Lin Xin came out of the supermarket and returned to his car with two large bags of ingredients in his hand.

"I'm really sorry to let you come with me. Yukiko said softly after fastening the seat belt of the co-pilot.

"What a big deal. After Lin Xin buckled up his seat belt, he drove back to the Kudo Mansion and chatted with her: "Miss Yukiko, what have you been doing lately?"

"I was going to take him back to New York after attending the graduation ceremony of the new year. Yukiko held her chin and said helplessly: "But something happened to this file......... The plan had to be cancelled. "

"I don't have much to do in Tokyo now, so I occasionally go to a meeting with friends and a dinner party. "

From Yukiko's answer, it is not difficult to hear that she still has a lot of friends in Tokyo, and she has a good relationship, so she can be taken to a dinner party.

Obviously, she's doing well here in Tokyo.

So the question is, why did the couple leave Tokyo and move to New York?

Lin Xin asked curiously, "You... Why did you move to New York?".

"This..." Yukiko looked embarrassed, and she didn't know how to answer for a while.

"Seems to be a not-so-good question. Lin Xin said: "Then I'll change the question." "

"It's okay. Yukiko smiled bitterly, sighed, and said, "It's not a good thing to be too famous." You may not believe it............ I'm being targeted. "

"Hmm, you're being targeted?" Lin Xin was surprised when he heard this answer.

"Hmm. Yukiko bowed her head lightly and said with a lonely expression: "You should know... I used to be an actor, right?".

"I know, and I'm still a popular actress. Lin Xin praised this: "I have also seen the image of Miss Yukiko when you were young... The acting skills can be described as superb. "

"In every TV series and every movie, the character characteristics interpreted are different, and she is simply a genius actress. "

He didn't shoot Yukiko's sycophant, the other party won major awards at the age of 19 and became popular all over the world............ This acting strength is obviously recognized by all parties.

Yukiko is the kind of person who is chased by God to feed him.

"Thank you for the compliment~~~" Hearing Lin Xin praise himself like this, Yukiko felt very happy in her heart.

But laughing and laughing, she couldn't laugh anymore, and sighed: "But at that time, misfortune began to happen." "

"Among my many fans, there is one avid fan......... He wanted to pursue me. "

Lin Xin answered while driving: "It's normal for a big star like you to be pursued. "

"yes, if he pursues me like everyone else. Arikiko recalled what happened at that time, and she couldn't help but feel a little afraid.

"Why? Could it be that he is stalking you like those perverted fans?" Lin Xin showed considerable interest in this unknown matter.

"Not really, he never stalked me or forced me to do anything. Yukiko looked at Lin Xin and said slowly: "He killed my other suitors one by one. "

Lin Xin was stunned, he didn't expect Yukiko to encounter such an extreme suitor.

"I know what you're trying to ask......... I called the police, but they couldn't help me. Yukiko smiled bitterly: "His family background is deep and scary. "

"How scary is it?".

"More than a third of the members of Congress have something to do with him, do you think it's scary?"


Lin Xin immediately fell silent, this is no longer a deep background, but a monstrous power!!

If the other party is willing, as long as he says a word, he can forcibly kidnap Yukiko, make the other party a canary, and let him play with it.

Yukiko thought back to these painful memories and said slowly, "I really can't stand this possessiveness of the other party, so I went to seek help from the detective..."

"Yusaku Kudo?" Lin Xin blurted out.

"Yes. Yukiko nodded, and she said: "At that time, he was the only one who was young and frivolous, not afraid of the powerful, and willing to help me." "

Eventually, he took a huge risk and handed over the incriminating evidence he had gathered to his rival politicians. "

Soon after, he was sentenced to life imprisonment. At that time, a person of his size, even if he went to prison, could influence the outside. "

So I chose to retire and return to my family, hoping that this would gradually fade out of his vision. "

"After that, my life gradually returned to peace, and I was finally able to settle down and get married and have children... I thought that this peace would last forever. "

"However, just a few years ago, he was released early because of his good behavior in prison... After learning the news, Yusaku and I decided to immigrate to New York. "

After listening, Lin Xin realized that the husband and wife emigrated abroad in order to escape.

No wonder every time they return home, they are careful not to cause a sensation............... This is completely inconsistent with Yukiko's showy character.

Just as Lin Xin was about to say something, there was a sudden bang, and the vehicle was rear-ended!


The body shook violently, and Arikiko let out a scream.

Lin Xin had to step on the brakes and pull the handbrake to avoid any accidents.

Fortunately, the vehicle came to a peaceful stop without incident.

"I'll take a look. Lin Xin unbuckled his seat belt and got out of the car to check on the situation.

Yukiko also went down to see the situation.

The vehicle involved in the accident was an SUV, and a man with a beard got out of the car.

When Lin Xin just wanted to say something, he found that the other party walked straight in front of Youxizi, and said with a cruel smile: "Miss Youxizi, I haven't seen you for more than ten years... I asked me to say hello to you. "

When Yukiko heard this, her pretty face turned white, and she couldn't help but start trembling.

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