I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 181 The Ape Dream

Four apes were cutting up the man in the first row, dividing him into neat, thin slices.

Blood splashed on the high-speed train, and the smell of blood made people dizzy and nauseated.

Kamiyagawa could feel that the face and body of Kuangshilang's puppet were inevitably stained with blood from the first row.

After a while, the four monkeys that appeared in the first row stopped, and the internal organs of the murdered man were pulled out and thrown everywhere.

The surface of the running train was dripping with blood and minced meat.

"I really shouldn't have dinner today."

Although the perspective of the puppet is used now.

Although the heart has been tempered by all kinds of ghosts and snakes in the world of strange stories, it is strong enough.

But everything in front of him still made Kamiyagawa feel sick.

However, he suppressed the physical discomfort and never controlled the puppet's movement.

Kamiya is very clear.

He is now in the world of strange stories, in this world there is no living person at all except himself.

Oh, strictly speaking.

Even Kamiya himself was not considered a normal living person when he was active in the world of ghost stories.

He is an undead person who can be resurrected continuously by means of the dead paper man.

Moreover, these "people" on the little train have serious problems.

At first, when Kuangshilang came in on a painted red locomotive, none of them existed.

After seeing the purple light in the tunnel, I was confused for a while, and these "people" appeared inexplicably.

Even, when the men in the first row were being cut, all the people in the car were abnormally unresponsive.

Especially the woman sitting in the second row in front of the Kuangshilang puppet.

She clearly watched the tragedy that happened in the first row from the closest distance, but she only maintained the original stiff sitting posture, motionless, and her body swayed slightly from side to side following the sway of the train moving forward.

Even the scarlet blood and minced raw meat splashed out in front almost covered her whole body. The woman turned a blind eye to this and was extremely numb.

Kamiyagawa turned his attention to the women in the second row for a while, and when he looked up again to look at the man in the first row, he found that the man had disappeared.

All that was left was a pile of red and black slices of meat spread out on the front seat.

Bang! Bang!

The mechanical monkey at the front of the car hits the cymbals.

A shrill voice came from its abdomen again: "Second stop, dig out! Second stop, dig out!"

"Dig out?"

Listening to the voice of the second round of reporting site, Shen Gu suddenly thought of something.

He seemed to know what this strange little train he was encountering right now was.


At this time, there was another scream from the moving train.

This time it was a woman's scream, the woman sitting in front of Kuangshilang, the second row.

Kamiyagawa saw two apes half the height of a man appearing beside the woman, digging out her eyes with a serrated spoon.

At this time, the woman was no longer the original indifferent look, her cry was extremely miserable, her face was completely distorted, but she did not make any resistance movements.

"Crazy Death Lang is sitting in the third row now, that is to say, it's his turn to be tortured at the third station. But I haven't seen the autobiographical fragments, or where the other obtainable props are in the haunted house."

Kamiyagawa kept his composure and thought.

He has never forgotten the purpose of controlling the Kuangshilang puppet to ride the haunted house train.

While the eyes of the women in the second row were being gouged out, the little train began to climb uphill and slowed down.

At the top of this slope, followed by the faint light in the tunnel of the haunted house, Kamiya finally saw a few pages of paper floating abnormally.

"There it is, that's all."

Ignoring the screams of the woman in the front row, Kamiyagawa controlled Kuangshilang to keep all the papers in his bag during the few seconds when the train passed the top of the slope.

Bang! Bang!

After the Kuangshilang puppet took down the fragment of his autobiography, the cymbals sounded again.

Kamiya looked forward, and the woman in the second row also disappeared.

Only a pair of bloody eyeballs were placed on the original seat, bloody, as if staring at Kuangshilang.

Bang clang, clang clang.

At this moment, the little train has passed the top of the slope and began to sprint down.

The cold wind whistling in the tunnel continued.

The shrill and funny voice of the mechanical monkey was mixed in the wind: "The third stop, grind the meat! The third stop, grind the meat!"

The third station is obviously the turn of Shengu's puppets to be tortured, and the name of this station is a bit explicit.

