“Arrival safely”

Koizumi Qingna clicked on the photo, which was a selfie of Watanabe Toru.

After confirming that the background is really Dongshanzhuang, she finally couldn’t control her sleepiness and fell asleep.

The phone gradually slipped, and finally fell to the ground with a dull sound.

“Aina, something has fallen.” Akiko yelled. Seeing that Koizumi did not respond, Aina got up and walked over.

“Are you asleep?” As she spoke, she picked up the phone.

The screen hasn’t turned off yet, and above it is the enlarged face of Watanabe Toru.

“This kid, there is no flaw even after zooming in!” Akiko continued to zoom in on various parts with the idea of’Must find faults’.

When she was staring at her nose and desperately trying to find the blackhead, she suddenly reacted:

Aina, fell asleep looking at this photo.

She hurriedly zoomed out the photo, chatting with the line of Watanabe Toru about Heaven Realm.

Just about to slide to check the chat content, the action stopped again.

The two grew up together, and they have become intimate since high school. It has been 9 years now, but are they eligible to read the chat records of Qingnai casually?

According to his strong curiosity, Akiko quietly put the phone back, slipped back to the bed, and took out his phone.

“Miyuki! Tell you something terrible!”


November 6th, Friday.

No matter how prosperous the city is, when the sky first glimmers of light is still as quiet as ruins.

Watanabe Toru ran on the blue stone pavement in Sannenzaka. In the transparent air, a thin layer of white floated.

Soon, it will be a day when autumn will become more intense.

Back to Dongshanzhuang, I took a bath and changed clothes before walking to the restaurant.

I thought there was no one, but as a result, there were still classmates in small groups eating, and Kiyano Rin, who was yawning, was among them.

Yesterday it was Uji again and Kamogawa again. In the evening, he was dragged to an Internet cafe. It was also expected that he could not afford to be tired in the morning.

Watanabe Toru walked to the corner where Kiyano Rin was and sat down opposite her.

“Good morning, classmate Kiyano.”

“Good morning.” In the greeting, there was a sense of sleepiness that could not be hidden, “I started.”

Kiyano Rin finished speaking, poke the half-boiled egg with chopsticks.

The yolk flows out of the film and spreads over the egg whites.

Watanabe Toru, who is a well-known party, can’t ignore this kind of scene.

“Kiyano classmate, has anyone ever said that you are too serious?”

Kiyano Rin swallowed the egg in his mouth and took a sip of warm miso soup. After all this, she looked up at Watanabe Toru.

“What do you want to do again?”

“What do you mean by’what do you want to do’? Have I done anything? I just want to discuss with you in this wonderful morning.. ….”

“Say directly if you have something.” Kiyano Rin interrupted him unceremoniously.

Girls who are gentle and gentle are cute, but their straightforward character is not annoying.

“That’s it,” Watanabe Toru paused, “Would you like to taste the hard-boiled eggs?”

Kiyano Rin stared at Watanabe Toru expressionlessly for a long time .

Just when Watanabe Toru thought, after falling asleep last night, he inadvertently added some [charm] to himself, Kiyano Rin spoke.

“so that’s how it is.” Her expression seemed to solve a mathematical problem earlier than Watanabe Toru, and her tone was full of overlooking, “You are a well-known party?”

“…What does it have to do with what party? I just want to ask you, Kiyano, to try different things. This World is various.”

” Lie.”

“It’s a lie, but I still want you to taste it.”

Watanabe Toru uses chopsticks that have not had time to use, and puts the hard-boiled egg In the bowl of Kiyano Rin.

Kiyano Rin glanced at the egg.

“Never mind other things, only this one, I will never give in.” She picked up the cooked egg with chopsticks and put it back in the Watanabe Toru bowl.

“Just a taste, is it okay?” Watanabe Toru put the egg back for her again.

“If it’s just an ordinary taste, of course it doesn’t matter,” Kiyano Rin returned the egg to him again. “A well-cooked egg from a well-cooked party. This is a provocation and a war.”

