I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 366 Don't Say That, Please

Chapter 366 Don't say that, please...

Ten minutes after the battle broke out.

The third basement level in the shopping mall.

Mr. Funakoshi rushed here reluctantly, and suffered several injuries on his body. The two spiritual masters who acted with him had long since disappeared.

Boom, boom, boom.

Funakoshi's tambourine was like a fluttering butterfly, circling around him, flipping up and down.

However, there was a dense drum sound.

Although Mengnan in the shopping mall was attracted by Shengu and the others, the number of enemies staying inside cannot be ignored.

Meng Nan, who was trying to block the crossing, trembled rhythmically to the sound of the drums, and those who got close continued to turn into dark debris, which fell on the ground and gathered and flowed.

As far as Funakoshi looked, it was dark.

He is still holding on.

"That thing is here, soon, soon."

The boat maintained its speed and continued to rush towards the sensed direction.

The tambourine kept smashing Mengnan who was blocking the way ahead.

I don't know how long this helpless sprint lasted, and Mr. Funakoshi's movements suddenly stopped.


Ahead, the dimly lit open space of the underground garage.

An extremely tall figure slowly stood up in the scattered light and shadow.


Chuan Yue heard someone calling his name affectionately.

But it was a deep male voice, the voice of Mengnan.

It made him feel sick.

"Don't call me that!"

Boom boom boom!

The frequency of tambourine beating increased.

"Straight...you're back."

The tall figure that appeared in the line of sight began to become clear.

It was a female.

Long hair, wearing a skirt.

The skirt on his body was stained with blood, half of his face was intact, and the other half of his face was rotten, and the subcutaneous tissue and rotten flesh were loose.

Regardless of his inhuman tall body and half of a dream boy's face, that's what Funakoshi's wife, June, looks like.

It was Funakoshi who saw his wife for the last time in the morgue.

At first this appearance was relatively normal.

After entering the second stage, it became so terrifying and infiltrated.

"Straight man."

Swish Swish.

The Shunhui-looking Mengnan slowly stood upright, and his broken body made the sound of bones rubbing against each other.

He suddenly lowered his head, and the blood-stained hair behind him stood up like silver needles, and swirled out like a live python.

"I said, don't call me that!" Funakoshi rushed towards the alienated Mengnan, "Don't become like her!"



The nightmare-eating tapir stands out from the crowd of men dreaming.

The red streaks on the forehead and limbs continued to shine, and the red light continued to burst out, and the light stretched, and the light spots sputtered, sweeping across the four directions.

There are too many dream men pouring out of the mall, it seems that they can't beat them all.

The frequency of the little tapir's attacks began to slow down, and more energy was put on helping the owner and other spiritual masters.

The blurred red light turned into a mask, covering the body of the spirit masters, devouring all the bullets shot by Meng Nan.

On the streets in the early morning, the sky was dark and gray, and the street lights were still on.

The originally sporadic passers-by were scared away because of the gun battle.

But after the battle lasted for a while, many figures suddenly appeared on the street.

Those people were wearing pajamas, skirts, or shirts. They were old or young, male or female, tall, short, fat, or thin, but everyone had the face of a dream man.

It belongs to the dream men around those parties in the difficult dream.

Mengmen of different shapes poured out from the street behind, their movements were stiff and uniform, and their eyes under their thick eyebrows were staring at the group of spiritual masters in battle.

These guys were also attracted.

Originally, only those dream men in black in the shopping mall could barely resist and suppress them with the heroic performance of the little tapir.

But the little tapir couldn't care less about the dreammen of different shapes appearing in the streets behind.

"Behind, there is also behind!"

"Damn, there are too many!"

"Keep them away!"

The spirit masters turned their guns one after another, and sniped Mengnan who appeared behind.

The battlefield became noisier and more chaotic.


Boom boom boom.

The sound of the drums faded away.

Chuan Yuezhi couldn't support himself, and half-kneeled on the ground, with tambourines surrounding him, and he was powerlessly flying up and down.

Because he was injured in the process of rushing down the stairs, and the alienated Mengnan was really difficult to deal with, and there were other men in black as helpers.

Funakoshi is not their opponent.

If he could really beat him, he wouldn't have chosen to run away the first time he entered the alienated dream boy into the second stage.

