I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 283 I'm rushing, I'm relying

With long hands and long feet, he swung the stone hammer and smashed it at Masao Nagatomo's head.

Although Xiaopingtou is a baseball player, he is an ordinary person. Logically speaking, it is impossible for him to react and avoid the attack of Guai Tan when the incident happened suddenly.

But the development of things is a little weird.

"To the left!"

The moment the stone hammer struck, Changyou heard the roaring motto again.

The body lightened for no reason, as if the limbs were lifted suddenly, and it seemed that another soul in the body helped to respond at this moment.

He quickly fell towards the left rear.


The stone hammer swung close to Changyou's head, and hit a nearby tree that was as thick as a bowl.

The trunk cracked and the whole tree collapsed.

"Can you avoid it?" "Again!"

Taking a step forward with long hands and long feet, he swung the stone hammer round with his backhand, and hit Changyou who was still on the ground and hadn't gotten up again.

The stone hammer carried the sound of the wind, and it was powerful!

And at this moment, in the originally quiet and dark forest, the sound of music suddenly sounded.

The movement of swinging the stone hammer with long hands and feet was forced to stagnate in midair.

What sounded in the mountain forest was a brisk waltz.

Like a music box.

Hearing this slightly cheerful tune, the four people present, as well as the strange talk called Hands and Foots, all had an urge to dance in their hearts for no reason.

Although they started in different postures, they all twisted their arms and turned their elbows outwards in sync with the beat of the music.

It's a weird, contorted movement, not something you would do in a normal dance.

Moreover, the range of twisting arms of everyone is getting bigger and bigger, more and more exaggerated, it is not a natural movement at all.

Heart-piercing pain came from everyone's elbows.

Seeing that the arms of several people were about to be dented like this, the music of the music box stopped suddenly.

"Whoa - whoa -"

Immediately afterwards, more than a dozen crows with red eyes and black feathers in the woods fell from the sky.

They use their unusually sharp long beaks, which normal crows don't have, to stab straight at the four eyes that are as long as hands and feet!

"Hate!" "Crow!"

The deformed "giant" waved the hammer in his hand to resist, and while waving it randomly, a crow was indeed hit by them.

The battered crow fell vertically to the ground, turning into a shiny crow feather.

Taking advantage of the long hands and feet entangled with the red-eyed crow, the long friend on the ground quickly got up.

He just got up, and before he could run a few steps away from the long-handed and long-legged man, he suddenly heard dense, but very delicate, rustling footsteps.

Turning his head to look, a group of rabbits ran out of the bushes on the side.

The leader is a gray rabbit, followed by many white rabbits.

The black eyes of the gray rabbit and the pink eyes of the white rabbits all carried the same strange sense of firmness, rushing forward without hesitation.

What's even more strange is that the rabbit running behind is dragging a large red fire axe with its mouth, arch and resistance; and a broken music box that looks very important.

I have no idea how these rabbits can run so fast with all these weights.

In the blink of an eye, the rabbits jumped in front of Changyou.

The leading gray rabbit raised its long ears and jumped up high, and the white rabbits behind them also jumped up.

They collided in mid-air, and the gray and white colors blended with each other, forming a childish human form.

It looks like a little boy in denim overalls, a gray cartoon tank top, and a vivid bunny headgear.

Naturally, this is Usagimaru who was entrusted by Kamiyagawa to the map of the sea of ​​trees to act as the military force of his strange talk ranger team.


Tumaru, who appeared in the air in human form, lifted his foot and kicked on the shoulder of Changyou, who was obviously still in shock, and performed a coherent double jump.

He first waved his hand, and smashed the heavy brass music box towards the face of the foot-length monster located below the length of his hand.

Immediately afterwards, the still immature body arched like a strong bow, and the other hand swung the paint-off fire axe, slashing at the long-handed monster above!

Hands long and feet long have just been twisted by the waltz of the music box, and now the attention is completely attracted by the group of red-eyed crows.

There was a "bang".

The foot-length monster collided with the heavy brass music box and fell backwards.

It was even worse for the monster with long hands, half of his head was chopped off by Tumaru with an axe.

The power of the little rabbit Masata is probably not much lower than that of the Inugami under Kamiyagawa.

Moreover, such a small figure bursts out with such a strange force of contrast, which gives people a stronger sense of visual impact.