Watanabe Toru put down his chopsticks and stared at Kiyano Rin expressionlessly.

For a while, he said: “You won’t give me face?”

“Forcing friends who like half-boiled eggs to eat hard-boiled eggs… Is this what you call face?”


Kiyano Rin’s eyes are cold and full of blame.

The two looked at each other motionlessly for a while.

Watanabe Toru’s eyes moved, but Kiyano Rin didn’t hold it back first, he turned away slightly and smiled.

Watanabe Toru also laughed: “Think about it carefully. Although the two of us have argued many times, we haven’t really quarreled yet?”

“Ah, Watanabe Classmates are very confident, do you think you quarreled me?”

“You have to win even this?”

“What’s your opinion?”

“No, I just feel that Kiyano-san is stubborn and cute. I really want to touch your legs. I don’t know what it will feel.”



“Can I trouble you to stay away from me? I can’t stand you anymore.”

Kiyano Rin made no secret of his expression of disgust.

Watanabe Toru took a bite of a hard-boiled egg with a thoughtful look on his face.

“Don’t you think it’s weird?” He said, “It’s okay to say that I control my legs, but I’m not interested in other people’s legs at all. Girl’s legs, only you, classmate Kiyano, don’t get tired of looking at it. Do you have any thoughts on this matter?”

“Because I am the most beautiful.” Kiyano Rin said perfunctorily truth.

“so that’s how it is, it turns out that the answer is so simple. Usually I am always thinking by myself. The more I think about it, the stranger it even feels incredible. By the way, am I self-observation?”


“Self-observation…” The girl sitting opposite repeated these words with almost desperate helplessness.

After eating the last breakfast in Kyoto, the students of Kamikawa High School boarded the bus bound for Kyoto Station in turn.

“The Silver Fire Dragon is already defeated, and we will continue the great journey towards the Golden Fire Dragon!” Kunai Shu raised his hand and raised his arm to speak out loudly.

“I tried it alone last night and almost deleted the game with anger!”

“Your uncle Kunai is here, leave everything to me!”

Watanabe Toru didn’t understand at all, how did fighting against monsters in the game become a’great journey’?

After all, at least it should be the kind of thing that made Kiyano Rin become a well-known party, so that it can be considered great, right?

Watanabe Toru looked out the window while opening the game.

The sky is scattered with thin clouds, like white marshmallows pulled into strands.

The bus to Kyoto Station is running under such a sky.

At the Golden Fire Dragon greatly showing divine might, the four of them kept trying their best to fall down, and the bus arrived at Kyoto Station.

“Everyone has 20 minutes to move freely. You can also go to the souvenir shop, but please remember that you can’t leave the station. Can you hear it?”


The youthful and lively voice welcomes the envy, curiosity and memory of passers-by.

Watanabe Toru did not go to the souvenir shop.

Last night before going to bed, I had a video call with Kujo Miki, and the other party explicitly rejected his offer to bring souvenirs.

The original words of Eldest Young Lady are: “Just what you can buy with your little money.”

She still wears the cheap ring from Watanabe Toru—— One point can be calculated for 100 yen, and one thousand points is only 100,000 yen.

For Kujo Miki… If you can earn 10 yen for one step, she doesn’t bother to move.

Apart from her, there is no one in Tokyo who asks Watanabe Toru to bring souvenirs.

Since he didn’t need to buy anything, he had nothing to do, wandering around the station, unconsciously came to the lobby of the “station concert”.

The four thousand pieces of glass are still hanging high in the dome.

When I first came to Kyoto, the task of system was to get Rena’s signature.

Rena can be selected by the system. She is indeed excellent in all aspects, with a beautiful appearance, a large breast, a maverick personality, and an extraordinary talent for a small size.

But Watanabe Toru is not interested in this kind of her. Instead, Kumiko really wants to be friends with her.