Right now, Mr. Funakoshi is trying his best, but he can only drag the alienated Yumeno to the basement floor.

His body was pierced by many strands of black hair, and those hairs remained in his body, burrowing around like parasites, and the piercing pain made his body tremble.

"Straight man, what are you running for?"

The alienated Mengnan led a group of men in black to chase after him.

"Shut up……"

Chuan Yue lowered his head and panted heavily, wanting to move again, but his painful and numb body was no longer listening.

The alienated Meng Nan stopped for a moment, stiffly twisted his shattered neck, and made a rattling sound.

"Straight man, don't you love me?"

"Why are you running?"

"Straight man, why didn't you come to save me? You are an exorcist, right? Why can't you even protect your own wife?"

"Straight man, don't you feel guilty?"

"Shut up, shut up!" Funakoshi Naoto roared hysterically. After shouting and venting for a while, Mengnan surrounded him, but Funakoshi slowly calmed down, "...I'm sorry for Shunhui."

Boom boom boom.

The sound of the tambourine became slightly fuller again.

"For so many years, I can't sleep well every night. When I close my eyes, I look like Shun Hui. I failed to protect her, I am useless. In the last moment of Shun Hui's life, I was not by her side. At that time, she must... . . . must have been terribly frightened.”

Mr. Funakoshi's voice trembled.

Boom boom boom!

The drum beats got louder.

"I'm sorry for her."

"But, what does this have to do with you? Shun Hui is a beautiful and gentle woman." Chuan Yue raised his head with difficulty, and looked at the alienated Meng Nan with bloodshot eyes for the last time, "And you, shut up, you are just a Disgusting monster... shut up!"

Boom boom boom!

The tambourine fluttered like a butterfly with fluttering wings, leaving Funakoshi's side, breaking through Yumeno in front, and leaping toward the stairs.

Mr. Funakoshi, who had lost the protection of the tambourine, murmured, and the dream men around him came like a tide...




Kamiyagawa's pistol emptied the last bullet.

But the number of dream men still hasn't decreased.

"Damn it."

The men with guns in front, the more dangerous dream men, can barely be blocked by the dream-eating tapirs.

But the latter ones have already rushed to the side of the spirit masters.

The crowd was dispersed.

Kamiya and Onitsuka were also forced to disperse.


Kamiyagawa smashed the temple of a salaryman dressed as a dream boy with the butt of his gun, knocking him to the ground, and kicked a child-like dream boy far away.

Another ray of red light shot from somewhere on the battlefield and pierced in front of Shengu.

Pumped several dream men into dark fragments all over the place.

This is the nightmare-eating tapir who is still fighting against the dream man to help the owner.

But, it's still too much.

If this continues, everyone will be unable to hold on.

"Puff, puff!"

Just when Kamiyagawa didn't know what to do, the voice of the nightmare-eating tapir sounded.

A strange breath of strange talk that was different from other dream men appeared on the battlefield.

Boom boom boom.

At the same time, powerful drums sounded on the extremely chaotic battlefield.

This is Mr. Funakoshi's tambourine.

He came up from the ground!

Kamiya got a little excited.


In the direction where the special dream boy's breath appeared and the sound of the tambourine sounded, the red light controlled by the little tapir broke a gap in the group of dream men.

So Kamiya was able to see——

There was an abnormally tall dream man dressed in a blood-colored dress with rotting half of his body, rushing out of the shopping mall quickly.

He was chasing a blood-stained tambourine without hesitation.

After the appearance of the alienated dream boy, the gunshots from other spiritual masters on the battlefield slowed down significantly.

Seeing the blood-stained tambourine, Kamiya was taken aback for a moment, but he quickly came to his senses.

"That's it, that dream man is an alienated body, a special existence that links the dreams of all people together."

Kamiyagawa tugged at [Yun Wai Jing] on his neck.

The quaint mourning object with mysterious lines spun rapidly.

On the other side of the alienated dream boy, the tambourine in front of him seemed to be out of strength, and the speed of the tumbling slowed down.


Mengnan's blood-stained long hair ran through the tambourine.

The drumbeat fell silent.

The alienated Mengnan just came to his senses at this moment, and he looked at the chaotic battlefield around him.

There are some completely unfamiliar buildings that are being outlined around the mall.