"Whoa - whoa -"

Before the foot-length monster was smashed to the ground by the brass music box, before he got up, the group of red-eyed crows circling above flapped their wings and started commotion.

They dive straight down.

He blinded Zuchang's eyes with a sharp beak.

They got into their long mouths, held the internal organs and bloody pieces of meat, and used their sharp claws to burst out of the opponent's belly cavity!

The strange story of stacking arhats together was so long that they were easily retreated by the little rabbit of "Duobao", and the two corpses began to turn into ashes and dissipate.

But their weapon, the primitive-looking feldspar hammer, remained where it was.


"My name is Tuwan. Big brother asked me to save you."

Usagi said in a low voice.

He was obviously full of momentum just now during the battle, but when he introduced himself to Nagatomo Masao and others, his tone became much weaker, as if he was really a timid little rabbit.

"Big brother?"

Changyou and the others looked at each other.

The little boy named Usagimaru in front of him is definitely not human, and he can be sure of this from the fact that he just knocked down the hand and foot.

"Oh, it's Brother Kamiyagawa."

As soon as he heard Kamiya's name, Changyou's heart calmed down a little.

It turns out that this inhuman boy also appeared here under the entrustment of Mr. Kamiya.

Mr. Kamiya not only asked his master Lei Shen to save his group, but also arranged other helpers here in case of accidents.

He is really too cautious and gentle...

Changyou, who was relieved, had time to pay attention to other things: "Brother Tumaru, that...that stone hammer on the ground is...?"

"It's something like a trophy. But I don't need a hammer, and neither does Big Brother. If you like it, I'll give it to you."


Just after talking for a few words, the horn of a car sounded in the woods, and two bright lights shone over.

Changyou and the others, who had just escaped, turned their heads and looked towards the sound and light source.

"what is that?"

Even though these people had seen many weird things in the world of ghost stories, the scene before them still left them dumbfounded.

I saw a white Mazda seven-seater van slowly driving out from the depths of the woods on the west side.

The body was ghostly and hazy.

All the trees blocking the road ahead were directly passed by Mazda as if nothing was there.

A young man with dyed yellow hair, tattooed arms, and slightly sinister eyebrows and eyes can be seen sitting in the driving seat.

On the co-pilot was a young woman wearing a leather jacket with a cold and arrogant temperament, who seemed not easy to get along with.

The yellow-haired man jerked his head up, leaned out of the car window, and shouted loudly: "There's no time to chat, get in the car!"

"They're Big Brother's people."

Tuwan on the side explained it like this.

"People...? Was it also sent by Lord Kamiya?"

Changyou Zhengnan was slightly stunned, but right now he has no choice but to believe in the little rabbit and the hearse group.

Staying with them is better than a few unarmed ordinary people running around in the sea of ​​trees without thinking.

Dashi Junma stepped on the brakes and made the Ghost Mazda stop.

The car driving [Ghost Acceleration] got stuck with two big trees with twisted trunks, like a bug in the game.


The door was jerked open.

The burly twin Mikami brothers leaned out of the car, each stretched out a hand, and lifted the female high school student and the OL sister who had a sprained foot directly into the car.

The rest of the old social animal uncle looked embarrassed, looked at the ghost car, then at Changyou, and finally lifted his foot and got in by himself.

Although Mazda has seven seats, it is still easy to squeeze eight people.

Dashi Junma put one hand on the car window:

"Brother Rabbit, and that little crew-haired Tomo Masao, come on up, you can still squeeze in the car, we should run away. The rest should be left to the boss... Master Leishen to deal with."

"I'm not going up, you take the strangers farther away, I'm going to the mountain grandma's house."

Tuwan dragged the broken music box in one hand and the fire ax in the other, shaking his head.

"Go back there? Usagimaru, it's very dangerous there, surrounded by many mindless monsters." Takayama Mai interjected.

Tumaru: "I know, so I have to go back. The big brother said that he hoped that I would guard the strangers in Shanbuju. Now those strangers are in danger, so I have to go back and save them."

Hearing this, the boulders and mountains on the car showed embarrassment.

"Uh... did the boss say that?"

"It seems that the boss said that he intends to bring as many strangers here back to the real world as possible."

"Yes... Zao Wei heard it too... Every time the boss speaks, Zao Wei listens very carefully."

Sister Ohara Zami in the second row squeezed over to answer the conversation.