You don't need to guess what the monkeys want to do to Kuangshi Lang.

But Kuangshilang's puppet's trip into the haunted house tunnel was originally here to see him off, and Kamiyagawa didn't really care about the puppet's life or death.

Anyway, according to the description of [Kabuki Puppets], after a puppet "dead", a new one can be recreated 24 hours later.

Similar to the dead paper man, they are all thick rice that can be used indefinitely.

So when he heard the third station announcement, Kamiyagawa had only one thing in his mind: "Trouble, if Kuangshilang is hanged, then the fragments of the autobiography I just got can't be brought out?"

Did not wait to come up with any effective countermeasures.

All I could hear was a loud "buzzing" sound coming from the side of Kuangshilang's puppet.

Sound like a chainsaw or something sharp spinning.

Kamiya looked around.

I saw an ape half the height of a man, who did not know when it appeared on the left side of the puppet, holding the chainsaw in his hand, and looking at himself with a grinning face.

The chainsaw was already in operation, and the terrifying sawtooth on it kept spinning.

Kamiya even smelled a strong smell of blood and engine oil.

"No, I have to keep the fragments of my autobiography." Shen Guchuan thought for the first time.

He was just about to manipulate Kuangshilang to resist and struggle, but he only felt a bright light suddenly shine in front of him.

Kuangsilang's puppet's consciousness was blurred for a while, and when he realized that the front of the little train was already brightly lit.

The long tunnel seemed to end after swooping down the slope.

As the train passed the exit, the chainsaw around him stopped "buzzing", and the half-human-tall monkey disappeared.

Kamiya heard the shrill and funny voice that had been coming from the belly of the mechanical monkey, and it sounded in Kuangshilang's ear: "This time we drove to the end, next time we won't be so lucky."

He used the sight of Kuangshilang's puppet to look around again, and found that everything had changed.

The small train that extended into several sections in the tunnel became only one locomotive.

The burly Kageshiro was sitting among them.

Also, when I was at the "Raw Pieces" station before, the blood and minced flesh of the men in the first row covered the train carriages, and a lot of them splashed onto the puppets.

But now, the locomotive is extremely clean, and the paint is red and shiny.

There was no dirt on Kuangshilang's body either.

Everything in the tunnel was horrifying, as if it had never happened, as if it was a dream.

However, the kabuki puppet still held a few yellowed sheets of paper.

This new fragment of autobiography proves that what happened in the tunnel just now was not as simple as a dream.


The entrance to the haunted house train is also the exit.

The painted red locomotive "clang, clang" drove to the original platform and stopped.

Kamiyagawa focused his mind on himself and stood up from the seat on the platform.

In his mobile phone, there is a new notification from "Ghost Story"——

[Encounter strange interviews, ape dreams. ]

[The catalog of different visits has been updated. ]

[Ghost Story Name: Ape Dream]

[Rating: Grade D]

[Status: Strange Talk World]

[Progress of different visits: 37%]

(When the progress reaches 100%, the ghost talk can freely travel between the real world and the ghost talk world according to its own wishes.)

"Sure enough, it's Yuanmeng." Shen Gu nodded after confirming the information.

The identity of the little train monster is the same as he guessed just now.

Ape dream.

It is a well-known urban legend in Japan.

When Kamiyagawa first met Onitsuka Miko on the Internet, he used to surf intensively to browse ghost talk forums.

Therefore, I still have some understanding of this more famous strange talk.

The origin of the story of Yuanmeng comes from a post posted by a certain netizen on the Internet a long time ago.

The original post can no longer be found, and the online name of that netizen is also unknown.

So, for the time being, I will call the unknown netizen Xiao A.

According to Xiao A, when he was in high school, he had a strange dream about a monkey train.

The specific encounter in the dream was similar to what Kuang Si Lang encountered in the tunnel just now.

At the end of that dream, Little A woke up when it was about to be his turn to be punished by the monkey in the dream.

After waking up from the dream, Xiao A felt that the experience in the dream was very real, and it was indeed scary. But in the end, I just regarded "Monkey Train Strange Dream" as a nightmare, and didn't take it too seriously.

