied absentmindedly.

She felt more and more sorry for Kimito Shimabukuro.

Because the other party will be used by his brother-in-law again.

It is not right to say that it is exploited, and the word reciprocity is more appropriate.

I don't know... What kind of feelings does that girl have for her brother-in-law.

Simply grateful?

Or is it an envelope mixed with other feelings?

Alas, hopefully she won't sink too deep....

Shiho Miyano muttered in his heart.



After leaving the room, Lin Xin and his party went to the dock.

After paying the fee at the place where the yacht is parked, the caretaker goes to unlock the yacht.

"Gone. After Lin Xin beckoned the two to get on the yacht, he asked Shuichi Akai to drive again.

He and Shiho Miyano were on the boat watching the scenery and blowing the sea breeze.

"Hmm... It's so comfortable. Shiho Miyano closed his eyes and felt the sea breeze and said, "I've been in the laboratory for a long time, and it's good to go out for a walk once in a while." "

"If you think of something, tell me about it. Lin Xin said: "I will accompany you wherever you go." "

"Hmm. Shiho Miyano combed his bangs, feeling happy in his heart.

However, when she thought that after going back, she would have to keep her distance from Lin Xin, and she was still a little lost in her heart.

Shiho Miyano, Shiho Miyano, how can you be too greedy?

When you don't have it, you want to have.

When you have it, you want to have it for yourself.

She reprimanded herself in her heart for being too greedy!!

Mermaid Island is not too far from the seaside town.

In less than twenty minutes, they arrived at the pier on the opposite shore.

However, after Lin Xin and the others got off the yacht, a group of people suddenly surrounded them.

"Huh?" Lin Xin looked at those people who didn't look good, especially the people who were the leaders, weren't they the leaders of the Mud Miserable Society?

Oh no, could it be that the robbery of their lending company was really discovered?

It can't be so unlucky, is it? It was really seen by witnesses

He frowned and said to Shiho Miyano, "You go back to the yacht first... Wait for me to deal with the situation here. "

"Hmm. Shiho Miyano knew he would be holding back if he stayed here, so he turned around and went back to the yacht.

Lin Xin patted Shuichi Akai on the shoulder, and just when he wanted to say something, he heard the other party say, "I'm sorry, boss............ I'm sorry for you, they're coming for me. "

"Huh?" Lin Xin was stunned, it seemed that things were not what he thought.

At this time, a bearded man on the opposite side pointed at Shuichi Akai and shouted, "Yes, it's him!!He's the traitor!!If he hadn't betrayed us, the vice president wouldn't have died!!".

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