I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 187 Meet the medicine seller again, buy, buy, buy

Weird world.

Gao Tianyuan.

After Kamiyagawa took a bath, he changed into his clothes and went back to the room, took out the 【Takamahara Kamito】and entered here.

In the hall of the temple, he saw an unexpected figure.

Wearing a purple headscarf, a slightly exaggerated blue robe, and a large medicine box with a simple shape on his back.

It's an S-rank strange talk that I haven't seen for a long time, a drug seller who claims to be a little god.

When he saw the medicine seller, he was chatting with the candle making monk in the corner where the candles were flickering.

Seeing Kamiyagawa appearing from the side of the giant torii gate, the two ghosts stopped talking and cast their gazes over.

"Amitabha, good benefactor." The one-eyed green-skinned monk clasped his hands together and saluted.

The purple-painted lips of the drug seller lifted up, and he also said hello:

"Long time no see. Your state is much stronger than the last time we met. It seems that you are walking smoothly on your own path. You will be the master of ghosts and gods in the future."

Seeing the drug seller "renewed" in Gao Tianyuan again, Kamiyagawa immediately felt an unexpected ecstasy.

I have stored up a lot of soul crystals just to wait for you to show up and consume them!

Kamiyagawa said hello to the medicine seller and the candle maker monk, and then went straight to the topic: "I want to buy medicine!"

"Hehe, I guess you are very satisfied with the Life-Prolonging Zijin Cream that I sold you last time." The drug seller put down the medicine box on his back with a smile, and when he opened it, a strange scent of bitter medicine filled the air, " Just look at it, the secret medicine of Chinese medicine, no one can deceive you."


Enjoyable shopping time.

Money, a vulgar thing with a smell of copper, can bring pleasure to people whether it is earned, stored, or spent.

The soul crystal is the currency unit in the world of ghost stories, and it is the same.

The first thing Shen Guchuan bought from the drug seller was naturally a life-extending Zijin Cream.

This time I bought this medicine, there is no discount, and the original price is included.

Expensive is expensive, but expensive for a reason.

The life-extending purple gold cream can not only prolong life, but also a key consumable for Shengu to wear a mask to fight in the real world.

There is no sense of security if you are not around.

The last time the fairy lady was painted with makeup powder, if she didn't have the purple gold cream, Shengu might have died suddenly on the spot.

In the best case, with the help of Mary, she defeated Fascinating Fairy, but was strongly repelled by being forced to be naked and wear a mask.

It is absolutely impossible to be alive and kicking like now.

Money and goods settled.

Shen Guchuan lost 8000 soul crystals, and got a copy of [Life-extending Purple Gold Cream] from the drug seller.

He earned money by farming monsters before, and he won the mission of [When the Devil Encounters] again, so he collected a lot of soul crystals.

Deducting the recent consumption of frequently buying small requiem candles from the green-skinned little monk, before meeting the medicine seller, the underworld currency holdings were around 12,000.

After buying Zijinshuang, there are just over 4000 left.

Shengu still intends to continue to consume these soul crystals.

He carefully looked at the drug seller's medicine box, but the bottles and cans inside were really incomprehensible, so he finally chose to ask directly:

"Do you have any medicine with immune anesthesia effect here? Similar to the Xinshen Qingnao pill given to the little monk making candles before?"

Kamiyagawa is currently preparing for the crusade against Ryozo Itakura.

Judging from the content of his autobiography, Itakura is very good at using anesthetics.

I don't know if this kind of skill that he specialized in during his lifetime will become some kind of unique ability of him after his death.

Although this is just a conjecture, it is beneficial and harmless to do some targeted countermeasures for this.

"Yes." The drug seller nodded calmly, "Tongmai Huoluo Wan, a bottle of 500 soul crystals, 8 pills. After taking it, it can be completely immune to the paralyzing effect within half an hour, and the effect of the medicine gradually increases with time. Weaken."

"8 soul crystals out of 500?" Shen Gu rubbed his chin.

That is more than 60 soul crystals.

It seems that not all the medicines here are so expensive.

Moreover, I don't know if the price of [Prolonging Life Purple Gold Cream] was given to PUA at the price of 8000 soul crystals per dose. Shengu somehow felt that the price of [Tongmai Huoluo Pill] was like picking up for nothing.

Today I am the family of the drug seller, close your eyes and enter!

Another 500 soul crystals were lost.

Obtain a small porcelain bottle containing 8 small blue pills.

"What else do you need?" The drug seller asked with a half-smile.

"Let me think about it." Kamiya began to think, "By the way, do you have any drugs for dreams? I recently encountered a strange story that can kill people in dreams, a D-level ape dream. There is nothing to do with it for the time being."