As time passed, this strange and very real even gradually faded away.

Until Xiao A left high school and became a college student.

That is the time when he posted on the Internet.

A wrote in the post that after a few years, he actually dreamed of the monkey train again.

Moreover, the dream this time was actually continuous with the one in high school.

At the beginning of the dream, it was in the little train haunted house, the woman in the front row of A had her eyes gouged out, and it was little A's turn to be punished by the monkey.

A is naturally terrified.

But in the end, he woke up amid the sound of "Grind meat, grind meat!" and the roar of the chainsaw.

His consciousness at that time was surprisingly sober, and when he woke up, he still thought, he really saved his life again.

But when A was about to open his eyes, he heard that shrill and funny voice, which seemed to be close to his ear and said to him: "You escaped again, and the next time will be the last."

Little A quickly opened his eyes and found himself on the bed at home.

So he began to seek help from netizens online.

A wrote in the original text of the post——

"I deeply understand that if one day I have this dream again, I will either die of cardiac arrest due to excessive shock in the real world, or I will be crushed into meat by a monkey in the dream."

And after that, has A ever done anything about "Monkey Train Strange Dream"?


Because according to some netizens who claimed to have read the original post, since that day, A has never posted any information on the Internet.

Even shortly after, the original post about "monkey train strange dream" was deleted for unknown reasons.

Only on the Internet and in people's minds, the horror urban legend about "ape dream" has been left.

Once such strange stories and legends spread and form public opinion, they can no longer stop the car.

Later, many people posted on the Internet, saying that they encountered the same ape dream as A.

No matter what happened to netizen A back then, it was real or fabricated.

The public opinion of "monkey train strange dream" is formed, and the fear is spread. The ape dream was indeed born in the world of strange stories according to people's word of mouth.


"The ape dream in Dreamland is D-level. And the main task in this map can only be advanced after resolving the monsters of C-level or higher."

"In addition, the progress of Yuanmeng's alien visit is 37%. It is estimated that there is still some time before it becomes a real alien visit and escape paradise."

"This thing has a relatively rare dream ability... After Kuangshilang saw the purple light in the tunnel just now, he was confused for nearly a minute. He probably entered the dream of the ape dream... It was the same as that netizen A's description. The man cut into raw slices and the woman whose eyes were gouged out are all part of a dream."

Kamiyagawa put down his phone and thought for a while.

In the end, he planned to put aside the strange talk about Yuanmeng first, and pay more attention to the progress of its alien visits. At present, he still focuses on pushing the main line.

Moreover, there is no good way to deal with the special ghost stories in the dream for the time being.

Then Shen Guchuan stretched out his hand, and took the newly obtained several yellowed papers from Kuangshilang puppet's hand.


The phone vibrated again.

[Get Itakura's Essay Autobiography (3)! ]

The newly obtained autobiographical chapter, except that the number is different from the previous one, the rest of the item descriptions are exactly the same.

"Jumping to start the third chapter." Kamiya muttered.

After simply arranging the order, he began to read through the contents of the paper——


Here is a description of one of my favorite collections.


It was simply a work of art.

It started in 1985, when I had just passed my fortieth birthday.

Dreamland has been built for a long time, and I have made a lot of money, expanded my wealth, and even squeezed into the upper class.

During that time, I often attended charity meetings. I remember that many media interviewed me, and people called me an "entrepreneur with a conscience".

How funny.

Ordinary people always look at people and things with such...superficial eyes.

If my father knew me under the spring, he would be very pleased to see how beautiful I was during that time, right?

At a charity show in the winter of '85, I saw a girl.

The repertoire she participated in was ballet, "Swan Lake".

The girl is the absolute protagonist in that dance, she looks so beautiful in a white tutu, she is really like a white and flawless, proud swan.

I was immediately attracted to her.

At that time, I was thinking, if such a beautiful thing can be torn into pieces with my own hands, what kind of pleasure will it bring me that shocks my soul?

Just thinking about it makes me so excited.

After seeing that extravaganza, I decided to give that girl a place in my extensive collection.

best location.

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