I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 144 The pressure is on Kamiyagawa's side

On the streets of Kumecho.

An official car of the Metropolitan Police Department was parked.

The blind mother-in-law, who was leaning on a blind cane, was about to get into the car with the support of Onizuka Kiriying, but suddenly stopped moving.

She turned her head and "looked" blindly at the roof of a two-story flat building far away from the street.

"Grandma, what's wrong?" Onizuka asked.

Blind Granny just shook her head: "No, it should be just a wandering soul that has disappeared. Let's go."

The old and the young went into the back row and took a seat.

With low beams on, the bus drove through the dark and neon-shrouded streets of Tokyo, disappearing into the night.

It's been a long time.

The roof of the two-story flat building that the blind mother-in-law paid extra attention to.

A subtle ghostly aura emerges, and a little monster only 10 cm in size appears.

He was a bald and naked little old man, and around his waist was a small bronze medal with a mallard bird embossed on it.

The scout of the Kamiyagawa camp, the little old man.


After the little old man appeared, he muttered with lingering fear.

so close!

That blind old lady is so perceptive.

The old man has been so far away cautiously, yet he still gets noticed.

According to Kamiyagawa's instructions, the little old man ran to the vicinity of Fusuki Town to collect information. After working for a long time, he didn't get any valuable clues in Fengsu Town.

But the little old man has a strong sense of professionalism, and has a loyal heart to serve his master.

He didn't get any useful information in Fengsu Town, so he expanded the scope of his search.

Heaven pays off.

Finally, the hardworking little old man felt the fluctuations of the battle near Jiumu Town.

When he arrived here dragging the bronze medal, he happened to see the official spiritual master dealing with the aftermath of the white pink man.


The little old man tugged at the small bronze medal on his body.

The little old man overheard some of the conversation between the blind mother-in-law and the little witch of Onitsuka just now, as well as the conversations of some other official personnel at the scene——

The spirit descends.

White powder woman.

A psychic autopsy is about to be carried out in the special investigation countermeasure room.

This information should be exactly what the owner needs.

Go back and report again first.


A low-rent apartment near Fukimachi.

Kamiyagawa sat cross-legged in front of the small dining table, on which were placed a laptop computer that he had just bought, as well as a few books on monsters and ghosts that he had bought a long time ago.

He is checking information.

I want to try to find information about Fairy Fairy and Fairy.

However, nothing of value was found.

There is almost no information related to the Magic Time Organization.

I only found the definition of the word "when the devil"——

The time of magic is the time of the supernatural.

It is the time when ghosts and gods are most likely to appear, and it is also the time when it is said that people and ghosts can appear at the same time, and the two worlds inside and outside are most closely related.

In a day, there are three magic moments.

There are two when there are demons in the wild, at dusk (you time) and dawn (yin time).

There is one when there is a devil in the room, and it is in the middle of the night (Zi Shi).

As for the Fairy Fairy, Shen Gu only saw a few descriptions in a book on monsters.

In detail, it is only mentioned that this fat powder fairy is the master of another kind of ghost talk white powder mother-in-law.


Kamiyagawa sighed softly, closed the web page he was browsing, but still got nothing.

From the current point of view, the collection of information related to the task of "When the Demon Encounters" may have to rely on the little old man.

in the room.

Both Zashiki and Hannya are staying up late with Kamiya.

Xiao Fushen originally knelt and sat beside his old father obediently, staring at the computer screen with him.

However, she yawned profusely after watching it for too long, and then she was probably too bored and sleepy, so she simply fell down unsteadily, leaning on Shengu's lap and fell asleep.

As for Prajna.

She didn't just sit around doing nothing like Xiao Fushen, but found something for herself to do.

Now he is kneeling and sitting by the bed, quietly and seriously folding his clothes.

Hearing Kamiyagawa sigh, Hannya turned her head.

The two stared at each other for a few seconds.


Kamiya: Hmm.

After a short and tacit eye contact, the conscientious housekeeper girl slowly got up, walked to the small kitchen, and helped Kamiyagawa make coffee.

It didn't take long for Hannya to enter the kitchen.

A familiar shout sounded in the room.

"Abba whimper!"

The little old man who was placed high hopes by Kamiyagawa returns.

The 10cm-tall little monster appeared on the small square table, dancing and talking about something, and the mallard bird dragged by his waist kept bumping against the table slightly following his movements.


This noise woke up Zashiki-douji, who was sleeping soundly against Kamiya.

Little Fushen sat up in a daze, wiped his sleepy eyes with the back of his hand, looked at the little old man on the table, felt a little unclear, so he tilted his head and leaned into the old father's arms, planning to sleep again Back to sleep.

Kamiya rubbed the top of Zashiki's head, and at the same time pushed the pen and paper on the table in front of the little old man:

"It seems that you have collected valuable clues. Don't worry, write it down."


Among the 20 square meters of apartments.

The coffee on the square table was steaming hot mixed with milk.

Holding a broken pencil lead in his hand, the little old man was lying on the table, scribbling and writing in a blank notebook that was about the same length as him.

His handwriting has not improved much, it is still crooked, scribbled and ugly.

However, if you look closely, you can understand it.

"Flesh spirit descending... Baifenpo... psychic autopsy..."

It took a little more time for Shengu to clearly recognize the words written by the little old man.

I have a general idea of ​​what happened in Jiumu Town.

"The white powder mother-in-law whose flesh and spirit descended on a living person." Kamiyagawa began to think.

Fen Po is the maid of Fairy Faun.

This bit of information matches the mission information of [When the Devil Encounters].

It seems that the official side of the spiritual master has already made plans and actions, and now it has also gained results.

The pressure came to Kamiyagawa.

He had to figure out what to do next.

Kamiya pondered in his heart: "[When Encountering the Devil] I plan to do this event task. There is nothing to entangle with this point."

Making such a decision is not just for the reward of special missions.

At the same time, it is also to get in touch with the mysterious organization Fengmoshi.

He is very curious about this organization, and wants to know why "Ghost Story" will not hesitate to use the form of "limited-time activities" to target this time of encountering magic.

To advance the task of [When Encountering the Devil], this doubt will probably be answered.

In addition, maybe you can get a little extra understanding of the cheating "Ghost Story" on your body.

"Next, the official spiritual master organization will conduct psychic psychics on the corpse of the man who was descended by the flesh spirit... It seems that the official actions and progress are much faster than ours."

Kamiyagawa spoke, as if talking to himself, or discussing with the ghost talkers around him.

"Abba! Abba!"

The little old man on the desk took the conversation and patted his chest at the same time.

He wrote on paper with a pen:

[Old man, get rid of the Healer Organization and find out the news! ]

"Let's forget it." Shen Gu stretched out his hand and held down the little old man who was eager to make contributions, "Didn't you just say that there is a blind old lady on the official spiritual master's side, who can detect your existence from a distance?"

Weak strength and weak breath, to some extent, are the advantages of the little old man as a scout.

And he is also extremely good at hiding his breath.

Therefore, even if a spirit remover like Granny Blind with outstanding perception ability sensed the existence of the little old man for the first time, he would naturally treat him as a wandering soul wandering around and ignore him.

But one cannot have two.

If Granny Blind sensed the little old man's faint aura again in the police station, she would definitely not just regard him as a wandering spirit passing by.

In that case, things will become very troublesome.

"For the sake of your safety, there is no need to go to the Metropolitan Police Department." Shen Gu let go of the little old man's hand, his eyes flickering, "Besides, I already have a rough plan for the next move."

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