Abandoned factory buildings, rusty steel frames, tall chimneys...

It's on.


real world.

Abandoned textile factory along the Hanabata River.

All the spiritual masters gathered here focused their attention for a moment.

From their point of view, there is a huge comprehensive shopping mall that appeared in the factory area out of thin air.

Reality and the dreams of thousands of people began to overlap.

This shows that the operation by the ghost disciple Kamiyagawa who sneaked into the dreamland was successful.

In this special space intertwined with reality and fiction, an incalculable number of dream men also appeared together.

The dream men didn't realize what happened.

In the next ten minutes, whether it is an abandoned textile factory or a shopping mall, they overlap each other, real and virtual, regardless of each other.

The situation in the dream can affect the reality, and the situation in the reality can also affect the dream.

Because of the superimposed reality, the spiritual masters in the textile factory are not restricted by the dream, and can use spiritual power freely.


Fu Niyi's fingertips bellflower talisman paper danced.

While entering the fighting state, she turned her head slightly to look at the stretcher beside her.

Perhaps it is because the real Kamiya and the Kamiya in the dream are both in the "same place". At this time, Kamiyagawa's body is shrouded in red light and he has awakened.

He turned over from the stretcher bed, his pupils shrank slightly and shone brightly.

He pulled out an indigo-colored Nodachi sword with a long and beautiful blade, and a bright yellow thunder was wrapped around the blade.

"Let's go!"

Holding a knife, Kamiyagawa crossed Tomeigi without hesitation, and rushed towards a certain place on the battlefield.

The lightning sputtered and extended in a word, and the high temperature caused the surrounding air to expand, making a crackling sound.

And beside him, several figures emerged...


In an alley next to the mall.

After Onizuka and Kamiya were separated, they were forced to move here.

She was running out of bullets.

Raising the gun again and knocking down a few dream men, the little witch felt something strange.

Somewhere on the battlefield, there seems to be a ghostly aura that is similar to the Mengmen, but slightly different.

This breath should belong to the alienated dream man.

In other words, Mr. Funakoshi's actions were successful, and the alienated Yumeo was really attracted to the ground battlefield by him.

But before Onitsuka was happy, abnormal situations followed.

Her mood suddenly became extremely depressed.

"Did it affect me because of the appearance of that alienated dream boy?"

Onizuka was able to distinguish the current situation at first, but after a while, even thinking became difficult.

Mengmen on both sides of the alley continued to pour in.

The hand of the little witch raising the gun began to tremble.

Everything in her line of sight is undergoing strange changes.

The stiff and moving figures of Mengmen around seemed to be getting taller and elongated upwards, while Onizuka's line of sight was slowly lowering.

It feels like a child surrounded by a group of adults.

He could only look up at the adults around him.

The faces of the Yumemen became blurred, and Onizuka couldn't tell what they looked like.

I just heard the people around me keep talking and whispering to each other. The tones of these people are different, and the timbres are also different, but the tone of their speech is very friendly, with a hint of sympathy and pity——

"It's so pitiful, my father was gone when I was born."

"The life of mother and daughter must be very difficult. It's really not easy."

"Even without parents, she can live a good life. She is a wonderful child..."

"Thank you, Xiaoying, it's great to grow up healthy. It's great, Xiaoying."

"Thanks for your hard work, Xiao Ying... hard work..."



Onizuka's eyes began to lose focus, really like a helpless child, looking around in fear.

She felt overwhelmed, bewildered.

"Stop, please, stop..."

stop now.

don't want.

Please don't say that.

"Don't praise me in that tone, no, please, don't..."

I don't work hard.

I really didn't feel tired.

I'm just breathing normally, living normally, growing up normally, like everyone else, isn't it?

I don't see what praise is there for this.

I don't understand why people around me look at me with sympathy and pity, and whisper behind my back.


Don't look like this.

I'm really just like everyone, aren't I?

Isn't it...?

And my parents, they...

mom and dad...


I have no idea……

Or maybe, maybe they could have been fine?

Without me...

If not for me.

"It's not easy."

"It's really rare for that child to grow up healthy."

"It's great to grow up well."


The friendly and sympathetic voices around him continued.

One after another figures approached, Onitsuka felt breathless, as if drowning in water.

"Stop it, please. Stop it, stop it! Please, woo—stop it..."

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