"Ape dream? I have never heard of such a strange talk, is it a new generation in this era?"

It is rare for a medicine seller to know something.

"I guess it was born from the public opinion of urban monsters in the Internet age."

Kamiyagawa said this, and briefly talked about the background of the story of Yuanmeng.

"I see." The drug seller nodded after listening silently, and glanced at his medicine box at the same time, "You said that ape dreams can kill people in dreams. But here I only have drugs to keep you awake and not to fall into dreams. If you want If you want to kill that ape dream, this drug alone should not work, you must obtain the ability that can be used in the dream."

"It seems so."

Kamiya agrees with what the drug seller said.

He is very clear that the medicine is only an aid to the battle.

If you want to solve the problem fundamentally and solve the strange talk, you still have to be strong.


The medicine seller fixed his blue eyes slightly, and his eyes fell on a corner of the medicine box. He reached out and took out a small piece of wood the size of a palm and full of holes.

This piece of wood is exuding a strange and fascinating fragrance.

"This is Meng Chenxiang." The medicine seller introduced, "It turned out to be the medicine materials I collected during my travels."

"Can Meng Chenxiang help me deal with Yuanmeng?"

"No." The drug seller shook his head and answered firmly.

Kamiyagawa: ...

The drug seller continued: "However, if you grind the dream agarwood into powder and ignite it, you may attract a special kind of friendly ghost, the dream-eating tapir. And tapirs are good at devouring dreams, and they are the source of most dreams. The natural nemesis of ghost stories.

Even the lower-ranked nightmare-eating tapirs can handle the higher-ranked nightmares. If there is no accident, the F-rank tapir should be able to deal with the D-rank ape dream you mentioned. "

Kamiyagawa: "What do you mean?"

Drug seller: "The future co-lord of ghosts and gods, you can contract shikigami, can't you?"

According to the medicine seller, the special nightmare-eating ghost story naturally restrains the dream ghost tales including the ape dream.

If there are many shikigami slots, it will not hurt to raise one.

"Because of Yuanmeng's strange dream ability, I was thinking about whether to keep it for future contracts. But according to the medicine seller, it is obviously more cost-effective to raise a nightmare than to raise that perverted monkey."

Kamiyagawa thought so.

After a while, he asked the price: "If I want to buy this dream agarwood, how many soul crystals do I need?"

"This is a rare and high-quality material. If you want it, I will cut half of it and give it to you. I only charge you 1200 soul crystals." The medicine seller replied with a half-smile, and he seemed to always have this expression.

1200 soul crystals.

A little expensive, but still affordable.

And if the dream-eating tapir can really be caught with half of Meng Chenxiang, as long as the medicine seller is not cheating, then it should be profitable.

"I want it."

Gritting his teeth, Shen Guchuan used his mobile phone to pay 1200 soul crystals.

The medicine seller immediately split the brown wood in his hand into two.

[Get half of Dream Agarwood! ]

[Dream Agarwood (Super Epic Material): A strange spice material born in a whale dream, which can be used as medicine to make super epic or even legendary quality medicine. ]

[If you grind dream agarwood into powder, you only need to ignite a small amount to calm your mind and dream. At the same time, the incense fragrance produced by the burning of dream agarwood powder may attract some extremely rare and special strange stories. ]

"It's super epic material... It seems that the drug seller is not cheating me by charging such a high price for this thing." Shen Guchuan carefully read the new identification information on the phone.

Because of the assistance of the game system, he also has a certain ability to appreciate treasures.

There should be no pitfalls in this wave of transactions.

After buying Meng Chenxiang, Shen Guchuan couldn't think of any medicine he needed for the time being.

After he collected the new materials, he looked up, only to find that the medicine seller was staring at him strangely.

It seems that there is something wrong.

After watching for about ten seconds, the little god stretched out his hand and said, "I'll take your pulse."

"Ah? Why do you want to feel my pulse all of a sudden?"

Although Kamiyagawa was puzzled, he still stretched out his hand.

"It's about your physical body in reality. I see a problem and I need to confirm it. I know that you don't use your physical body in this strange world. But it's enough for me to check your pulse in this world. The situation."

The drug dealer put his fingers on Kamiya's wrist while talking like this.

After a few seconds.

This little S-rank deity had his brows furrowed, his eyelids drooping, and his face slightly gloomy.

Judging from his status as a medicine seller, he should be considered a Chinese medicine doctor.

And the expression of the Chinese medicine doctor is really scary.

Kamiyagawa: "What's wrong with my real body? I'm a little flustered by your expression."