I really want to see Kumiko again-about to leave Kyoto. When I don’t know when we will meet next time, this idea suddenly popped out of his mind.

It is 9:30 in the morning, and the second class has just started. What class is she taking?

Kamikawa’s second quarter on Friday is mathematics. Will Kita Uji also be mathematics?

Will she scratch her head in annoyance?

Or, with a serious face, copy the knowledge points on the blackboard without missing a word?

“Watanabe, we are going to gather!” Koizumi Aina’s gentle voice made him come back to his senses.


Watanabe Toru was about to walk over to meet, when the phone in the right pocket of his pants rang.

“Where are you?”

“Kyoto Station, will you come to see me off?”

“How is it possible?! I am in class Secretly send you a message!”

“Just now I was standing in the concert venue at the station, and suddenly missed you”

“What do you miss me?”

“I don’t need to take any class today. After I go back, it will be Saturday and Sunday, so I want to know…what class are you taking now?”


Looking at a series of weird geisha memes, Watanabe Toru smiled and put away his phone.

This is the end of the high school school trip.


Saturday and Sunday after the school trip, I was a little idle.

Others have to go to a cram school to make up for the lessons they have recently dropped, but even when Watanabe Toru is on a school trip, he will read a book before going to bed, so he doesn’t need to work so hard.

Go to “Aoyama” and “Ginza” to buy clothes with Kujo Miki, and were led to eat horse meat sashimi at a restaurant in “Ginza”.

Horse meat…Sashimi…

If you want to write a biography in the future, Watanabe Toru will definitely take these two days.

November 9th, Monday, is another sunny autumn day.

Watanabe Toru came back from running, and Kujo Miki is still sleeping.

“I’m leaving.”

“Yeah.” Kujo Miki complied vaguely.

He looked at her sleeping face.

The sleeping face is so peaceful, the soft and cute expression is the opposite of waking.

Watanabe Toru couldn’t help giving her a kiss.

Kujo Miki also responded habitually, sticking out his warm and soft tongue.

The two kissed for a while, and she pushed Watanabe Toru away in disgust.

While muttering’it’s all toothpaste smell’, while turning back, quickly let out a steady snort.

In fact, Watanabe Toru had already had breakfast, and the toothpaste smell should have disappeared long ago. The ice cream was also last time. Does Kujo Miki have the taste to become a top Gourmet?

Leaving Chiyoda, getting off the tram, and walking uphill to the school, Watanabe Toru feels that time has passed.

In the morning class meeting, Koizumi Qingna arbitrarily changed the English test.

In her words, it is to let everyone know what kind of state they are, whether they withdraw their minds and prepare for learning.

The number of questions is very small, about one question for each question type.

Watanabe Toru took ten minutes to solve the problem, and took out from the drawer “Reminiscence of the Years”, a novel by French novelist Marcel Proust.

Koizumi Ao Na walked to Watanabe Toru and picked up the test paper he placed on the corner of the table.

Look at the answer one by one, and finally put the test paper back on the desk, pressing it with an eraser.

Looking around the classroom, all the students are working hard to solve the problems. This time, the reading comprehension is very difficult, and it is her own problem.

After looking around, she bored her eyes on the book in Watanabe Toru’s hand.

Watanabe Toru is analysing one sentence of the sentence… It’s not so much reading a novel as it is learning.

Koizumi Chennai even wanted to stop Watanabe Toru from doing other things during the English test.

It’s not that it’s not allowed, but it’s too hard, at least take a break during the exam.

After the bell rings.

“Students in front, collect the papers.”

“Ah—-” Some students who didn’t have time to finish, wailed.

After Koizumi Qingna took the test paper and left, Saito Keisuke rushed over.

“Watanabe, the third reading comprehension, the subject of the article, what did you choose?”

“C, the past of Cressy and Rachel.”

“Ah! I am so angry!” Saito Keisuke held his head regretfully, “I also wanted to choose this at first, but I changed it to D, a memory of Crecy and Franco!”

