Faced with this problem, Lin Xin said without thinking: "Only children make choices, and adults want all." "

This question was clearly not satisfactory to the two young women, who both needed an accurate answer.

"There aren't so many things in life that have the best of both worlds, and if you're too greedy, you'll lose both. Fei Yingli tactfully reminded that one must be chosen.

Lin Xin didn't intend to continue to follow the questions they had set......... I can't go at all.

They are not allowed to be neutral, and if they choose one, they will offend the other.

So, he said slowly: "You can't have the best of both worlds, it's a matter of personal ability......... If you don't believe me, you can give it a try. "

Yukiko and Concubine Yingli were stunned for a moment when they heard this, and the next second they covered their mouths and chuckled.

Yukiko chuckled and said, "I didn't expect you to be such a caring man, Lin Jun!"

Fei Yingli said: "Your idea is very good, but don't think like this next time......... No woman wants to share her lover with other women, so keep this in mind. "

Lin Xin smiled and didn't speak, feeling relieved in his heart............ I finally got through this hurdle.

In the middle of the chat, the three of them had already come out of the back door of the Emperor Dan Kingdom.

But as soon as they came out, several black-clothed people came up and surrounded Lin Xin and the three of them.

This behavior and behavior, at a glance, you can tell that the person who came is not good.

"!!!" Fei Yingli and Yukiko were startled, subconsciously took two steps back, and looked around uneasily.

Lin Xin realized that there was trouble, and he was happy in his heart, knowing that this was a good opportunity to brush up on credit.

He immediately stood up, naturally opened his hands, and put the two young women behind him, and said, "What is the matter?"

One of the men in black spoke slowly, "Get in the car!!".

As he spoke, he lifted his clothes, revealing the pistol inside as a threat.

At this three-step distance, Lin Xin was sure to step forward and kill the other party before he could pull out his gun.

After dodging the pistol, quickly deal with the miscellaneous soldiers next to you.

But what's in store for that?

It's just for the gratitude of Concubine Yingli and Yukiko, and to gain their adoring eyes

Although this is pretending to be forced, in addition to the limelight, the benefits are not as high as the trust generated by the three of them being arrested together and experiencing something dangerous together!

After thinking about it, he gave up the idea of doing it, and could only look back at the two young women with a wry smile, and said, "It seems... We don't have a choice. "

In this regard, Concubine Yingli and Youxizi looked bitter, and they couldn't resist because they had guns.

"Hand over your phone, put on your blindfold, and get in the car. The man in black said with a blank face.

After Lin Xin and the three handed over their mobile phones, they took the blindfold from the hands of another man in black, got into a black car, and put it on obediently, not daring to make any small moves.

The vehicle began to start, heading in an unknown direction.

Because they couldn't see anything, Fei Yingli and Yukiko were both very scared, and they almost instinctively hugged Lin Xin's arm to get a sense of security from him.

Lin Xin didn't know if they had a sense of security, but he enjoyed the softness that the two of them contributed very much.

Although there were some things in the way, the body fragrance on the two of them lingered on the tip of his nose, which made Lin Xin feel happy.

As for the route of the car, Lin Xin naturally wrote it down in his heart, and with his familiarity with Tokyo, he soon made a judgment——— the car did not go around the corner, but went directly out of the city and came to the suburbs.

From the speed of the car to increase, the number of decelerations, and the decrease in stops, Lin Xin confirmed his judgment.

If it's in the city, then the speed can't be as fast as you want.

Secondly, the number of traffic lights in the urban area is large, and the number of slowdowns and stops is reduced, which means that the number of traffic lights is much smaller.

After learning this conclusion, Lin Xin was a little relieved............ There are few outsiders in the suburbs, and there is no surveillance, so he has fewer scruples when he starts.

Feeling the nervousness and uneasiness of the two young women next to him, Lin Xin opened his mouth to ease their emotions: "Don't worry, they won't kill us..."

"But... But what if they want to insult us?" said Yukiko with trepidation.

These words seemed to resonate with Concubine Yingli, and she also felt uneasy, and hugged her a little tighter.

"Uh... This..."Lin Xin was speechless for a while, not knowing how to answer.

He can't say "If they dare to do this, then I will be a hero to save the United States" to expose his strength, right?

"If they really were that kind of people, they wouldn't have invited us to the bus so politely," Lin Xin originally wanted to say.

But he thought about it, if they really realized that there was no great danger and didn't hold my arm, then wouldn't I be at a loss?

After thinking about it, he closed his mouth and said nothing, quietly enjoying the comfort of being surrounded by four airbags.

Seeing that Lin Xin didn't speak, Youxizi and Concubine Yingli became even more nervous, and they couldn't help but think about it in their minds.

Fei Yingli is okay, she is a lawyer and has faced many bad scenes, but she can't do it with Xizi, she is just an actor, and she has been an actor for more than ten years, so her psychological quality is not so good.

She lay half of her body on Lin Xin's body, as if she would feel more secure.

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