"Sorry." The drug seller let go of his hand and shook his head slowly.


do not! You make me panic even more!

The drug seller lowered his head, began to rummage in the medicine box, and said at the same time: "In reality, you have used Yin Lei many times with your own body, right?"

"Uh... yes."

"The Lei method I completed has certain flaws. You use it too often in reality, causing kidney water to leak out and kidney qi to lose, which is a little serious." The medicine seller explained.


Wait a moment?

Does the medicine seller mean that I have a kidney deficiency?

And severe kidney deficiency?

Lost, no wonder I always feel a little pain in my waist recently!

"Don't be nervous." Seeing Shengu's shocked and unacceptable expression, the drug seller calmly offered comfort, "I'm a drug seller, this situation can be rectified, it's not a big problem."

As he spoke, he took out a small clay pot and handed it out.

Inside the jar are densely packed small black pills, very small and many.

Drug seller: "Qiangshen Jiuwei Pills, take 10 pills after meals, and you'll be fine after eating a can. After that, your water will be stronger than before, and you will be fine no matter how much you use Yinlei. Because I completed your Lei Fa, I should be responsible for such a problem, and this can of Qiangshen Jiuwei Pill is for you."

Kamiyagawa: ...

Uh, what is this?

Complement the after-sales inspection and maintenance service after Leifa?

However, the drug seller is a powerful ghost who specializes in buying medicines and pharmaceuticals. He said that after eating this can of Jiuweiwan, his kidney function will even be stronger than before...

That should be fine.

Shen Guchuan took the pot, and suddenly thought of something, and said, "Is this Qiangshen Pill useful for kidney qi loss in any situation?"

"Yes, the effect of the medicine is very mild, and it is suitable for any loss of kidney qi."

"Then can I have another one?"

The drug seller looked suspicious: "One can is enough. If you eat too much, it may not be a good thing."

"No, no, no. The other can is not for me, but for a friend of mine." Shen Gu quickly explained.

The friend he thought of was Yuuki Makensuke.

Because Uncle Yuki practiced evil magic, he often had to replenish the demons of the shikigami at night, and he always looked like he couldn't be replenished.

This Qiangshen Pill seems to be very suitable for him.

Kamiyagawa is still very loyal.

Because Uncle Yuki took good care of him, I thought of sending him something practical.

And Yuuki Zhenjianyou is not short of money, so it would be a good choice to sell Qiangshen Pills to him in exchange for rice.

Thinking of this, another new idea popped up in Kamiya's mind:

"Wait... If you are really short of money in reality and have more soul crystals in the future, it seems like a new way to make money by reselling medicines from the medicine dealer and becoming a second-hand dealer?"

The medicine seller didn't find out who Shengu's friend was, but just took out another clay pot from the medicine box: "Then this other pot, I'll charge you 650 soul crystals."

650 soul crystals, neither cheap nor too expensive.

Shengu still has some soul crystals left, buy it!


The wave of extravagant consumption is over.

The medicines that Kamiyagawa obtained are as follows——

A copy of [Life-extending Purple Gold Cream] for explosive seeding in reality.

One bottle of [Tongmai Huoluo Pill], eight pills, supposed to prevent Itakura Ryozo's anesthesia ability.

Half a piece of [Dream Aloes] used to attract the rare ghost-eating nightmares.

There are also two cans of [Qiangshen Jiuwei Wan] that strengthens kidney function.

The harvest is full.

In the end, only a little over 2,000 of the underworld coins remained.

Shen Guchuan didn't waste the remaining soul crystals.

Because the newly opened third map has no mobs, and there is no way to print money to earn soul crystals.

Kamiyagawa intends to save the last bit of money, and continue to buy candles from the candle-making monk in the future.

The medicine seller has earned nearly 10,000 soul crystals, and he seems to be very satisfied, and he also said that because of the profit, he will speed up the frequency of coming to Gao Tianyuan in the future.

At the end of the conversation, the oil-painted deity glanced at the corner of the hall.

The candle making monk was sitting there, deep in the candle flame.

The little green-skinned monk didn't come to disturb the two great men's chat and deal, and retreated to the corner from the very beginning, rubbing the requiem candle quietly and diligently.

"One more thing." The drug seller seemed to have thought of something, "The future co-lord of ghosts and gods, I entrust you to take care of the candle-making monk, and you have done a very good job. Letting him enter Gao Tianyuan is indeed the most appropriate arrangement." Now, I want to thank you on behalf of his master."


After the drug seller's voice fell, Shengu's cell phone vibrated.

[Sub-task: The commission of the drug seller has been completed! ]

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