While the hearse group was chatting in low voices, Usagimaru had already brought weapons and props and turned back the way he had come.

Dashi Junma probed anxiously: "Brother Rabbit, the boss also said, let us not take too many risks!"

"I won't, I just plan to save the escaped strangers scattered around the woods near Shanbau residence, I won't go deep!"

Tuwan was like a nimble rabbit, bouncing up and down in the sea of ​​trees, and disappeared in an instant.

At this time, Masao Changtomo also didn't get in the car, his eyes fell on the original stone hammer left on the ground after the death of his elder brother and foot.

The roaring motto rings in my ears: "Pick up, pick up that hammer!"

Changyou hesitated a little, but still stepped forward to pick up the stone hammer.

This hammer is big and heavy.

The curved, but already wrapped wooden handle has a large stone with a sharpened end embedded and bound at the top.

Standing upright, the whole stone hammer can almost reach the temple of Changyou with 183 heads.

The roar in the ear appeared again: "I like this weapon, we can fight with it!"

As the voice of the roaring proverb fell, Changyou felt the stone hammer in his hand suddenly lighten.

It was as if an invisible person had taken most of the weight of the weapon for him.


at this time.

Sitting on the edge of the steering wheel of the ghost Mazda, the little old man Mini with strong perception can see, behind Xiaopingtou, there is a white human figure that is as misty as smoke.

The figure was stretching out its hands, holding the handle of the stone hammer together with Masao Nagatomo.


Dashi Junma lightly honked the horn: "Then what... Brother Changyou, don't you get in the car too?"

"I'm going to help Usagimaru. I can't let Kamiya-kun's efforts fail. Since he wants to save as many living people here as possible, then I will help him. If I can save one more person, it is one."

The long-handed and long-legged stone hammer seems to have power that ordinary objects in the real world do not possess. When holding it, Changyou obviously has a lot more confidence than when he is unarmed.

"Forget about Brother Rabbit, he is a very strong monster after all, but what are you doing, Brother Changyou, you are an ordinary person!"

Dashi Junma began to feel a headache. The task sent by the boss seemed to be quite simple. Why is it so difficult to execute?

"Ordinary people also have the benefits of ordinary people. As far as I know, I can die several times in this different world."

Nagatomo Masao made up his mind and ran after Usagimaru.

An aura rose from his body, similar to the aura that a human spiritual master would show when he was fighting.

"Hurry up, hurry up, let's find those damn monsters and make a big fuss!"

There was constant roaring in his ears.

Masao Changtomo ran very fast, faster than he expected, his body was extremely light, his adrenaline was rushing, and his blood was boiling!

The creatures lingering behind him are providing him with some wonderful ability bonuses.

In the ghost car.

Huangmao Dashi: "I don't know if it's an illusion, why do I feel that after Changyou Masao took the stone hammer, he seemed to be stronger than the rest of us?"

"Uh, ordinary people can directly obtain the strength of F-rank ghosts by picking up ghost weapons? Is this reasonable? If I knew it earlier, I should have gone for the hammer that Brother Rabbit doesn't want..."

"But in this case, if he stays with Brother Rabbit, as long as he doesn't get close to Shanbau Residence, maybe nothing will happen to him? Uh—Mai, what should we do now?"

Ms. Gao Shan: "Oh. What else can I do? The little rabbit and the elder friends who need to be protected have all gone back. Let's go too. Moreover, the boss really hopes that a large number of strangers will survive."

"Hey, you really think the same as I do! I've seen before that a dozen people can be stuffed into a van in India, so we're not going anywhere. The living people rescued by Brother Rabbit will be picked up by us! Oh! It's on fire!"

The Mazda restarted, headed towards Yamabuchi, and returned at a not too fast speed.

Gao Shan: "Although what you said just now is very imposing, but your car is driving too slowly. We can't keep up with Tumaru's speed."

Dashi: "It can't be my fault... You don't know that although our car can ignore obstacles, it is only suitable for driving on flat roads. In terrain like mountains and forests, even with ghost acceleration, it is not good at all. "

When the ghost couple in the car were arguing, the little old man beside the steering wheel was doing business.

Through his body, he reported all the things that happened at Shanbau residence to the owner who was still on the other side of the sea of ​​trees.

And Kamiyagawa also reacted quickly, showing the quality that a reliable boss should have, and quickly gave a reassuring reply——

"Hold on, I'm rushing, I'm relying on."

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