The graduation ceremony was held in the conference hall of the Imperial High School.

Each student's parent has been assigned a place by the school.

Lin Xin only needs to sit down according to the teacher's instructions.

The graduation ceremony began soon, and teacher representatives and student representatives went up one after another to speak.

When Lin Xin thought that he needed to get through this lengthy link, a person suddenly sat down next to him.

"Huh, Lawyer Concubine?" he looked at the plump figure sitting down in surprise, and the big beauty with a very similar appearance to Xiaolan between her eyebrows.

"Lin Jun, I'm sorry... I'm late. Fei Yingli smiled embarrassedly.

She had trotted in, still panting as she sat down, her chest slumping together, and the buttons seemed to pop out at any moment.

"Why did you come here?" Fei Yingli said curiously, taking out a tissue to wipe her sweat.

"The Maori detective went to see the client. Although Lin Xin admired the other party's beauty, he would not keep staring.

First, it is impolite, and it is easy to be considered offensive by Concubine Yingli.

The second is that the trust level is lost for this, and the gains outweigh the losses.

It is not easy to gain the trust of Fei Yingli, she is a lawyer, and "occupational disease" is the mindset of constantly questioning and doubting others.

Besides, the two rarely see each other, and basically because of Xiaolan, they only meet occasionally.

Therefore, every time he met with Concubine Yingli, Lin Xin cherished it very much, and finally brushed his trust to familiarity, he didn't want to lose the other party's pedestrians.

"To meet the customer?" Fei Yingli said with a playful expression, "I think I forgot, right?"

Lin Xin smiled and didn't answer, but asked instead, "Xiaolan was very disappointed that the concubine's lawyer didn't come just now. "

"I rushed over as soon as I was done with what I was doing. "Fei Yingli didn't mention Maori Kogoro anymore, which was a disappointment.

She sighed: "Fortunately, I didn't miss it......... If I missed Xiaolan's graduation ceremony, I would definitely regret it for the rest of my life. "

"Later, Xiaolan will definitely be quite happy to see you coming. Lin Xin circled the topic on Xiaolan's body, which aroused Concubine Yingli's desire to talk.

In order to work hard for her career, Fei Yingli missed the time to accompany her daughter, which was an eternal pain in her heart.

"As long as she doesn't complain that I don't have time to spend with her, it's fine. Fei Yingli pushed her glasses bitterly, knowing that she was an unqualified mother.

"How come?" Lin Xin comforted: "Xiaolan is a good boy who is sensible, she knows that your work is very busy. "

"Sensible children are very bitter in their hearts, and they are always asked to be sensible, which is a harm to them. Fei Yingli found Xiaolan's figure in the crowd, and said with distress in her eyes: "At this age, she should be carefree." "

"The past is gone. Lin Xin said: "In the future, lawyer Concubine will take more time to accompany her." "

"That's right. Fei Yingli also knew that regret would not help, and she could only make up for it as much as possible.

She turned her head to look at Lin Xin and said sincerely: "Thank you Lin Jun, you brought her over to see me during this time..."

"You're welcome. Lin Xin said modestly............ He did this just to build trust, and everything else was incidental.

After a brief conversation, the two stopped talking.

After all, the people on the stage are still talking, and they have been barabalaing below, how rude.

The graduation ceremony is very lengthy, which is very interesting for children, but very boring for adults.

Fei Yingli was already busy with work, stressed, and recently insomnia.

This speech made her dizzy and drowsy.

Thinking that she didn't know how long it would take, she planned to just take a nap and take a break.

Fei Ying idealized, so she did it.

She closed her eyes and rested back in her chair.

I don't know how long it took, but Fei Yingli woke up.

The moment she opened her eyes, she felt her head clear, refreshed, and in a state of great goodness!

However, the only bad thing was that Fei Yingli found that she was leaning on Lin Xin's shoulder and looked at him.

“............ Embrace... I'm sorry. After Concubine Yingli said a word, she hurriedly got up from Lin Xin's shoulder, her expression a little unnatural.

"Lawyers are very hard, aren't they?" Lin Xin asked, "Although we don't meet many times, every time we see a lawyer, you're either anxious or tired. "

"It's... Is that so?" Fei Yingli didn't expect that she had such a bad impression on Lin Xin, she said a little embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, I left a bad impression on you. "

"That's not true... I admire the people who work so hard the most. Lin Xin said with emotion: "Especially a strong woman like a lawyer like Concubine who strives for her family in order to let Xiaolan go to a noble school, it is really admirable." "

"........." Concubine Yingli looked at Lin Xin with a hint of inexplicable relief in her eyes, and her heart surged with emotion.

There were some things that shouldn't have been said to outsiders, but she couldn't help but say, "Alas, if only Kogoro could understand me like you." "

"He always thought of myself as a workaholic, a woman who didn't care about the family at all. "

But he didn't think about it at all, with the little commission fee he earned, not to mention even Xiaolan's tuition fee for studying in Didan High School, he might not even be able to afford the living expenses. "


After complaining a few words, Fei Yingli stopped her chatter in time, she pushed her glasses embarrassedly, and said shyly: "I'm sorry, I accidentally told you about these parents." "

"I didn't care, but I felt much better when I said it. Although Lin Xin had a smile on his face, he was bitter in his heart.

finally opened Fei Yingli's chatterbox, but unfortunately there was no wine.

If there was wine, how would she stop after a few glasses? Directly told the grievances she had suffered in the past few years.

When the time comes, I will naturally comfort myself and give a few hugs, so the trust will not rise dramatically

If you're in good shape, you might have a night of spring supper.

Alas, the timing was not right, it's a real pity....

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