“I also chose D.” Ikeda Kazumi, who is sitting in front of Watanabe Toru and can dance “Chibi Maruko”, turned around and joined the conversation.

“You two!” Kunai Shu said angrily, “Don’t be superstitious about authority, why Watanabe Toru’s answer must be right!”

“It makes sense.” Watanabe Toru Nodded in favor.

“Kunai, did you choose D?” Ikeda Kazuo asked curiously.

“C, hehe.”

“Hello-disgusting!” Ikeda Kazumi leaned back and looked at Kunai Shu as if he couldn’t bear it.

“This question is obviously C! Although the whole article is a dialogue between Cressy and Franço, it mainly talks about the past of Cressy and Lachelle! You are also careless. There should be a limit!”

After Kunai Shu triumphantly analyzed the problem-solving ideas, everyone’s topic returned to daily life.

“Watanabe-kun,” Ikeda Kazumi said with a smile, “How about Kyoto?”

“You colluded well?” Watanabe Toru thought of being taken turns by girls About the confession, he gave her a helpless look.

“They beg me, what can I do! By the way, during the campfire, will you dance with Kujo classmates?”

“Campfire?” Watanabe Toru asked questioningly.

Kunai Shu explained on the side: “It’s winter camping in December, and there will be a bonfire party on the last day.”

“It is said that in the final song, the two dancing will meet. “Saito Keisuke added.

“The lesson of Ito is so vivid, how dare to hold a bonfire party?” Watanabe Toru said.

“Classmate Ito?” Ikeda Kazumi looked towards the girl surnamed Ito in the class.

“It’s not the Ito of our class.” Saito Keisuke said with a smile, “It’s the male protagonist of an anime called “Day on Campus”, because there are more girls who want to dance with him at the campfire. Finally The head was chopped off.”

The plot is probably like this, but the head being chopped off has nothing to do with the bonfire party.

“Ah, isn’t this the future of Watanabe-kun?” Ikeda Kazumi pointed to Watanabe Toru with a surprised expression that he noticed.

“You did it on purpose?!”

“en!” Ikeda Kazumi snickered and nodded hard.

“Isn’t it just over the school trip? Why are there activities again? Why didn’t Teacher Koizumi say?” Watanabe Toru wondered.

There are too many activities in schools in the island country, almost every month.

“This is the norm.” Ikeda Kazumi played with his ponytail, “Last year was spring camping, this year must be winter camping, and the time is probably in December.”

“Isn’t it too early?”

“Reminiscing about time, Watanabe!” Kunai Shu patted Watanabe Toru’s shoulder again.

I can’t hear what he is saying at all.

Watanabe Toru looked at his excited expression, and looked at him suspiciously: “Are you… planning to invite classmate Ichiki to dance?”

” Huh? Kunai likes Ichiki?” Ikeda Kazumi asked in surprise.

“How is it possible! Don’t talk nonsense!” Kunai Shu refused exaggeratedly, “By the way, when it comes to camping, have you watched “Swing Camping”? Rinchan is so cute!”

Watanabe Toru stood up and pressed Kunai Shu on the desk in a thunderous manner.

“You also deserve to be called Rinchan!”

“I’m talking about Shima Rin! Not Kiyano classmate!” Kunai Shu quickly explained.

“Shima Rin is mine too!”

“Yours, yours, then I will choose Nadeshiko!”

” Nadeshiko has registered with me !”

“I…I’m fighting with you! Ah-it hurts! Stop! I’m going to the dog wasabi head office!” Kunai Shu wailed.

“No, you can only choose bamboo wheel.”

“You are crazy! Bamboo wheel is a dog! Watanabe! Don’t be bully intolerably!”

Saito Keisuke and Ikeda Kazumi laughed heartily, and the other students in Class 4 looked at this place frequently.

Outside the classroom window, white clouds and blue sky, airplane clouds outline the lines.

A short and comfortable time in the busy study life.

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