In the evening, Fei Yingli's apartment.

"I'm really bothering you, Lin Jun. Fei Yingli poured a beer for Lin Xin and thanked her: "Taking Xiaolan to buy clothes should be my mother's job, but it's really ashamed to let you do it." "

"Lawyer Concubine is polite, and I am also happy to go shopping with Xiaolan. Lin Xin said modestly.

After finishing the case at the art museum, he called Fei Yingli, and after learning that the other party had time tonight, he brought Xiaolan over for dinner.

For this reason, Concubine Yingli also specially made a table of delicacies to entertain Lin Xin.

"Eat, you're welcome. Just make it your home. Fei Yingli gestured.

"Then I'm going. Lin Xin picked up the chopsticks and tried a piece of fish that looked extremely tender.

However, after the fish is eaten, there is an indescribable taste that jumps on the taste buds.

Lin Xin's expression gradually froze, and he realized the biggest flaw of this legal queen at this time—————— she couldn't cook!!

In other words, he is very good at dark cooking!

What's worse is that she doesn't know it herself, and she enjoys it!

After realizing this, Lin Xin sighed, he glanced up at Fei Yingli and found that the other party was looking at him.

It's over, I'm stared at, and I can't spit it out if I want to.

"How's it going?" Fei Yingli asked expectantly.

"Well, it's delicious. Lin Xin said as he picked up the cup and handed the meat down with beer.

"Whew. Fei Yingli breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "It's delicious, then you can eat more." "

"Lawyer Fei, you too. Lin Xin said, took two bites of rice, chewed slowly, and thought about what to do.

Is it hard to eat it?

It's going to make you tummy, right?

Just as he was thinking hard, he inadvertently left Xiao Lan next to him, who was crazy to show off his meal.


Lin Xin looked at Xiaolan in surprise, he couldn't believe that she could eat such an unpalatable dish!!


He noticed that something was wrong.

Xiaolan is showing off the minced meat and tofu there.

Five minutes after I started eating, more than half of the plate of minced pork and tofu was gone.

As for the other dishes, she didn't touch them.

The braised lobster didn't even look at it.

Seeing this, Lin Xin used chopsticks to pick some over and try it.

After eating it, he found that the minced meat and tofu were very light, and it seemed that there was no salt in it.

But it doesn't matter, the important thing is that it doesn't have any strange flavors!!

Lin Xin immediately understood why Xiaolan only showed off her minced meat and tofu, and didn't even look at the other dishes.

Good you Xiaolan, in vain I am so good to you on weekdays, I love you so much, and I invite you to a big meal!

There's such a delicacy that you don't share it with me, but eat it alone?

After Lin Xin severely condemned Xiaolan in his heart, he also hurriedly stretched out his chopsticks.

But after only two bites, Fei Yingli served him vegetables: "Lin Jun, eat more meat." "

"Ahh I've been eating too much meat lately, and I'd like to eat some of it. Lin Xin said again and again: "Let's let Xiao Lando eat meat, now is the time for her to grow her body!".

"I'm full!!" Xiaolan immediately put down the dishes and chopsticks, she showed a satisfied expression and said, "It's still delicious to make minced meat and tofu made by my mother!

"Haha......... I've already eaten them all!Do you like it so much?" Fei Yingli didn't expect her minced meat and tofu to be so popular, and she couldn't close her mouth happily: "Even if it's delicious, you can't just eat one dish." There are other delicious things to eat!!".

"I just like to eat this, it has the taste of my mother, and nothing else is as delicious as this!" Xiaolan said, got up from the chair and said, "I'm full, you eat slowly... I'm going to watch TV first!".

Before leaving, she gave Lin Xin an encouraging look and ran away.

This made Lin Xin speechless, but Fei Yingli was still looking at him, and he could only force a smile.

Forget it, bite the bullet and eat it!

The most important thing is to brush trust!

After thinking of this, Lin Xin was confident and began to eat in large gulps.

As long as I eat fast and swallow fast, then the taste of food will definitely not catch up with me!

Lin Xin felt that the left and right were just a meal, and the dead people who could still eat?

"Take your time, don't rush. Fei Yingli watched Lin Xin eat so happily, she was in a good mood, and her calves shook happily under the table.

As if she was infected, she also had a great appetite and feasted on it.

Suddenly, Lin Xin's mobile phone rang.

"Huh? I'm going to answer the phone. After Lin Xin put down his chopsticks, he picked up his phone and walked in the direction of the bathroom: "Hey, it's me... What's the matter? Uh-huh... Okay, you say. "


After closing it, Lin Xin put the phone aside, hugged the horse's head and opened his mouth to spit out.

After spitting up the stock in his stomach, he looked a little surprised: "Something is wrong, this meal is wrong!!".

"What do you have to do to make food so unpalatable?"

"It's hard to swallow!".

"It's not easy to make food so unpalatable!!".

Now, Lin Xin finally understood why they would avoid it when they heard that Concubine Yingli was cooking, and they found reasons to avoid it again and again.

Even he, a person with a hanging, can't stand it, let alone others.

"No, I can't eat this anymore. After Lin Xin flushed the toilet, he turned on the faucet and flushed his mouth.

He looked at himself in the mirror and said with a solemn expression: "I have to find a way... Avoid it. "

After turning his clever little head, Lin Xin already had an idea, and he left the bathroom and returned to the dining table.

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