I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 107 Burning Ghosts

An arm popped out from the shadows under the car.

That hand was pitch black, with dark red festering wounds and obvious burn marks.

"it hurts!"

The painful sound became louder, and the people under the car wriggled and climbed out.

The body of the "man" was completely black, burned and festered, and he was inhuman. When he climbed out from the bottom of the car just now, there were rotten branches sticking to his fuzzy rotten flesh.

"it hurts!"

he shouted.

The empty, pitch-black eye sockets stared intently at Kamiyagawa.


Naturally, Kamiya would not sit still, and called out Shikigami.

A beautiful figure with purple border and white undergarment obeyed the call and was outlined beside him, floating quietly.

After appearing, Hannya flicked her wide cuffs immediately, and the sly mask spinning around her waist shot out like a arrow and magnified in the air!

ghost attack!

The illusory mask collided with the half-familiar Fen Gui, and disappeared.

The scorched body was smashed back and flew far away, falling to the ground and dissipating into black smoke.

The evil spirits are gone!

"It's over?" Kamiya watched all this and frowned, "It shouldn't be."

According to the information, the earth-bound spirit who has visited reality should have the same strength as Prajna.

It is impossible to be instantly killed by Prajna.

At this moment--


"It hurts...I hurt so much..."

More tragic groans sounded from the hillsides on both sides, and the forest was full of rustling sounds.

Many scorched figures appeared staggeringly, while struggling in pain, they gathered towards the entrance of the old dog-sounding tunnel.


Kamiyagawa's brain was very calm, and he quickly reacted and made a judgment on the situation in front of him.

Gutian, the earth-bound spirit, must have brought a group of little monsters attached to him after he came to reality!

Before, when talking about Inugami and Bai'er with [Zi Shang], [Zi Shang] mentioned——

"Be careful of Bai'er who is a 'different visitor'. This kind of strange talk about being vassal to the dog god is generally difficult to achieve a different visit by yourself. If it appears in reality in its heyday, it is likely to follow in the form of a vassal .And the real ghost story is their master, Inugami."

[Above the Purple] What I said back then was very clear.

It is possible to bring your own subordinates into reality together with the strange talk of having vassals to achieve foreign visits.

Because the master and servant talk strangely, they are counted as one.

Therefore, if Inugami makes a different visit, there is a high probability that he will appear with a group of servants Bai'er.

As for Earth Binding Gutian, if he has a group of vassal burning ghosts under him, it is also possible to pack up these burning ghosts and attack reality together.

"No wonder in the inner world, Gutian's territory is obviously not small, and there are a lot of abandoned white cars on it. No matter how you look at it, it is a monster spawning spot, but there is not a single wandering monster there. I dare to be brought out by him. It's..."

Kamiyagawa began to understand everything.

As for the burning ghosts under Gutian, Kamiya guessed that they should be those who died in the white car fire disaster 30 years ago.

Burned to death in the white car, the wraith who felt the same pain as when Gu Tian died would become his vassal!

"It hurts...it hurts..."

"It hurts so much..."

Fires began to light up all around, and the scorched Burning Ghosts, with the stench of cooked meat on their bodies, began to approach from the forest.

Although things were not as expected, Kamiyagawa was not in a mess.

It may be because of the repeated deaths in the world of strange stories, which has tempered his courage in the face of danger; it may also be because Kamiyagawa himself has a little bit of hidden abnormal psychology.

The adrenaline is rushing, he is now three points frightened, three points nervous, but also three points excited, and one point inexplicable joy.

This kind of psychology is suitable for fighting.

"Come on, Hannya." Kamiya Chuan set up the blood-stained hatchet and assumed a dragonfly-like attacking posture.

Prajna, who is close behind her, does not need the command of her own onmyoji.

Putting on the laughing mask quickly, his body inflated several times, turning into a green-faced, fang-toothed evil spirit.

She let out a piercing "Jie Jie" laugh, stretched out her pitch-black ghost hand, grabbed the head of a burning ghost, and smashed him to the ground.


The scorched black and carbonized body split apart, and Fen Gui, who was pushed down by Prajna, turned into black smoke and disappeared.

The battle on Kamiyagawa's side has also begun. He swung his knife first, and cut down the Fen Gui who rushed over with his cassock.

Then he turned sideways deftly, and at this moment a coin that was more than half melted was gently thrown up at the fingertips of his left hand.


The coin flipped non-stop in the air, and the blue and incomplete Yang Lei jumped non-stop on it.

And at the moment when the coin fell.

boom! ! !

All the faint blue electric arcs instantly expanded, becoming ghostly, and the strange purple and pale electric lights, like the torrent of a dam breaking its embankment, slanted out from the small coin!

Like a silver snake and a python dancing wildly, it's ferocious and terrifying.

The purple and white thunder surged like a tide, and quickly flowed towards the dozen or so burning ghosts gathered on the side of the slope.

The arc climbed up their charred bodies, entangled, roared, eroded, and penetrated!

Amidst the lightning current that flashed randomly, more than a dozen burning ghosts twitched, stiffened and fell to the ground, turning into black smoke and disappearing.

The evil method of five thunders is very useful against the enemy.

However, probably because Kamiyagawa's spiritual attributes are not too high, without wearing a mask, he used a powerful thunder, and he fell into a state of dizziness and tinnitus for a short time.

In the other direction where there was no thunder flowing, two burning ghosts saw the opportunity, roared and rushed towards him.

But before it touched the Kamiya River, it was pulled by the huge ghost hand and torn into pieces.

It is Prajna.

Even if it didn't merge with Kamiyagawa, it turned into the spirit behind it. When Banruo is fighting, he is also guarding his onmyoji's side every step of the way.

Like a dedicated bodyguard.

The ferocious ghost guardian fluttered, the blood-stained hatchet slashed vigorously, and the strange thunder rushed endlessly.

Although surrounded by a large group of burning ghosts, the fighting strength of this vassal ghost talk is not as good as that of the villagers of Quanming Village. Kamiyagawa and Banruo fight against the enemy together, and the situation is not too bad.

For the time being, there is no need to knock the life-prolonging Zijin Frost to burst seeds.

Wait until nearly one-third of the large number of burning ghosts have been wiped out.

The phone in Kamiyagawa's pocket vibrated.

Beside the abandoned white car, a huge and twisted figure appeared.

Doesn't look like a person at all.

"It hurts... Please... forgive us..."

"We were wrong...we were wrong..."


"Kill me, please, just kill me..."

There was a cacophony of wailing human voices from that huge shadow, in different voices.

The black shadow "walked" out of the car in a strange twisted posture.

Only then did Kamiyagawa see clearly what that black shadow was—

That is five "persons" sticking together.

They were all scorched black, with burns and festering all over their bodies. But different from ordinary burning ghosts, these "five" people are closely attached to each other.

They hug each other and pull each other.

It looks like a huge suture monster, with five heads and five pairs of hands and feet, all of which have no corresponding places. The scorched and rotten flesh on the body was sticky and connected as one, and they couldn't be separated no matter what.

There was a disgusting viscous yellow fluid flowing from the connection, which was disgusting.

"This is?"

Shen Guchuan cut down an ordinary burning ghost in front of him, and glanced at the stitch monster.

He roughly guessed the identity of this thing——

At the beginning, the five juvenile criminals who burned and killed Gutian Yuji mysteriously disappeared in the prison serving their sentences.

It was later discovered that the five people drove a white car to the old Gouning Tunnel where the road was closed, hugged each other and burned themselves to death.

After they died, they naturally became Gutian's vassals.

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